Chapter 1939: The village owner is polite (8)

Chapter 1939 The village owner is polite (8)

The owner of the village is polite 8

The little bandit was stunned on the spot?

Before, Brother Fei was the most inhumane, most brutal, and most ruthless bandit on this Cuiyun Mountain.

Will be killed by a cute girl?

They were skeptical.

Don't quite believe this.

Chacha was too lazy to waste time, "In a fight, whoever has the strongest force will listen to whoever is stronger."

Little bandits, "..." The weak eat the strong, and a fight is indeed a good way.

Chacha glanced at their fighting strength, and was a little disdainful. Her family Qiqi could teach these people a lesson.

Chacha didn't even take a shot, and directly released the little milk cat on his shoulder.

"Go, there are rewards for winning."

Seven-seven, "Meow." Okay.

Little bandits, "..." I think you're humiliating us!

A kitten fights with them? What a joke.

Several people were disdainful and angry at the same time. Are you kidding them?

However, facts teach them to be human.

Although Qiqi is a cat, but if you really count it, after living for so long, she is about to become an old goblin.

Qiqi has a strong posture, no matter whether it is IQ or combat power, it is not comparable to ordinary people.

For a moment, Qiqi walked around Chacha with her head held high.

Chacha glanced at Ergouzi.

Ergozi immediately picked Qiqi up.

The big dog snorted coldly, "Did you see it? Teach you guys a lesson, I don't even need my village owner to take action!!!"

This cat, that is not ordinary cruelty.

Chacha didn't plan to kill them all, and even had other ideas.

Big Gouzi continued, "In the future, this Cuiyun Mountain will be the master of my family. Either you will follow our master, or..."

Several people shivered, and they dared not say a word for a long time now.

This little milk cat is cruel and ruthless!

Without even thinking about it, these few people sincerely called Chacha the owner of the village...


Cha Cha took people to the next place.

There were a few more people behind him.

That's it, wherever he goes, he must be taught a lesson by Cha Cha, and when he fights, it is called a cruel one.

The crowd behind her grew more and more, and when they approached the foot of the mountain, when the bandits inside saw so many people, they even forgot to resist, and directly shouted that the village owner was mighty!

Cha Cha, "!!!" Today is a super proud day.

It took almost an hour.

Cha Cha took over all the bandits of the entire Cuiyun Mountain.

Either call the village owner honestly, or be beaten...

At the foot of    Mountain, Cha Cha joined these people on Cuiyun Mountain and began to reason with them.

"From now on, Cuiyun Mountain will be my boss. Since I am the boss of Cuiyun Mountain, then I will take the responsibility of being the boss.

First choice, I'm going to set the rules for you.

From now on: You are not allowed to do things like stealing chickens and dogs. You are not asked to be good people, but you must never be bad people.

Of course, I will guarantee your daily life.

I know that your life was very difficult in the past, but in the future, it will not be like this. "

Although he said so, but other than Da Gouzi and others, others still didn’t quite believe it.

But because of Chacha's force, they didn't refute, after all, they didn't want to be beaten.

Let’s see what happens next, it’s not too late.

On the same day, Chacha asked them to line up outside Cuiyun Village, and each person could receive two days’ worth of rice grains first.

Before transforming them, give them some sweetness and let them know that she really won't make them hungry.

Then, on the second day, Chacha found that their rice grains were eaten very quickly. Mingming’s rice grains were enough for one person to eat for two days, but they were gone in just one day?

Cha Cha, "...?"

Cha Cha looked at the long queue outside and fell into contemplation.

Big Gouzi sighed and whispered, "Actually, some of these people have an 80-year-old mother on top and a wife and children on the bottom. It is estimated that they have taken the rice and food home."

No one wants to steal chickens and dogs, life is forced.

These people do have two hands, and they can work hard to find errands, at least they will not leave their families hungry.

However, they did not dare to go far, and the family was not at peace. From time to time, vicious bandits would come to bully people, but the government did not care about them. Later, some people belonged to the same village and joined forces to become bandits. , the bandits on Cuiyun Mountain became famous.

The foreign bandits are worried, and they really rarely come here to grab things.

Chacha immediately understood.

This time, let the big dog and the others distribute some more rice food.

Then, he took people to several villages near the foot of Cuiyun Mountain.

The situation in the village is really not very good.

There are only some old and weak women and children left.

But these villages are too scattered.

So far, if you want to solve all the problems, I am afraid it is a big project.

Cha Cha called all the little bandits that day.

The number of people adds up, and it's not bad.

"Our next step is to solve the problems in those villages.

I plan to build some more houses on the top of the mountain for them to live in. I know your family is there. What we need to do is to solve the problem, not to avoid it.

In addition to building houses, I also need you to reclaim wasteland, grow vegetables, rice, and change the status quo together. When everyone is united, no one will bully you, nor do you need to be bullied by bandits. other people. "

And the house was built near the stockade, because if something happened, the people in the stockade could come to help.

As for the girls in the stockade, she plans to let them learn some self-defense techniques. In addition, those who can practice martial arts should learn martial arts, and those who cannot practice martial arts should study medicine. The small problems of headache and fever can at least be solved by themselves.

Back Mountain can also plant some common medicinal materials.

The biggest advantage of this Cuiyun Mountain is that the place is spacious and the location is excellent.

decided later.

Chacha began to let people do it step by step.

Green Mist and Big Dog were shocked by her idea.

Lvwu was hesitant, "But..." If you do this, it will cost a lot of money, and she, obviously a daughter of a thousand gold, doesn't need to go into this muddy water.

"Don't worry about money or building materials, I can solve it."

Cha Cha saw the embarrassed expressions on their faces, and spoke out to comfort them.

And those little bandits are even more complicated.

This village owner is afraid that he is a Bodhisattva descended to earth, right?


Next, Da Gouzi, Ergouzi and Lu Wu were each assigned tasks.

At the same time, Cha Cha did not forget to put self-defense on the agenda.

Every day, the girls follow her to learn self-defense, and the men build houses.

Although building a house is a big project, but there are so many of them, it is estimated that the project can be completed in more than a month.

Chacha is busy in this Cuiyun Village.

And the capital Zhao's house.

Big cousin is interrogating Wen Yue with the old general.

Because of Chacha's reminder, when Wen Yue and the fake bandit Han Feng secretly met again, they were directly captured by the eldest cousin.

However, this situation is not the same as what the big cousin thought.

He was planning to arrest the bad guys, but who would have thought that these two would actually do something in broad daylight...doing something unethical! ! !

(end of this chapter)