Chapter 1940: The village owner is polite (9)

Chapter 1940 The village owner is polite (9)

The owner of the village is polite 9

When the big cousin thought about what he saw with his own eyes, he only felt that the whole person was not good.

He looked away in disgust.

Wen Yue and Han Feng knelt on the ground.

Old General Zhao looked at Wen Yue for a while, and finally waved his hand, "Send the second young lady back to Wen's house. Her father can make her own decisions about her affairs. My Zhao family doesn't care about these messy things!"

Big cousin, "Yes! I'll let them send them away."

Wen Yue's face changed slightly.

"Grandfather, Yue'er, Yue'er can explain..."

Old General Zhao did not want to hear her explain.

"You don't need to explain to me, I have nothing to do with you, you should explain it to your father."

As a girl's family, he was secretly having **** with this man?

Have you seen it with your own eyes?

In broad daylight.

It's immoral!

And it was obvious that the two had been hooked up for a long time.

What did you say about the savior?

The Zhao family also took one thousand taels of silver and gave it to Hanfeng as a thank you gift.

Now, he is very suspicious that the two have teamed up to defraud the Zhao family of money.

Big cousin looked at the cold wind and suddenly thought of something.

If you just send the two back to Wen's house like this, wouldn't it be a bit cheaper for these two?

After all, this cold wind is a matter of fake bandits, and I haven't got any evidence yet.

Therefore, we must not let the two of them leave the Zhao family so soon.

Big cousin thought for a while, and he had a scruple in his heart.

He said solemnly, "Grandfather, please calm down, after so many years of relationship, in my opinion, this matter can't be a big deal. Wen Yue is a woman after all... Women's reputation is important, if we send them back directly, I'm afraid that Wen Yue has a great influence, so it's better to pass on a letter from the flying pigeons and let someone from the Wen family handle this matter."

"Big Cousin!" Wen Yue shouted aggrievedly. Fortunately, Big Cousin has a conscience right now.

Old General Zhao took a deep look at Zhao Jiu, "Well, let's do this first."

After he finished speaking, he got up and left.

Zhao Jiu lowered her eyes and looked at Wen Yue, "Cousin's behavior is very confused. Before the Wen family arrives, the two of you must not have anything else... If your uncle agrees, you will get married as soon as possible."

Wen Yue's tears couldn't stop falling.

Soon, a maid came over and sent the two back to the room.

Hanfeng didn't live in Zhao's house before, but now that this kind of thing happened, the people of Zhao's family definitely couldn't let him live outside. What if one of them ran away?

Han Feng's expression was calm, but Wen Yue was regretful.

What can she do?

She is also desperate!

This kind of thing is not something she can decide!

After the accident in Cuiyun Mountain that day, Hanfeng just pretended to send her back to the capital. That night, in the inn, Hanfeng sneaked into her room and forcibly had a relationship with her.

In that case, she didn't dare to refuse, afraid that the cold wind would kill her in a rage, so she had to agree.

And this kind of thing, if there is a first time, there will be a second time, one to two, two people can't be better?

The cold wind does have some affection for her, but what use can this affection be?

Cold Wind is nothing, even if he has no money and no power, he is a shameless little **** who still rides a horse.

When the father and mother come to Zhao's house, they will definitely let themselves marry the cold wind.

She didn't want her whole life to be ruined by the cold wind...

The more Wen Yue thought about it, the harder she cried.

Until the cold wind sneaked into her room and comforted in a soft voice, "Sorry, it's my fault, if I hadn't forcibly asked you to find me, Zhao Jiu wouldn't have found out..."

Wen Yue stopped crying and looked up at the cold wind.

"What to do next? Zhao Jiu and that immortal already know..."

Han Feng's eyes burst out with a bit of bandit anger, "If you don't do it again and again, kill them..." No one knows the truth.

Although Han Feng is a fake bandit, he has also done a lot of murder and arson.

Wen Yue was startled, and quickly said, "No, this is Zhao's house, Zhao's house used to be the general's house, if the old general died unclearly, someone would definitely investigate this matter to the bottom of it. We still can't escape..."

The cold wind is a little annoyed.

Wen Yue patted his hand comfortingly, "My father and mother need at least two days to travel to the capital, and Zhao

Zhao Jiu informed them that it takes time, we can use these few days to solve this matter slowly. "

Hanfeng hummed, calmed down now, and did realize that his thoughts were too dangerous and inappropriate.

The Zhao family is not an ordinary family.

That old general Zhao is not an ordinary person...

Wen Yue urged Han Feng to return to the room as soon as possible, being careful not to be seen.

Otherwise, it’s hard to tell.

After the cold wind left, Wen Yue fell into contemplation.

In fact, the few words Hanfeng just said gave her a new idea.

Zhao Jiu and General Zhao really can't touch, but what if... the dead person is Han Feng?

Isn't this a turn of events?

Wen Yue's eyes crossed a bit of cruelty.

Hanfeng is not a good person in the first place. It is estimated that there will be a lot of enemies. In this case, isn't it normal for Hanfeng to be killed by revenge?

And after the cold wind dies, you can rely on the cold wind for everything, so that you can cleanse yourself perfectly.

No one will even know about letting Hanfeng pretend to be a fake bandit...

The more Wen Yue thought about it, the more she felt that her idea was suitable.

can just solve the current predicament.

After Han Feng died, neither the Zhao family nor Wen's father would let themselves marry a dead person...

Wen Yue smiled suddenly, there is no way out.

What she has to do now is how to deal with the cold wind.

This matter can be completely resolved only if the cold wind is resolved.

After thinking about it, Wen Yue really had a headache.

She is in the capital, she is unfamiliar with her place of life, and she has few acquaintances. It would be very difficult to deal with her.

Wen Yue's joy suddenly disappeared, as if she was hit hard, "..."


After Zhao Jiu Fei Ge passed the book to the Wen family, he went to Cuiyun Mountain in person and told Cha Cha about Wen Yue and Han Feng.

Zhao Jiu, "I always feel that Wen Yue will not be willing to marry Han Feng, do you want to go back to Zhao's house now and expose the cold wind?"

Cha Cha shook his head, "Even if the cold wind is exposed now, what about Wen Yue? If Wen Yue is bitten to death and refuses to acknowledge what she has done, instead, she slaps her back, saying that she was coerced by the cold wind? Wouldn't she just wash it off?"

Zhao Jiu, "..."

is very angry.

Suddenly, Cha Cha smiled.

"Cousin, go back to Zhao's house and take a good look at Wen Yue, don't give her any chance to contact outsiders, and watch Han Feng by the way, so that he won't have any accident. When that time comes, let the two of them get married!!!!"

Anyway, if this kind of thing happened, the two must be getting married. She was just a little worried that Wen Yue would attack the cold wind.

After all, the cold wind is completely unable to meet the requirements of Wen Yue's husband.

is also a danger that may explode at any time.

In case Wen Yue gets ruthless and kills Cold Wind, wouldn't this matter be considered no follow-up?

After Zhao Jiu realized Chacha's idea, he felt a little heartache. When did his little cousin cheat so much?

(end of this chapter)