Chapter 1941: The village owner is polite (10)

Chapter 1941 The village owner is polite (10)

The owner of the village is polite 10

Immediately afterwards, Cha Cha urged, "Remember, the cold wind and Wen Yue must not be in an accident."

Wen Yue will definitely not marry Han Feng willingly.

At that time, it is very likely to be poisonous to the cold wind.

Zhao Jiu sighed and hurriedly left Cuiyun Village and returned to Zhao Mansion.

Recently, Zhao Jiu often leaves early and returns late.

Occasionally, no one can be seen.

The people of Zhao's house are also used to it.

It is said that the eldest lady of the Wen family has not been found yet, and here, Miss Wen seems to have an accident again...

arranged for Zhao Jiu.

Chacha is busy with Cuiyun Village again.

The next day.

She took the big dog Ergouzi and others down the mountain.

I plan to see the situation outside Cuiyun Mountain.

didn't want to, just came to the foot of the mountain.

Big Gouzi was still talking to Er Gouzi when Cha Cha suddenly said, "Don't make a sound."

She looked into the distance with a wary expression.

for a moment.

she said, "You find a place to hide."

Da Gouzi and others were all surprised, "Something happened?"

Cha Cha looked calm, "Well, it's not a big deal, you guys hide first, I'll go take a look."

Big dog and others hurriedly found a place to hide.

Don't ask them why they didn't follow the village owner. a dangerous situation, all they have to do is not hold back.

If he rushes directly, he might cause trouble to the village owner.

Cha Cha squinted his eyes and walked in the other direction with no expression on his face.

took a few steps, and Cha Cha suddenly jumped to a big tree with his toes.

Take advantage of heights. Cha Cha saw a scene not far away.

A dozen men in black are besieging a young man.

The young man was injured, and the long sword in his hand was also broken.

The man's brows and eyes were unyielding, and the moon-white clothes on his body were also stained with blood.

What a down-to-earth man.

Cha Cha tilted his head and stared in that direction for a while. If he played it according to the script, it would probably be the story of a beautiful female bandit and a down-to-earth boy.

Oh, to be more precise, the touching story of a beautiful female bandit and her husband.

In order to prevent her husband from being hacked to death, Cha Cha quickly appeared, she moved quickly, and could not help but speak, and directly silenced.

A dozen men in black were quickly eliminated. When there was the last man in black, that man wanted to escape, Cha Cha jumped up and kicked the man in the back.

Cha Cha looked back at the man, "Do you want to stay alive?"

The    man shook his head.

He doesn't need to live.

He knew who was coming to assassinate him.

Cha Cha turned his head and solved the last man in black.

Then calmly walked to the man, "I saved you."

The    man was a little surprised, "So? How do you want me to repay you?"

Cha Cha tilted his head in thought, looking serious.

tried hard to figure out how the female bandit should speak.

for a moment.

Chacha domineering side leakage.

hands on hips.

"I fell in love with you! I'm going to **** you back and be your husband!!"

man, "...? Yazhai...?"

"Mr. Yazhai!" Cha Cha repeated, and then pointed to the corpse of the man in black on the ground, "I saved you, and I think it's a good deal for you to promise me."

The man felt that the little girl in front of him seemed to be joking, "What if I don't agree?"

Chacha, "...I said I would take you back, it doesn't matter whether you agree or not."

Since it’s a robbery, why do you care so much?

As soon as Cha Cha finished speaking, he reached out to grab the man.

The    man took a step back, and there seemed to be disbelief in his eyes, "You are a girl anyway, how can you be so rude?"

Chacha, "? I'm the leader of the bandits, what etiquette are you talking about with bandits?"

Chacha asked Qiqi again, "What's his name?"

"Xue Qingyu."

"it is good."

Xue Qingyu obviously did not expect to get such an answer.

Just as he was about to refute, Cha Cha knocked him unconscious at a very fast speed.

Xue Qingyu fainted directly.

Before I closed my eyes, it seemed full of disbelief.

She actually treated him like this?

Cha Cha supported Xue Qingyu who was about to fall to the ground.

If it wasn't for her own man, she wouldn't be bothered to care!

She bent down and picked him up.

This kind of action seems inappropriate, and I always feel that it is not very friendly to Xue Qingyu, after all, he has many injuries on his body.

Chacha had to put Qiqi to call Da Gouzi and Ergouzi.

Then, Cha Cha gently put the man on the ground, let him lean on the book, and gave him a simple pulse.

The injury is very serious, and there are toxins in the body.

Tsk, in this case, that is, she doesn't despise him, and even snatches him back as her husband!

Well, of course, she is not a person who is carried away by beauty.

Said to be the husband of the villagers.

In fact, she just wanted to bring him back to him to recuperate.

It hurts to see...


Big Gouzi and others were brought over by Qiqi.

Qiqi leaped to Cha Cha's shoulder.

Cha Cha pointed at Xue Qingyu and said, "You guys carry him to the top of the mountain, remember, move gently and don't shake him."

Big Dog, "...?"

Ergozi looked at the fainted man, huh?

looks pretty good.

Could it be the little white face that the village owner likes?

Cha Cha reminded quite proudly, "He will be your village owner's husband in the future, you know? Be polite to him!"

Da Gouzi and the others all stared at the injured Xue Qingyu for a while.

Does this have any advantages besides being good-looking?

At first glance, it is a little white face, and his body is weak.


It's a pity that their village owner, Wen Tao and martial arts, is proficient in everything.

Da Gouzi and others first found a simple stretcher, and then carefully carried it to the top of Cuiyun Mountain.

It's almost time for the stockade.

Big dog and others are too tired.

This person doesn't look heavy, but he is naturally exhausted from the long journey.

And the stockade is now building houses again.

Lots of people coming and going.

was surprised to see them carrying people.

Green Mist ran over to ask about the situation.

Chacha's slow explanation, after all, is the future husband of the village. Of course, we must introduce it well, first of all, we must give Xue Qingyu an identity.

In this way, you can avoid more rivals in the stockade.

Da Gouzi and Ergouzi saw that the owner of the village had stopped talking, so they stopped and rested for a while.


is this moment.

The person carrying the building materials accidentally bumped into the big dog because he didn't see the road clearly.

The big dog softened.


The fainted Xue Qingyu rolled off the stretcher...

The big dog was stunned on the spot.

"..." It's over.

Will he be killed by the village owner?

This is the future boss! ! !

The big dog will kneel down and admit his mistake with a plop.

Cha Cha heard the voice and looked over, helpless.

"Hurry up and help people up!!!" Kneeling for what?


Chacha quickly checked Xue Qingyu's injury.


Fortunately, I just knocked it a bit, it shouldn't be a big deal.

This time, Chacha didn't care about other people's eyes, and directly picked up Xue Qingyu and walked all the way to his room.

The people standing in the same place, "..." is quite stunned.

The big dog was stunned for a while, and quickly followed.

He... let's go and make a start and make up for it.

The whole person is uneasy...

(end of this chapter)