Chapter 1947: The village owner is courteous (16)

Chapter 1947 The village owner is polite (16)

The owner of the village is polite 16

Cold Wind thought for a while.

"Do you think her amnesia is pretending?"

Wen Yue shook her head, "I don't know either, but I always feel that something is not right."

She looked worried, and quickly said, "How about you take me to her room to take a look at the night?"

Han Feng directly refused, "No, the Zhao residence is heavily guarded, and it is easy to be discovered."

Zhao’s house was a few months ago, it was the general’s house.

Because the old general resigned, the plaque was replaced by the Zhao residence.

This basic situation, he still knows.

Wen Yue continued with the cold wind, "You don't have to worry, I can come to you late at night this time. Naturally, I am prepared. My mother paid a few people to buy it."

As Mrs. Wen, my mother naturally has a lot of money in her hand. Just spend a little money and you can solve it.

Speaking of which, she couldn't buy the maid before, because she didn't give enough money...

Wen Yue felt irritated when she thought about it. If she had known this, she would have spent more money and missed a great opportunity in vain.

But, it doesn't matter, I solved the matter tonight, and it's the same.

And she thought of a better solution.

Chan Feng didn't think about it, and soon followed Wen Yue out of the room and walked a path to Wen Cha's courtyard.

Because of spending money, Wen Yue easily slipped in with the cold wind at this moment.

After Wen Yue arrived at the warm tea room, her first reaction was jealousy.

The ornaments in this room are very valuable at first glance, but in her own room, "..." Wen Yue collected her thoughts, and couldn't see anything through the screen.

At this moment, the cold wind suddenly grabbed Wen Yue, lowered his head and asked in her ear, "Tell me, why did you bring me here?"

The colder the wind, the more wrong it became. At this moment, he finally came back to his senses and realized the problem.

Wen Yue spoke her mind very frankly.

She didn't plan to hide from the cold wind.

So, the next step is the official plan.

Wen Yue said reluctantly, "You know, I hate Wen Cha! So I deliberately lied to you to come here, I want you to do something for me!"

Cold wind, "...?"

Wen Yue took the medicine out of her arms and whispered, "Take this medicine to Wen Cha, and let Wen Cha be yours, you know, Zhao Jiu is so eager to let me marry you because The Zhao family wants to save face. Many members of the Zhao family are officials. When something like this happens, they can't wait to mention our marriage.

Similarly, if you are with Wen Cha, the Zhao family will also mention your marriage with Wen Cha. "

Chan Feng raised his eyebrows, "This is too risky, and it won't do me any good. I want one of you, that's enough."

Wen Yue smiled suddenly, "If you marry our sisters, the Wen family will be yours, and the Zhao family will be your backing. Don't you really want to own the entire Wen family?"

Immediately afterwards, Wen Yue said, "Of course, I have another condition, that is, after you marry our sister, when I bully Wen Cha, you have to turn a blind eye."

Soon, the cold wind moved.

This is indeed a great temptation, temptation for the cold wind.

The Wen family and the Zhao family.

He became the Master of the People, with two sisters.

He lowered his head and kissed Wen Yue on the face, "It's so good."

Wen Yue smiled and handed the medicine in her hand to Han Feng, "I'm waiting for your good news, I don't need to tell you what to do next, I'll leave in a moment, you should be quiet first. "

"it is good."

Cold Wind is very satisfied with Wen Yue's consideration.

Wen Yue opened the door and left, and then closed the door carefully.

The moment    left the yard, Wen Yue's eyes were cold.


Warm tea is the favorite of the Zhao family.

If the cold wind tainted Wen Cha, the Zhao family would just kill the cold wind directly instead of marrying Wen tea to him!

This time, killing two birds with one stone.

can not only get rid of the cold wind, but also ruin the reputation of warm tea.

She couldn't believe it, warm tea can be so lucky! ! !

Every misfortune turns into good luck!

at the same time.

The cold wind hurriedly walked towards the screen. He looked at the shadowy figure on the bed across the bed curtain, and was in a very good mood.

He really likes Wen Yue's proposal!

At the moment when the cold wind lifted the curtain of the bed, his eyes suddenly darkened and he passed out, and the medicine in his hand also fell to the ground.

Chacha casually got up from the bed.

The slender and tender fingers picked up the medicine on the ground.

Since Wen Yue is so considerate, then return it to Wen Yue as it is.

Cha Cha glanced at the cold wind on the ground and let out a disgusting snort, idiot.

Was actually fooled by Wen Yue with just a few words?

At that time.

Wen Yue is still happy about her plan.

As everyone knows, retribution is coming.

Cha Cha first moved the cold wind to his own room, and then went back to find Wen Yue. Wen Yue was not as fast as her. When Wen Yue was walking back to the yard, she knocked Wen Yue unconscious, and then moved Wen Yue to Han. The wind room, put the two together.

Immediately, he took out the medicine with a smile and gave it to the two of them.

Hey, today is also a day to try to be a good sister.

My dear sister, enjoy it~

Cha Cha happily walked out of the room. After walking a few steps, Cha Cha thought about it, flew to the roof again, and watched the moon for a while.

About half a cup of tea, the two people in the room also woke up leisurely. Under the action of the drug, the two started a series of exercises intimately...

Cha Cha quietly lifted a tile and glanced down.


Spicy eyes! ! !

Chacha put the tile back, and then happily went to Zhao Jiu.

Let Zhao Jiu go to see a good show early in the morning.

Zhao Jiu, "..." Really exciting! ! !

Even the sleepiness disappeared instantly.


The next day.

Zhao Jiu deliberately found a reason, and asked Father Wen to go to find the cold wind.

Zhao Jiu, "Wait a minute, don't talk, I'll test it first, if it doesn't work, we'll spend some money to make Hanfeng shut up and don't mention this."

Father Wen nodded, "Okay, the Wen family is not short of money, the big deal, let him ask for the price."

Zhao Jiu, "Hmm."

After a while, the two came to the cold wind room.

Zhao Jiu vaguely heard a voice coming from inside, and said, "It seems that he has woken up."

Zhao Jiu knocked on the door, but no one answered.

He looked at Father Wen in astonishment, both of them were stunned.

for a moment.

Father Wen seemed to have heard something, and immediately understood what he was talking about. He was immediately furious. He kicked the door open, and after seeing the scene on the bed, he scolded.

"You bastard, you have not married my daughter yet, and you have done such unethical things with the servant girl in the house, you don't want me to marry my daughter to you again!!!"

Father Wen continued to curse, as if he had found an outlet.

Although Father Wen was angry, he was also very happy. This kind of thing happened, this marriage must be done! Marriage can never happen again!

For him, it was a happy event.


Hearing Father Wen's scolding, Han Feng did not rush to refute.

At this moment, Han Feng was scolded and sobered up a bit. He looked down at the person under him, then turned to look outside, and suddenly realized that he was calculated if he was wrong.

And Wen Yue, who was lying down, at this moment, her reason has also recovered a bit.

She looked at the cold wind in disbelief.

After realizing what the situation is now, the whole person is stunned...

(end of this chapter)