Chapter 1948: The village owner is courteous (17)

Chapter 1948 The village owner is polite (17)

The owner of the village is polite 17

Father Wen was very unhappy when he saw that he was ignored.

He rolled up his sleeves, and was about to rush up to pull the pair of dog men and women down and teach them a lesson.

However, just as he was about to reach the bed, Father Wen suddenly stopped.

He looked at the woman's face in disbelief.


After a long time, he spit out a name, "Yue'er?"

Why is his daughter in the cold room?

Wasn't Yue'er deceived by the rhetoric of the cold wind?

At this moment, Cha Cha brought people over.

Cha Cha took the old general for a walk in the yard, and when he heard the movement here, he came over.

As soon as he saw Zhao Jiu at the door, he asked, "Cousin? What happened? Why are you here?"

Zhao Jiu turned around after hearing the words, and immediately said something about the situation just now.

The old general was immediately furious.

"You bastard! You're in a hurry to do such a **** thing at my Zhao's house! Don't hurry up and pull out that pair of dogs and men, especially Han Feng, who is about to marry Wen Yue, how dare you hang out with other girls?"

Zhao Jiu weakly made up the knife, "Grandfather, you are wrong, the girl with the cold wind seems to be Wen Yue..."

Old General, "...?"


Are these two so impatient?

The old general was stunned.

Father Wen was also stunned.

He looked at his daughter's face in disbelief, and his whole body was shaking with anger.

Soon, he turned and walked out of the room, leaving time for his daughter to get dressed.

Father Wen was too ashamed to go to see the old general.

However, Zhao Jiu has already started to attack.

Zhao Jiu looked at Father Wen unhappily, "I regard you as my uncle because you are Cha Cha's biological father, so I respect you a little bit.

But how could you lie to me? Saying that Wen Yue was deceived by the cold wind's eloquent words, if they were really deceived, can they be so close now?

In my opinion, it is clear that you told such a lie when you saw that Hanfeng had no money, no power or background.

The relationship between Wen Yue and Han Feng is obviously very good! "

Father Wen wanted to explain, but what happened inside left him speechless.

What can he do?

What else can he say?

The old general glanced at Zhao Jiu, "What? What else happened that I didn't know about?"

Zhao Jiu explained, "Uncle didn't want to marry Wen Yue to Han Feng, so he approached me several times. I was confused for a while, and was persuaded by my uncle. I helped my uncle to persuade Han Feng together. I never thought that Han Feng and Wen Yue had a very good relationship. ...I was deceived by my uncle..."

The old general swept towards Father Wen with disdain.

"When my daughter married you back then, I didn't dislike you as a businessman, but now it's better, you actually dislike your son-in-law's lack of money and power? Ha!"

The old general said displeasedly, and then walked away, as if he was extremely disappointed with Father Wen.

After watching the play, Cha Cha immediately followed behind the old general.

Father Wen, "..." I don't even know why things turned out like this!

Was he deceived by his daughter?


Wen Yue and Cold Wind came out.

Wen Yue's face was flushed, probably embarrassed and angry.

Father Wen glanced at her, and although he was very angry, he still suppressed the anger in his heart, " will marry Hanfeng in a few days, and I will arrange the marriage for you as quickly as possible."

Wen Yue opened her mouth and wanted to refuse, but when she saw Father Wen's eyes, she immediately swallowed it back.

She didn't know why things turned out like this.

Obviously, when she left last night, the cold wind was still in the warm tea room.

But when I woke up today, I turned into myself and the cold wind...

Wen Yue thought about it, and finally determined that she might have been tricked by that **** Wen Cha! ! !

She turned to look at Han Feng, wanting to ask what happened to Han Feng last night.

What material, I haven't opened my mouth yet.

Father Wen couldn't take it anymore.

Father Wen stretched out his hand and gave Wen Yue a hand, "Aren't you ashamed enough? Why don't you go back with me!"

The words fell, without waiting for Wen Yue to speak.

forcibly pulled Wen Yue away.

Zhao Jiu stood there, looked at the cold wind, and then at the figure of Wen Yue leaving, sighed deeply, and then lifted his feet to leave.

In the blink of an eye, the cold wind was left alone at the door of the room.

Cold wind gradually raised a coldness in his eyes.

He should have been calculated last night.

They wanted to calculate the warm tea, but the warm tea should have been prepared early, otherwise, this situation would never have happened this morning.

Now, according to their original plan, he and Wen Cha should have been together.

It seems...

Wen Yue's suspicion was right, Wen Cha probably didn't have amnesia.

And he knew who he was.

also knew that Wen Yue was plotting against her.

That's why, he made a backhand move and calculated the two of them together.

However, this was not a big threat to him, but instead accelerated his marriage with Wen Yue.

Is it possible that Wen Cha wants him to marry Wen Yue?

Cold wind does not know the purpose of warm tea, but at present, the relationship between warm tea and warm moon should have broken down.

He is in the Zhao residence, so I am afraid it is very dangerous.


Wen Yue was brought back to their yard by Father Wen.

As soon as Mrs. Wen saw the two of them coming back, she just wanted to ask Wen Yue if things were done, but noticed that their faces were not very good-looking.

Mrs. Wen paused, then changed her mind to ask, "What's the matter?" Why are they both so ugly?

Father Wen was furious, "Ask her what she did!"

When I think of the scene I saw with my own eyes...

Oh shit.

For him, the impact was too great!

Father Wen sighed in anger.

Wen Yue cries beside Mrs. Wen.

"Mother, I...I..."

Mrs. Wen, "?"

Wen Yue couldn't say anything, she lowered her head and continued to cry.

Father Wen was so angry that he threw out an explanation, "In the morning, Zhao Jiu and I went to find Han Feng, and planned to spend money to settle the matter, but... I saw that she was hanging out with Han Feng..."

Mrs. Wen was stunned on the spot.

"...You mean, Yue'er and Hanfeng?" Are the two together?

how can that be?

Her plan with Yue’er was to let the cold wind ruin Wen Cha’s innocence.

Why Yueer jumped into the pit again?

Father Wen sighed.

"You said that your daughter was deceived by the cold wind's rhetoric. In my opinion, their relationship is clearly very deep!!!"

Mrs. Wen grabbed Wen Yue's wrist in disbelief, "Is that what your father said?"

Wen Yue nodded.

She was counter-calculated.

Mrs. Wen's eyes darkened and she almost fainted.

Vaguely, she realized the problem.

If things are out of control again, it only means that there is something wrong with the warm tea.

No one has such good luck!

Unless it’s not coincidence or luck, but… intentional.

Father Wen got angry for a while and turned away.

Leaving Mrs. Wen and Wen Yue's mother and daughter.

Wen Yue asked in a low voice, "Mother, what should I do! I seem to have been tricked by Wen Cha. Obviously last night, when I left, the cold wind was in the warm tea room, and I was almost walking to the gate of the yard, and then a sight in front of my eyes. Hei, I can't remember anything... When I wake up, I'll be with the cold wind..."

Mrs. Wen hates that iron cannot become steel.

Why is the daughter she taught so stupid?

It’s just that the calculation can’t be done, and you still pit yourself in it?

(end of this chapter)