Chapter 1949: The village owner is courteous (18)

Chapter 1949 The village owner is polite (18)

The owner of the village is polite 18

Mrs. Wen looked resentful.

"In my opinion, that little **** has no memory loss at all, so he is just trying to find a chance to harm us!"

Look, this accident was calculated by warm tea.

But, this kind of thing is not easy to explain.

In case of too persistent explanation, Han Feng is not easy to provoke. If Han Feng thinks that Wen Yue doesn't want to marry him, if he gets angry, and exposes those things, the Zhao family will never let it go.

The situation this time is really like walking on thin ice...

Mrs. Wen had a headache.

The last method also failed...

How can this be good?

She glanced at her crying daughter, and scolded angrily, "Why are you crying? You know how to cry! Useless things!"

Wen Yue didn't dare to cry anymore.

She didn't dare to anger her mother. In her current situation, she also planned to find a way for her to solve the problem.


Mrs. Wen is just an ordinary person.

I can't think of any other solution even after breaking my head.

And the only way out is the death of the cold wind.

If the cold wind is dead, then all the problems will be solved.

But, this solution brought them back to the starting point again.

How to poison the cold wind?

In this situation, will the cold wind still be counted by them?

Mrs. Wen thought about it all day.

Finally, as night fell, Mrs. Wen came up with a clever plan.

will count.

first pretended to get married in the capital.

Have a wedding at Zhao's house.

When a few people went home together, they dealt with the cold wind without any precautions on the way, and the cold wind died on the way, and they reduced the number of times they communicated with the Zhao family. No one would know that their daughter was married.

Wen Yue thought about it and felt that this method was probably the only feasible solution at the moment.

However, this matter still needs the cooperation of Father Wen.

Mrs. Wen, "You go back to rest, and I'll discuss this with your father."

She didn't believe that Father Wen could watch his daughter fall into the fire pit with his own eyes.


It was the next day.

Father Wen, Mrs. Wen, Wen Yue, Han Feng, Zhao Jiu, Cha Cha and others sat together.

Father Wen said his thoughts.

"That's it, the two of you get married!"

Father Wen's eyes were full of vicissitudes, and it could be seen that this matter hit him hard.

Cha Cha raised her eyebrows and eyes slightly, Father Wen wanted to understand?

What's wrong with holding back?

Cold Wind hurriedly got up, "Thank you uncle for making it happen."

"Ha!" Father Wen was still very disdainful, he said angrily, "Don't think that I approve of you, things have happened to this point, I have no other way, raw rice is already cooked on horseback. , what can I do?"

Father Wen's face was stinky and cruel.

Cold Wind smiled and said nothing.

Immediately afterwards, Father Wen said, "However, I don't plan to make a big deal of your marriage, do you understand what I mean? Just find any auspicious day here, go directly to the church to get married, and save the rest of the etiquette!!!"

As soon as   's voice fell, Wen Yue and Mrs. Wen were shocked.

Wen Yue weakly shouted, "Father..."

Mrs. Wen was so angry that she stood up and wanted to reason with Father Wen.

"What do you mean? Your daughter's marriage, that's your attitude?"

Father Wen's eyes widened in anger, "I don't have this attitude, what kind of attitude can I have? Could it be that you want me to have a feast in all directions and tell everyone that my daughter has already been with a man, her reputation has been ruined, and there is no way to get married? You It's not ashamed, but I'm also ashamed! I tell you, if you want to get married, you should honestly get married in a low-key manner, and if you don't want to get married, pull it out!"

Father Wen angrily flicked his sleeves and left.

Mrs. Wen looked angry.

But he took into account his crying daughter and comforted her in a soft voice.

As if everything had settled down in this noise.

However, Cha Cha glanced at Wen Yue and did not think that Father Wen would treat Wen Yue like this.

Father Wen has doted on Mrs. Wen for many years, and Mrs. Wen is a strong person. It is impossible to let her daughter marry in a low-key manner, and she is still married to Han Feng.

Father Wen suddenly changed his attitude, and Wen Yue and Mrs. Wen, who were slightly abnormal, were afraid that something was wrong.

But, it's not a big deal.

Chacha didn't think Mrs. Wen could find any waves.

Mrs. Wen helped Wen Yue to leave, the mother and daughter looked a little tired.

And the cold wind is full of smiles.

He seemed very satisfied with the change he had brought.

Look, even if Father Wen is unwilling, he still wants to marry his daughter to him.

Mrs. Wen and Wen Yue didn't go very far.

The two smiled at each other.

This play is okay.

Father Wen cooperated well.

We must convince Han Feng and Zhao Jiu that although Father Wen was forced to marry his daughter to Han Feng, he really wanted to marry his daughter to Han Feng...


After the cold wind left, Zhao Jiu looked at Cha Cha.

"Do you think Uncle really wants to marry Wen Yue to Han Feng?" Father Wen was very resistant before.

Now this change is really too big.

When the changes are too great, there must be demons abnormally. This sentence is always true.

Chacha shook his head, "It's definitely not true! He is so fond of Wenyue, how could he just agree to the marriage and marry in a low-key manner, there is obviously a problem."

If it was before, Wen Yue would get married.

Father Wen wished to hold a grand banquet in Qingcheng for three days and three nights.

So, I'm afraid I'm thinking of some bad move!

Zhao Jiu, "..." I always feel that the Zhao family is a puddle of dirty water.

Of course, except for his cute little cousin!

Zhao Jiu quickly put aside other questions, he pulled Chacha, "Go, I'll take you shopping, it's been a long time since I went shopping, is there anything you want to eat?"

Cha Cha, "...Cousin is so nice!"

Zhao Jiu went out of Zhao Mansion with Cha Cha happily.

And Wen's father decided to do a small marriage later.

went to the old general to discuss it again.

Just find someone to preside over the wedding, and you still have to have the necessary etiquette to get married, and then have a meal with the family, that's fine.

Everything is as low-key as possible.

The old general agreed to Father Wen's request.


The marriage time is set in two days.

Zhao Jiu was shocked when he heard the news.

Two days?

This time is too anxious!

Chacha thoughtfully, vaguely got something.

However, it is still uncertain for the time being. If they can't wait to leave the capital after they get married, then she may know what Mrs. Wen is going to do.


Two days later.

In Zhao Mansion, a marriage was quietly held.

Under the arrangement of Father Wen.

There was not even a happy word posted outside the Zhao residence, only a few happy words were posted in the yard where a few of them lived. Everything was very simple.

Father Wen looked at his daughter in a wedding dress distressedly and sighed.

This is also the last resort.

Hope everything goes smoothly.

After getting married, he immediately returned to Qingcheng, saying that he was busy with business.

Then he killed the cold wind on the way back. In this way, everything could go back to its original point. His daughter is still his most obedient daughter, obediently waiting for the man who suits her...

Zhao Jiu followed Chacha and watched the play silently.

Now, he's found out, the little cousin is rotten and rotten, and it's not the same as before, hey, my cousin has grown up!

(end of this chapter)