Chapter 1950: The village owner is courteous (19)

Chapter 1950 The village owner is polite (19)

The owner of the village is courteous 19

After the cold wind and the warm moon worship the church.

The next step is to be sent to the bridal chamber.

Chacha looked at Mrs. Wen in surprise.

There is a problem, there is a problem!

Han Feng and Wen Yue were sent back to the wedding room, while Mrs. Wen and Father Wen stayed in the front hall and sat down to eat with a few members of the Zhao family, which was considered a banquet guest.

Father Wen sighed and toasted two glasses of wine.

Then he said to the old general, "The matter of Yue'er has caused you a lot of trouble, and now it's over. The two are married, I just hope that they can live a good life in the future, and don't expect anything else.

The business in Qingcheng still needs me to go back, so I plan to take them back to Qingcheng early tomorrow morning. "

Chacha, "..." Tsk, Father Wen probably planned to take care of the cold wind on the way back, right?

Oh! Sounds so problematic!

The old general thought for a while and agreed to Father Wen's request.


He himself was very skeptical of Father Wen's education.

Therefore, the old general wanted to keep Chacha.

"Cha Cha is still in a state of amnesia. Let's stay in the capital for a while longer. When she gets better, I'll ask Zhao Jiu to send her back in person."

Father Wen readily agreed.

For him, it would be better if Cha Cha did not go back with him.

After all, the less people know about the cold wind, the better.

And he, his wife, and Yue’er, the three of them can keep secrets unconditionally. As for Cha Cha, I’m afraid it won’t work, not to mention that Cha Cha has amnesia now.

Zhao Jiu immediately showed some dissatisfaction when he saw Father Wen so happy.

Really doesn't care about his little cousin at all!


Cold wind and warm moon night of bridal candles.

Wen Yue's face was full of smiles, but she couldn't let the cold wind see the flaw.

Chan Feng was also delighted that he married Wen Yue. Unexpectedly, after many twists and turns, he finally succeeded in marrying Wen Yue.

The Wen family has only two daughters, Wenyue Wencha.

Wen Yue is already his person, and Wen tea is nothing to be afraid of.

So, the Wen family will definitely belong to him in the future!

With the wealth of the Wen family, he no longer needs to kill and set fire, and can live a life of fine clothes and food.

Therefore, he was also a lot gentler towards Wen Yue.

"Don't worry, Yue'er, I will definitely treat you well in the future."

Wen Yue nodded shyly.

At the moment when    lowered his eyebrows, killing intent flashed across his eyes.

Just him? Also for the rest of your life?

What a sweet dream!


The next day.

The Wen family left the Zhao family and rushed to Qingcheng.

After the Wen family left, Cha Cha also said goodbye to the old general. She had to go back to Cuiyun Village to have a look. It's been a few days since she came out this time, and she didn't know what happened to Xue Qingyu recently. She always felt that Xue Qingyu didn't honest……

Zhao Jiu has been relatively idle recently, so Zhao Jiu went back to Cuiyun Village with Chacha, euphemistically called Protecting Chacha.

Chacha, "..." I think you want to watch a play.

The two left on horseback. Not long after they left the city, they saw Father Wen's carriage.

Zhao Jiu and Cha Cha looked at each other, or we would follow behind, how about watching a play?

Chacha shook his head disinterestedly, "I don't want to watch the show, I want to go back to Cuiyun Village."

Zhao Jiu was very surprised, "? Maybe, we can still see a good show! Are you sure you don't want to watch the show?"

Cha Cha nodded, "I'm sure! If you want to watch a play, you can quietly follow them."

Zhao Jiu was puzzled. He looked at Chacha and suddenly asked, "Don't you hide some goblins in Cuiyun Village?" According to the temperament of the little cousin, how could he not go to the theater?

Otherwise, the little cousin will not return to the capital to pretend to have amnesia.

Chacha was choked and retorted with confidence, "You are talking nonsense, there are no goblins in my Cuiyun Village!"

Zhao Jiu, "..." I don't think your eyes are right.

I was not very suspicious at first, but now my suspicion is deepening.

Zhao Jiu thought for a while, then gave up the idea of ​​going to the theater. In his eyes, of course, the younger cousin is still more important.

So he will follow his little cousin back to Cuiyun Village to see if there are any goblins in Cuiyun Village, otherwise why is she so anxious?

Zhao Jiu forcibly followed Chacha back to Cuiyun Village.

In the past few days, although Chacha is not in Cuiyun Village, but under the leadership of Lu Wu and Big Gouzi Ergouzi, everything is still in order.

Even if there is a little glitch, it can be ignored.

Zhao Jiu admires his cousin even more.

The changes in Cuiyun Village were seen in his eyes. Today, Cuiyun Village is considered a big village.

All thanks to Chacha's leadership.

Zhao Jiu looked relieved.

The green mist quietly gave Cha Cha a wink.

Chacha, "? What's wrong?" she asked in a low voice.

Lvwu avoided Zhao Jiu and said to Cha Cha, "In the past few days when you were away, Qing Ge became more careful. I saw her several times. She ran to the son, trying to attract attention..."

Cha Cha squinted his eyes, and immediately showed dissatisfaction.

While she's away, dig her corners? ?

Immediately afterwards, Lu Wu said, "At night, she ran over to disturb the son again. I was so angry that I threw her in the dungeon!"

chacha, “…”

Ah, very good.

Green fog is indeed green fog.

is really a good helper, she patted Lvwu's little shoulder very satisfied, "I'm optimistic about you!"

Lu Wu smiled, and she was very happy to be praised by the village owner.

Chacha waved his little hand, "Look at my cousin, I'll go see my people!"

Green Mist understood in seconds, "Okay!"

Lvwu turned his head and walked to Zhao Jiu's side to introduce the changes and future development of the stockade to Zhao Jiu.

Zhao Jiu listened to it with joy.

But...listen and listen, he found that the little cousin disappeared for some time.

"Where's my cousin?" Zhao Jiu asked.

Lvwu, "Of course the Zhaizhu is busy with her business. Don't worry, Young Master Zhao, the Zhaizhu will come back later."

Zhao Jiu thinks this is very problematic.

"I gonna go see!"

Lvwu stopped him immediately, a little puzzled, "Young Master Zhao, although the owner of my village is your cousin, but she has traveled so long, she always has to go back to get dressed.

It's not good for you to follow me like this, Young Master Zhao really doesn't understand the girl's family at all.

Looking at it like this, Mr. Zhao should not have married his wife, right? "

Zhao Jiu was taken aback, "Is that so?" Still need to dress up?

That was his abruptness.

Oh, too, a cute little girl is definitely different from a big man like him.

Green Mist easily fooled Zhao Jiu.

at the same time.

Cha Cha came to the door of Xue Qing's royal house.

She thought for a while, knocked on the door first, and then said, "I'm back!"

After saying that, I feel that it is not quite right. Why does it sound like a dog man who hasn't been home for a long time is coming back to comfort his little wife?

Chacha was thinking about how to open the next sentence when the door was suddenly opened.

After a few days of absence, Xue Qingyu's condition has improved a lot.

is not like the ill appearance before.

looks very energetic at the moment.

Guessing the injury on his body, he has also recovered a lot.

Xue Qingyu glanced at her, turned back to the room, Cha Cha tilted her head, "?" Is he upset?

Could it be that she just appeared suddenly and disturbed him?


(end of this chapter)