Chapter 1956: The village owner is polite (25)

Chapter 1956 The village owner is polite (25)

The owner of the village is polite 25

Cha Cha and Qi Qi Gang looked at each other.

Next second.

I saw Xue Qingyu shift the target from Da Gouzi to Qiqi.

Xue Qingyu stared at the little milk cat in Chacha's arms.

His eyes gradually became not quite right.

To be honest, he has long been disliked by this cat.

As a cat, you should honestly be a kitten.

Don't always pull in the owner's arms!

Don't you know that the master's arms belong to him?

Xue Qingyu took Qiqi away from Chacha's arms with indifferent eyes.

Chacha, "What's wrong?" she asked.

Xue Qingyu looked calm, "I just thought that you would be a little tired if you held it all the time, so I planned to put it in the arms of the big dog and let him hold it."

After finishing his words, seeing that Cha Cha was silent, he asked again, "Did I do something wrong?"

Chacha shook his head immediately, "Of course not! You are so considerate, I can't be happy!"

So caring (crazy), what can she say?

, of course, followed him.

Cha Cha said to the big dog, "Take care of it."

"Don't worry, Zhaizhu, I will take good care of Qiqi!" The big dog said righteously.

The task given by the village owner must be completed seriously!

Seven Seven, "..."

I am a little milk cat when I ride a horse, why are you still struggling with me?

Is it possible that it can still take away the tea?

It's really... maddening! ! !

On this journey, Xue Qingyu finally became honest, the big dog was a follower, and Qiqi, who was nestled in Chacha's arms, was also thrown to the big dog by him, and he completely occupied the entire Chacha.

Xue Qingyu, "..." The mood is still very good.

very happy!

Today, he is her only one!

will be her only one in the future.


at the same time.

The Wen family in Qingcheng.

Wen Yue nestled in the room, her eyes were frightened, and her whole body was like a bird frightened.

She really didn't expect that things would get so out of control.

After their family left the capital.

On the way.

Originally, according to the plan, the cold wind would die at the hands of the bandits who suddenly appeared.

When the time comes, they just find a place to bury Han Feng's body, and no one will know what happened.

When I got back to Wen's house, I wrote back to Zhao's family, saying that something unexpected happened to the cold wind, and said a few lies. Anyway, the Zhao family wouldn't rush to Qingcheng to check the specific situation.

After solving the cold wind.

She Wenyue was still an innocent girl in Qingcheng.

No one knows what happened.

No one would know that she was married.

It all went well, and it should have gone well.

Just waiting for the last step.

However, they never thought that the fake bandits that Father Wen had found were actually in the same group as the cold wind. ? ?

It was the person Wen Yue hired to bully Wen Cha.

At that time, Cold Wind followed her into the capital, while the others were wandering around.

They didn't even think about it, they originally planned to take over a business to make some money, but in the end, this business was done by their eldest brother.

Those fake bandits immediately told the situation again.

Han Feng realized that he was being calculated.

Cold wind is ruthless, and directly kills Wen Yue's mother, teach Wen Yue a lesson!

Father Wen had never seen such a ruthless man, so he fainted with fright on the spot.

Wen's father passed out and his mother was killed, Wen Yue was completely caught off guard and never thought that Wen's father could be so stupid to spend money to find someone, and to find Han Feng's brother...

Wen Yue finally had to cry and beg for mercy.

Chanfeng remembered the Wen family's property, so he did not attack Wen Yue and Wen's father again.

Then, they threw Mrs. Wen's body into the wilderness. Except for the cold wind, the other fake bandits disguised as servants of the Wen family.

Follow them back to Qingcheng.

Wen Yue and Father Wen were scared to death, especially Father Wen, who almost lost his mind.

Father Wen regretted that he had found the wrong person.

However, how did he know that Hanfeng not only came from a poor family, had no money and no background, but was actually a murderer on a horse?

Murder and arson are all evil...

If I had known this was the case, I would have had someone arrest the cold wind in Zhao’s house at the time!

Otherwise, it would not have come to this stage.

Father Wen regretted it.

Even so, Father Wen did not blame Wen Yue.

In Father Wen's view, Wen Yue was also a victim, Wen Yue didn't know Han Feng's true identity, but Father Wen was heartbroken by what happened to Wen Yue.

Daughter actually married a murderer?

And now, things have become irreversible!

After    and the group returned to the Wen family, the cold wind took over the entire Wen family at the fastest speed.

Today, the Wen family is still the father of Wen, but in fact, all control is in the hands of the cold wind...

Wen Yue and Wen's father also completely became meat on the chopping board, and they were slaughtered by others.

Wen Yue hugged the quilt and shrank aside.

She is now in fear every day, and the cold wind has locked her and her father in two separate places.

The father and daughter were not allowed to meet.

Wen Yue now doesn't know what happened to Wen's father.

She didn't even know whether Father Wen was alive or dead.

was thinking, when the door was suddenly opened.

The cold wind came in.

Wen Yue trembled all over.

She carefully raised her head and glanced in the direction of the door.

Then he quickly lowered his head.

The cold wind strode to Wen Yue.

He reached out and pinched Wen Yue's little face.

"Tsk, this face is just different from others."

"It's very comfortable to pinch, unlike those girls in brothels, no matter how good-looking they are, they're just a bunch of vulgar fans, far from a young lady like you..."

Hanfeng said with emotion.

After    took control of the Wen family, he not only enjoyed the prosperity and wealth, but also felt the happiness of spending money.

So, these few days, he and his brother played everything that could be played and everything that should be played.

Especially the girls in the brothel, they indulged in it for several days.

Unfortunately, comparing those girls with Wen Yueyi, it's still not good, the difference is too far.

Cold Wind touched Wen Yue's head, with a slight force on his hand, with a sense of coercion.

"Be good, don't run around, don't think about dealing with me anymore, just follow me honestly, be my wife, I'll keep you safe and sound.

Of course, I made you my wife, I gave you, not like you, understand? You can't even ask me about it! What I like is your body and your face. What you have to do is to protect your face and take care of your body! "

Chan Feng exerted a little force on his hand, and his big hand tightly clasped the back of Wen Yue's head, forcing her to nod.

Wen Yue's eyes were slightly red.

quickly nodded in agreement.

"I listen to you, what you say is what you say."

"Really?" Han Feng questioned suspiciously. Ever since he was almost plotted by Wen Yue, he had become more interested in what he said to her.

If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't find another girl with a good appetite, he would definitely not have given her a chance to live.

He will solve her directly.

Unfortunately, she is beautiful, is Miss Qianjin, and has the handle in his hands. Only Wen Yue is the only one who meets the conditions...

(end of this chapter)