Chapter 1957: The village owner is courteous (26)

Chapter 1957 The village owner is polite (26)

The owner of the village is polite 26

Wen Yue expressed her heart sincerely.

"I said before, I like you very much, I have always liked you.

But I really can't help it... Although I am the daughter of the Wen family, I can't decide many things by myself.

When I was a child, my mother had high hopes for me. She always asked me to marry a prince, a general, a dignitary... So after she found out about me and you, she... became crooked. ...

Why did things become like this, I really don’t know…”

Wen Yue cried aggrievedly.

The appearance of    tears made people couldn't help believing her words.

However, the cold wind is not a fool.

has been calculated by Wen Yue several times in a row, how could he easily believe these words of Wen Yue?

So after hearing these words, Han Feng did not rush to refute, but followed Wen Yue and expressed his willingness to believe her.

But, believe it or not, isn't this kind of thing under his own control?

Wen Yue will tell lies, and he will also act on the scene, each other...

Cold Wind has a gentle attitude, which makes Wen Yue a lot happy.

Even Han Feng closed the door and pulled her to do something inappropriate during the day, but Wen Yue did not refuse and cooperated very well, which made Han Feng very happy.

Since he is so obedient, let him play a lot!

Wen Yue didn't know that when she wanted to plot Han Feng, Han Feng was also playing tricks on her.

The two are calculating each other's routines...

for several days.

Wen Yue is very honest and cooperates everywhere.

No sign of struggle at all.

will even help Hanfeng think about problems and come up with ideas.

This makes the cold wind a lot more pleasant.

This is the person who really knows the interest.

I hope her sense of interest can always be maintained...


three days later.

Cha Cha, Xue Qingyu and Da Gouzi came to Qingcheng.

The three were not in a hurry to return to Wen's house.

These days, they have been traveling very hard.

Chacha always felt wronged by Xue Qingyu.

So the first thing to do in Qingcheng is to find an inn to rest.

After all, after arriving at the Wen family, there will be a tough battle.

When a few people are resting.

Cha Cha thought for a while, and decided to go check it out on his own first.

However, Xue Qingyu disagreed.

insisted on being with her.

Cha Cha was a little helpless, "I won't leave you, I'll go back when I go."

Xue Qingyu, "No, it's very dangerous, I want to protect you with you."

This is quite confident.

Chacha is quite at a loss.

Protect her?

Is he serious?

Did he not figure out who he was?

He is now her husband who she snatched back.

As for why she is her husband, it is because she is not good enough to fight.

Not as powerful as her in martial arts!

Chacha pondered for a while.

"If I bring you, I'll be distracted, I..."

"Then be careful yourself, and come back immediately if you encounter danger, you know?" Xue Qingyu's attitude suddenly changed, and he no longer insisted on this matter.

This sudden change of attitude surprised Cha Cha for a moment.

Xu, Cha Cha nodded, "Well, then you and the big dog don't run around here." Cha Cha explained worriedly.

I don't know why, I always think he will be dishonest.

After Cha Cha left the inn.

went straight to Wen's house.

However, she did not enter the door in a hurry, but observed it outside Wen's house.

The servants outside Wen's house were all unknown to her, and there were no such people in the original owner's memory.

And the little boy who guards the door, it seems that there is no problem. If you look closely, you will find that these people have murderous aura.


Cha Cha pondered for a while and quickly realized the problem.

She now suspects that the entire Wen family is under control.

at this time.

A person walked out of the door of Wen's house.

Coincidentally, this person is Han Feng.

Cha Cha hid in the dark, quietly waiting for the cold wind to leave.

Then, follow along.

After following him for a while, Cha Cha found out that the cold wind was going to... a brothel.

This is quite confusing.

If she knew this was the case, she might as well go directly to Wen's house to check the situation.

Cha Cha went back the same way without words.

When    was about to get back to Wen's house, Cha Cha couldn't help but glance back.

Then softly said, "Don't follow, come out."

The voice of    fell behind, and no one came out.

Chacha was not in a hurry, just waited there.

Waited for a while.

Chacha reminded, "If we don't come out, the cold wind may come back, and then we won't be able to go to Wen's house."

Sure enough, as soon as this sentence was said, someone came out immediately.

Xue Qingyu was a little uneasy.

He clearly said that he would stay in the inn, but he still ran out and followed her.

Chacha was not angry when he saw Xue Qingyu.

From the time he easily agreed to let her come alone, she knew there was a problem.

She knew him too well.

What he believes will not be easily changed.

Xue Qingyu, "I...I'm afraid you're in danger." So he followed.

He was afraid she would get angry.

"Well, let's go in quickly." Cha Cha reached out and grabbed Xue Qingyu's wrist, and slipped into Wen's house quietly.

Xue Qingyu was very happy about this.

It seems that his position in her heart is getting higher and higher!

Chacha always pays attention to the movements of the Wen family.

Then Cha Cha found out that she might have overestimated the cold wind.

After all, they are a group of fake bandits. Although they look powerful, they can indeed scare people, but to her, they are not at all to be afraid of.

Even let the government send some people over here, it is estimated that these people can be solved.

Yes, Cha Cha is very relieved and plans to leave.

However, just as he took a step, he heard a familiar voice.

Cha Cha pulled Xue Qingyu, turned around and listened to a few words from the corner.

Because this voice is warm.

Wen Yue is allowed to walk around the yard because of her good behavior these days.

Then, Wen Yue started to get restless.

Wen Yue took advantage of the cold wind to go to the brothel and carefully aimed at one of his subordinates.

She has been observing for several days.

This subordinate is very good at fooling around, and his IQ is not too high.

So, she can fool people with a little trick.

Wen Yue said softly, "Brother Lu, don't stay so far away from me, I'm not a tiger, I can't eat people... And now, I'm the one who was locked up by you, I should be afraid of you, not You dare not look at me..."

Lu Renyi's face instantly turned red.

quickly waved his hand, "No, no..."

He is indeed not very intelligent, and many people look down on him.

Even with many girls, they were reluctant to talk to him.

At this moment, a girl like Wen Yue took the initiative to strike up a conversation, couldn't Lu Renyi just be overwhelmed?

Wen Yue saw this and pursued her while winning.

"Does Brother Lu have a wife at home?"

"No." How can anyone see him! Lu Renyi felt bitter in his heart.

The corners of Wen Yue's lips curved, "Brother Lu is so good, someone else must be blind, and they have no luck..."

Lu Renyi, "...don't say that."

Wen Yue, "Brother Lu is so nice, can I ask you one thing?"

Wen Yue blinked, looking like she couldn't help the wind.

Lu Renyi wanted to refuse, but when she saw her, her heart softened instantly, and her whole body was almost crisp...

(end of this chapter)