Chapter 1960: The village owner is polite (29)

Chapter 1960 The village owner is polite (29)

The owner of the village is polite 29

Lu Renyi couldn't help but feel a little more joy in his heart when he saw Wen Yue so wise.

It seems that he really did the right thing by giving her that packet of poison.

A packet of poison, in exchange for so much money!

This IOU says 10,000 taels!

After 10,000 taels, what kind of girl he wants is what kind of girl he wants!

Pretty, gentle, virtuous...all of them! ! !

Lu Renyi followed Wen Yue to the government office full of expectation.

For Wen Yue, all she has to do is stabilize Lu Renyi.

As long as you get to the government, everything is easy to say.

Before, she had been trapped in Wen's house and couldn't get out, let alone pass a letter, but this time, she escaped, and she would definitely be able to turn over!

After Wen Yue and Lu Renyi came to the government, the first thing they did was to declare their identities and then report to the official.

Wen's family is in Qingcheng, and that's the one in the forefront.

In addition, Wen Cha's mother is the eldest young lady of the Zhao family in the capital, and the people in the government are usually very polite to the people of the Wen family, and even try to please them.

As soon as he heard that something had happened to the Wen family, the prefect immediately took the officers and soldiers to the Wen family's house and arrested all the trash who were still fighting over who should be the eldest brother.

The captured bandit, "???"

Wait, we haven't confirmed who can be the big brother!

The prefect finally found Father Wen in the cellar of Wen's family. Father Wen was still alive. Fortunately, he came in time and still had a breath.

After    rescued Father Wen, he hired a doctor again.

The prefect then returned to the yamen to inform Wen Yue.

Wen Yue is asking the doctor to treat her face injury.

This face is completely useless.

Wen Yue couldn't help herself crying.

But there was nothing he could do, Han Feng was dead, even if she wanted to seek revenge, she couldn't find anyone.

Unless the cold wind is pulled out and the bones are thrown into ashes...

After dawn.

Wen Yue returned to Wen's house.

The prefect has put all those people in jail, and only one Lu Renyi is still with Wen Yue.

Wen Yue had no affection for Lu Renyi, even a little disgust.

After all, Lu Renyi is not a good thing.

Taking into account the IOU, Wen Yue first gave Lu Renyi a thousand taels of silver notes, "Brother Lu, you also know about the Wen family, I will give you the thousand taels first, and I will definitely give you the rest, but it may be It will take a few days to turn around, if you don’t mind, you can settle down in the Wen family first, and when I settle the Wen family’s affairs, the nine thousand taels will definitely be given to you as soon as possible!”

Wen Yue gave the thousand taels simply.

Yes, Lu Renyi has no doubts at all.

After all, for him, this thousand taels is already an astronomical number.

"By the way, Brother Lu, I still have some loose silver here, you can use it first, don't rush to the Qianzhuang for the thousand taels, because of my family's affairs, the wind outside is tight, wait for the rest. The money is given to you, and after you leave Qingcheng, you can go to any bank to exchange it."

Wen Yue, wearing a veil, said softly, looking extremely attentive.

Lu Renyi nodded, "I listen to you."

A bit of regret flashed in his eyes.

If only her face was not disfigured.

It's a pity, disfigured.


After fooling Lu Renyi, Wen Yue went to see Father Wen again. Because Father Wen was locked up in the cellar for many days, plus all kinds of panic and fear, even if Father Wen was rescued, his condition was not very good. it is good.

This is a very serious heart disease.

As soon as he saw Wen Yue, Father Wen had a heart attack.

If it wasn't for Wen Yue and Han Feng being involved, how could the Wen family suffer so much?

But, seeing his daughter's appearance destroyed, Father Wen couldn't bear to blame her.

My daughter was disfigured, and my life is probably over.

Father Wen's heart was extremely painful, and he didn't know whether the Wen family would be able to return to the past after this. This time it was indeed a heavy loss...

Wen Yue's purpose of visiting Father Wen is also very simple.

"Where do you keep our account books?"

She now needs the Wen family's ledger and Wen's father's small treasury, that is the capital!

Hearing the words, Father Wen was taken aback, didn't she come to see him? Why is it still involved in the ledger?

Wen Yue continued, "You don't have to give me the ledger, but your current situation is very bad. I'm the only one left in the Wen family. Besides me, who else do you think can carry the Wen family?"

Father Wen sighed, this is true.

Aside from her accident, there is no one else in the Wen family.

Anyway, it’s already like this now, what else can it be like?

Wen Yue seemed to be unable to wait. Seeing that Father Wen was silent, she reminded unhappily, "I know that the account book you showed Han Feng was fake, and the real account book must still be in your hands!

You have to know, I am here for your own good. Wen Cha enjoys prosperity and wealth in the capital, and I am afraid she will never come back. My mother died in the hands of the cold wind. Now you don’t think about me except me. Who else can you rely on? "

Wen Yue was a little impatient with Father Wen.

Father Wen was about to say where the ledger was hidden, but now, hearing Wen Yue say such words and attitude, Father Wen suddenly didn't want to give her the ledger.

Father Wen glanced at her, and finally closed his eyes.

Wen Yue lost her patience instantly.

With a sullen face, she dragged Father Wen off the bed. Father Wen had no resistance, he stumbled and fell from the bed to the ground.

Father Wen looked at Wen Yue in disbelief, "You're crazy! I'm your father!"

Wen Yue smiled indifferently, "I'll say it again, will you give the ledger or not!"

Now, Wen Yue has nothing.

is too lazy to pretend.

She stared at Father Wen, no different from her enemy.

Father Wen is also trying hard now. The cold wind didn't torture him to death. What is he afraid of?

And he is not afraid of death now.

If you don’t give it, you won’t give it!

have the ability to kill him!

Father Wen closed his eyes and pretended to be dead. No matter how Wen Yue scolded and beat him, he wouldn't say where the ledger was.

In the end, Wen Yue was tired of tossing around, so she left angrily.

Father Wen slowly opened his eyes, and then shed tears of remorse. His daughter, whom he had been in pain for for so many years, actually treated him like this?

He didn't even blame her for being with the cold wind and causing a lot of trouble. How could she treat him like this? Father Wen was heartbroken, and only felt that he had raised a white-eyed wolf.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the really gentle eldest daughter Wencha, his tea is the best daughter!

Chacha, who was being talked about by Father Wen, was dragging Xue Qingyu around Qingcheng.

The big dog behind him has been carrying things.

The big dog didn't expect that the owner of the village would buy so many things?

He was almost submerged by the gift box, woo, he needs help! ! !

turned around, and the people on the coffee table returned to the inn.

When passing a table of guests, I heard the guests say, "Hey, have you heard? There was an accident at Wen's house. In the middle of the night last night, the prefect personally led troops to Wen's house, and then arrested a lot of people. It is said that those people are all A wicked man who kills without blinking an eye doesn't know how the Wen family is now."

"What? How could such a thing happen? How could the Wen family get involved with a group of wicked people?"

After listening to   Chacha, his expression froze.

Actually found the government for help?

Wen Yue is really good at it.

(end of this chapter)