Chapter 1961: The village owner is courteous (30) Happy New Year's Eve

Chapter 1961 The village owner is polite (30) Happy New Year's Eve

The owner of the village is polite 30

Cha Cha paused for a second, then took Xue Qingyu upstairs.

After entering the guest room, Cha Cha gave the big dog a rest, and then went to inquire about the situation of Wen's house...

Not long after, the big dog brought back the news.

Big Gouzi, "Wen Yue seems to have gone to the yamen to ask for help. When the prefect brought people to Wen's house, it is said that the boss of those people died, and then a group of people were fighting over who should be the eldest brother. !"

Cha Cha was surprised.

Wen Yue actually killed the cold wind?


Chacha suddenly thought of the corner of the wall that he heard before, Wen Yue and the man named Lu begging for poison.

Chacha, "..." In fact, Wen Yue is quite talented in some ways. After all, the cold wind has been planted in Wen Yue's hands several times.

After all, he is also the leader of the thief, so he was only calculated, and in the end he was folded into Wen Yue's hands. Those who didn't know it thought it was true love!

"What's next? What are you going to do?" Xue Qingyu asked.

No matter what she does, he has no problem, but he hopes she can take him with him.

Chacha, "I plan to go back to Wen's house to see what's going on."

Although Han Feng and others were wiped out, she still wanted to see Father Wen.

She naturally has no feelings for Father Wen, but there are some things that Father Wen still needs to know.

Xue Qingyu was about to speak when Chacha added, "Let's go together."

"What about me?" The big dog looked curious.

He also wanted to go.

Cha Cha paused and replied seriously, "You stay at the inn, don't run around."

Big dog, "..." So, I was abandoned?

The current situation of the Wen family is not clear yet. She and Xue Qingyu go back and can protect Xue Qingyu at any time, but the big dog is not Xue Qingyu, she will not protect the big dog closely.

Therefore, for the safety of the big dog, it is better to rest in the inn for a few days.


That afternoon.

Cha Cha took Xue Qingyu back to Wen's house.

The Wen family was still the way the original owner remembered it. The gatekeepers were from the government, probably because they were afraid that other fish that slipped through the net would come back to take revenge on the Wen family.

And the gatekeeper didn't know Chacha, so they didn't put Chacha in.

Someone went to invite Wen Yue soon.

At that time.

Wen Yue was looking at her face in the mirror.

Those two scars were pains that she could never let go of in her life.

Her eyes gradually exuded a strong hatred.

She should have killed the cold wind sooner.

After all, the Zhao family is all to blame!

If it wasn't for the Zhao family's insistence on her and Hanfeng's affairs, she would have killed Hanfeng long ago, and there would not be so many more troubles!

Wen Yue gets more and more angry the more she thinks about it.

Now she must get more money as soon as possible, and then find the best doctor to treat her face.

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

Wen Yue quickly put on the veil.

She walked over to open the door, only to hear the officer say, "Miss Wen, there is someone outside who claims to be the eldest Miss Wen Cha from the Wen family. I don't know my brother, so I want you to go out and meet someone."

Wen Yue's eyes flashed viciously.

Warm tea?

It's time to come back!

Since you are back at this time, don’t think about leaving anymore.

"Thank you, big brother, officer and soldier, I'll go take a look with you."

"By the way, big brother officers and soldiers, how many of them are there?"

Wen Yue asked tentatively.

"There are two people in total, a man and a woman."

Wen Yue was convinced.

It is estimated that it is Wen Cha and Zhao Jiu.

It doesn't matter, as long as there are not too many people, it can be solved quickly.


Happy New Year's Eve~

I've been very busy at home recently, and the update is unstable. First of all, I'm sorry.

I wish all the little angels who read the text, a happy new year~ Bixin

(end of this chapter)