Chapter 1962: The village owner is courteous (31)

Chapter 1962 The village owner is polite (31)

The owner of the village is polite 31

Wen Yue followed the officer and went out.

She hid the killing intent in her eyes.

Now that Wen Cha is back, she will prepare a big gift for Wen Cha this time!

Wen Yue thought so.

Until she came to the door of Wen's house.

Before Wen Yue made a sound, she saw a very beautiful man with a cold and noble temperament. At first glance, he was not an ordinary person.

It's just that warm tea is standing beside him.

The one who disgusted her very much.

Wen Yue was stunned for a moment, then walked over slowly, "Sister?" She called out.

Cha Cha looked back at her, "Sister, I'm back, are you happy?"

Wen Yue smiled slightly, "Of course I'm happy!"

came back to die, of course she was very happy.

Wen Yue shifted her gaze to Xue Qingyu, "Sister, is this son your friend?"

Wen Yue's eyes made Xue Qingyu uncomfortable, Xue Qingyu indifferently put a sticker on Cha Cha's side, narrowing the distance between the two, and he held Cha Cha's wrist as if no one else was there.

Such an intimate act, as long as you are not blind, you will know the relationship between the two of them...

Cha Cha calmly observed Wen Yue's expression.

Sure enough, Wen Yue's eyes stiffened for a moment.

"It seems that I guessed wrong, this should be the future brother-in-law..."

"Yes." Cha Cha nodded, "He is indeed your brother-in-law."

So, don't covet it!

She is a stingy person and never shows mercy to her rivals.

Cha Cha simply said, "His surname is Xue, you can call him Young Master Xue."

Wen Yue replied, "Sister and Xue Gongzi should come first, it's windy outside."

Later, Wen Yue thanked the two officers and soldiers guarding the gate, "This is indeed my sister, who was in the Zhao family in the capital."

Wen Yue turned her head and accelerated a few steps to catch up with Cha Cha and Xue Qingyu. She asked unintentionally, "Sister, what about cousin Zhao Jiu? Didn't he come?"

Chacha, "He still has something to deal with in the capital, so he doesn't have time to send me off, sister, when I just returned to Qingcheng, I heard that something happened to the Wen family?"

She looked at Wen Yue and pretended to ask.

Wen Yue nodded, her brows filled with sadness, "Wen's family has indeed suffered a great disaster and was targeted by a group of thieves. Fortunately, there is nothing to do now, it's just...that's..."

Wen Yue started to cry as she spoke, sobbing hard.

"My mother was killed by the thief, my father was in a coma, and even I..." Wen Yue covered her veiled face, her eyes were filled with hatred and unwillingness.

The Wen family is so miserable, why is the warm tea still good?

She suddenly didn't want to kill Wen Cha, and she also wanted Wen Cha to feel her pain.

She's going to ruin Wencha's face, and then make Wencha poisonous and dumb!

Wen Yue thought viciously.

It would be better to imprison this Young Master Xue in Wen's house.

This Young Master Xue really suits her liking.

Cha Cha sighed. She glanced at the Wen family's yard. It seemed that no one had cleaned it for a long time. It was estimated that the Wen family did not even invite any servants, and only Wen Yue and the others were left.

Cha Cha said indifferently, "Take me to see my father."

Wen Yue was stunned for a moment.

She looked carefully at Cha Cha and then at Xue Qingyu.

These two actually didn't show any sympathy for her... This made Wen Yue stunned for a moment.

Isn't she miserable enough?

Don't you know how to comfort her?

was depressed when Cha Cha suddenly made up for the knife, "By the way, what about my handsome brother-in-law? Did he also have an accident?"

Wen Yue, "..."

Wen Yue gritted her teeth and nodded weakly, "Well, there was an accident."

The hatred in her eyes was almost uncontrollable.

Besides Lu Renyi, no one knew about her and Hanfeng.

But, warm tea was mentioned at this time?

"Father is still in a coma, why don't you wait to see father at night."

Wen Yue suggested softly.

Cha Cha, "Good."

Wen Yue took Cha Cha back to the room, and then planned to take Xue Qingyu to the guest room.

heard Xue Qingyu say, "No need, I live with Chacha."

As soon as these words came out, Wen Yue was shocked on the spot.

Her unbelievable gaze wandered back and forth on the two of them, "You...are you married?"

If they were not married, would these two dare to be so bold?

Cha Cha glared at Xue Qingyu, "He meant living in the room next to me, not in the same room."

Xue Qingyu, "..." Ha!

What about the good Yazhai husband?

After taking him back for so long, can't you do something too much to him?

Wen Yue breathed a sigh of relief, but was still a little surprised.

"You can do your business, I'll just do a simple cleaning with him in the next room." Cha Cha said, she could see that Wen Yue seemed to have a little interest in Xue Qingyu.

Tsk, his face is really endearing.

Wen Yue responded and turned to leave.

As soon as she got out of the yard, she couldn't wait to find Lu Renyi.

She needs Lu Renyi's help now!

After Wen Yue left.

Xue Qingyu closed the door, then walked towards Cha Cha, asking with a displeased expression, "Didn't you say that I am your husband?"

Cha Cha's face was full of question marks, "Well, I said it, but we are indeed not married yet."

They didn't sleep in the same bed before, did they?

As soon as he finished speaking, Xue Qingyu suddenly pulled Cha Cha and slammed him onto the bed.

Cha Cha was startled by his action.

Is it so fierce?

Wasn't he alright when he came just now?

Why are you so enthusiastic?

Xue Qingyu stared at her face, a little aggrieved, "Aren't you angry? That woman looked at me a few times just now, she had something wrong with me!"

Cha Cha freed one hand and touched Xue Qingyu's face, "She may also be fascinated by your face."

Xue Qingyu sighed slightly.

He has clearly hinted to her many times.

But her head doesn't seem to be enlightened.

Xue Qingyu hugged her and turned over, letting Cha Cha rest on him.

Before Chacha could react, he stretched out a hand, pressed her head into his arms, and reminded her softly, "Don't you know that the man who pressed the village is used for pressing?"

Cha Cha was instantly shocked by the words of a tiger and a wolf.

Press him?


Is he now begging her to press him?

Cha Cha was stunned.

She moved her little head and looked at Xue Qingyu's face in astonishment.

Suddenly, she asked, "Aren't you pretending to have amnesia?"

Didn't he play amnesia with her because he didn't like her, and he had various considerations?

So she cooperated very well and didn't take advantage of him or expose him.

As a result, he was suddenly so straightforward that Chacha asked directly.

Xue Qingyu's face was a little unnatural, "You know I'm pretending to have amnesia?"

Chacha hummed.

I guess he discovered it the day after he pretended to have amnesia.

His acting skills are good, but he is not good at small details, so he can't deceive her.

Xue Qingyu's expression changed and changed, and her mood was extremely complicated.

So she knew that he was pretending to have amnesia?

Then she is still so cooperative with him?

How much she must care about him!

(end of this chapter)