Chapter 1970: Prince Allure (2)

Chapter 1970 Prince Allure (2)

Prince Allure 2

Chacha's servant is a confidant who has been with the original owner for a long time.

is a worthwhile person.

Hearing him still beeping and beeping, all kinds of complaints.

Chacha said, "Do you think that Su Hanxiao's dog thing is worthy of your prince?"

Xiao Beizi immediately shook his head, "I don't deserve it, but the lord likes it."

Oh, wait.

Lord just said that Su Hanxiao is a dog?

My lord, did you think about it?

Lord, don't you like that Su Hanxiao?

**** thing!

Isn't it just a dog thing! Bastards.

I receive all kinds of jewels from the lord every day, put on the jade, and even ride the horse to show the lord's face!

Xiao Beizi said tentatively, "Is your lord thinking about it?"

Cha Cha, "Well, after thinking about it, there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world."

Why do you love a dog unrequited.

Does Su Han smile that he deserves it?

does not deserve it!

Xiao Beizi almost jumped up with joy.

Immediately afterwards, his face changed again, "Your Highness? You must have been stimulated..." Isn't it normal?

This suddenly doesn't like it?

Xiao Beizi felt a little panic.

Chacha looked indifferent, "I'm normal, if I don't like it, I just don't like it, no need to guess, let's go."

Xiao Beizi looked at the figure of his prince, happy and happy.

At the same time, it was accompanied by a little worry.

Is your lord really thinking about it?

Really don't like Su Hanxiao anymore?

Really? Are you sure?

Seeing that the lord was going further and further, Xiao Beizi hurriedly chased after him!

Hey, my lord!

"My lord, it is said that a new flower building has opened in the south of the city!" Let's go and have a look!

There are all kinds of stunning handsome men in it.

Chacha’s footsteps, Hualou?

Hmm, a little curious.

She was quite curious about what the boys in Hualou looked like?

"Go, go to Hualou!" Cha Cha told Xiao Beizi to lead the way.

Xiao Beizi immediately followed.

"!!!" He wants to pick a stunningly handsome man for the prince!

Obedient and well-behaved, dump that dog for a hundred streets!


The newly opened flower building is called Qi Li Pavilion.

The name is quite elegant.

Xiao Beizi led Chacha in. As soon as he stepped in the door, he saw a group of handsome men picking up customers. He was so frightened that Xiao Beizi stepped back a few steps and almost stepped on Chacha.

Xiao Beizi glanced at the men with disgust.

No, these people are not worthy of his prince.

He looked around, and Mama Yang from Qili Pavilion soon came to welcome the guest.

Yang's mother's eyes are poisonous, and she can see this new guest at a glance, which is extravagant.

Yang's mother hurried up to meet her, "Master, do you have any suitable ones?"

Cha Cha looked indifferent.

Xiao Beizi glanced at the face of his lord, and then said, "These vulgar and vulgar fans can't get into the eyes of my lord."

Mother Yang's face was full of smiles, "Hey, you really know the goods, the two of you upstairs, please~"

Cha Cha and Xiao Beizi soon went up to the second floor.

Cha Cha's eyes flashed with curiosity, "You are very experienced, have you been here?"

Xiao Beizi shook his head, "No! The slave is listening to others."

"..." Cha Cha's eyes were a little lost, well, she thought he had come before!

It turned out to be her delusion.

Xiao Beizi, "!!!" Damn, what's the matter with your disappointed eyes, Master?

This servant is a good and innocent family man and woman!

Second floor.

Chacha had just sat down when someone came to serve tea.

The man serving the tea also gave Chacha a wink.

Chacha, "..." is quite confusing.

The flower house she went to before was filled with women, and now... a group of men.

Cough, although I am surprised, it seems to be quite interesting.

(end of this chapter)