Chapter 1971: Prince Allure (3)

Chapter 1971 Prince Allure (3)

Prince Allure 3

Chacha's indifferent face hides a bit of curiosity.

Qiqi was the excited group.

Did Chacha figure it out?

Are you planning to raise a few more white faces on this plane?

It excitedly turned out a few treasured novels of the female respect, and then gave it to Chacha.

Qiqi first started all kinds of hints, "Chacha, you are now a prince, you can raise several concubines!"

Chacha, "? A poor little one is very annoying. If you raise a few more, he won't be able to turn the sky upside down?"

Qiqi couldn't help but continue to persuade, "...But this is a plane where women are superior to men! It's normal for women to have three husbands and four concubines."

For so long, every time it was the shameless one who occupied the tea house!

Cha Cha firmly shook his head and refused.

"Qiqi, I just came to see the world, I have no other ideas.

Although this is a plane where a woman can have three husbands and four concubines, I still only want him. "

Qiqi suddenly became discouraged.

"..." Well, the novels it treasures can't be sent out.

It knew that the shameless dog man was stunned by his tea tea.


Mother Yang brought four men with her.

The four of them have their own strengths and styles, and their styles are all different.

Mother Yang, "These are the top cards of our Qili Pavilion, what do you think?"

Xiao Beizi's eyes paused slightly, "Master, these are okay."

Mother Yang is waiting for her reply.

After a while, Cha Cha said calmly, "It's okay."

Hearing the words, Yang's mother's face instantly turned down.

"My lord, is your vision too high, or in other words, what kind of man do you want?"

Yang's mother subconsciously felt that this person was here to find fault.

So many men, did she not like any of them?

Don't even look down on her treasures?

Chacha glanced at Xiao Beizi.

Xiao Beizi immediately took out a few golden beans and handed them over.

Yang's mother saw that this was a generous hand, and her attitude changed immediately.

"Oops, lord, I'll call out all the men in our Qili Pavilion for you to choose."

Xiao Beizi snorted, "My master has a good eye, but don't bring anyone here."

Yang's mother smiled, "I understand, I understand."

The voice fell, and Mother Yang instructed the four, "You sing a little song for this master first."

The eyes of the four of them lit up.

This master is generous.

looks good and handsome.

Yang's mother just went out, and the four of them hurried to Chacha's side.

Although she said no, she doesn't like it.

But, who would refuse a man who came to the door?

The four of them just got close.

Chacha frowned immediately, "Don't come here!" The inferior scent of these people was particularly pungent.

Xiao Beizi stopped a few people and said, "Go there and sing honestly, the benefits will naturally come from you, don't think about doing things and offending our master."

The four had to give up and retreat reluctantly.

Xiao Beizi asked in a low voice, "Master, you didn't like a single one?"

Chacha, "Well, nothing suits my liking."

Xiao Beizi was stunned for a moment, and his eyes changed immediately.

"Master, are you still thinking about Young Master Su?" He sighed.

He said how could his master be so straightforward.

co-authored what he just said, all angry words.

didn't forget Su Hanxiao's dog thing at all.

Chacha, "I don't remember him."

Xiao Beizi cooperated with a hum, but his eyes showed different expressions: I understand, you are hard-mouthed, but I will cooperate with you and will not expose you.

Chacha, "..." I really don't care about that dog thing.

She only remembers her poor little family!

(end of this chapter)