Chapter 1972: Prince Allure (4)

Chapter 1972 Prince Allure (4)

Prince Allure 4

Xiao Beizi is sad and helpless.

How could a good prince be blind?

at this time.

There was a loud noise from downstairs.

Chacha motioned for Xiao Beizi to go over and take a look.

Xiao Beizi went out, stood in the corridor on the second floor, and glanced down, "Master, it's from Qili Pavilion, chasing a young master."

That boy looks so down and out.

Chacha hummed.

went out subconsciously.

It was probably her sixth sense, she stood beside Xiao Beizi and glanced down.

Soon, she saw a man being chased by a group of thugs.

The people behind are fierce and vicious, and at first glance they are not good people.

Looking at it, Cha Cha's eyes became cold.

The man being chased stumbled under his feet and fell severely. He looked in a state of embarrassment, and the crowd around him pointed at him.

Those thugs are going to arrest people.

Cha Cha narrowed his eyes.

jumped up and turned beautifully, and she landed firmly in front of the man.

"I want this person." Her eyes were cold and her voice was decisive.

Xiao Beizi on the second floor, "...?"

Fuck, this melon ate its own master!

Master, how did she fly down! ! !

Xiao Beizi hurriedly went downstairs.

Several thugs looked at each other, "Who do you think you are! You said you wanted him, but you wanted him?"

One of the thugs was about to take a step forward.

Xiao Beizi kicked over from behind, "What are you, you dare to do something to my lord? Do you know who my lord is? The Queen's favorite, His Royal Highness, can you move too?"

Yang's mother came at this time, and when she heard Cha Cha's identity, she panicked.

She hurriedly walked over, "No wonder this lord looks extravagant at first glance, it turns out to be His Royal Highness Prince An? Don't be hurt.

If Lord An likes this person, just take it away. "

Mother Yang is a very interesting person.


She can't afford to offend.

Of course, you must take it as soon as possible.

The thugs knelt down and begged for mercy.

Cha Cha looked directly at Mother Yang, "Why are you chasing him?"

Mother Yang sighed, "I bought him new, he is stubborn, disobedient, and always wants to run away... Why don't you just chase him? It's a crime worth death for disturbing the noble."

Cha Cha looked back at her poor little family.

Hey, the poor little one is really miserable.

In this plane, she is the prince, and he was sold directly to Hualou?

Hey, wait, shouldn't the person who sold him be a human trafficker?

"Who did you buy him from?"

Mother Yang quickly explained, "My lord, I'm an honest businessman, and I won't do anything to force a good person into a prostitute.

He was sold by his own mother, who also wrote me a deed of sale. "

As soon as Mama Yang finished speaking, she immediately asked her confidants to get the deed of prostitution.

Chacha soon saw the deed.

is exactly as Mama Yang said.

He was sold by his biological mother to Chili Pavilion.

Cha Cha received the sales contract and said directly, "How much money, I want this person."

Yang's mother waved her hand hastily, "It's a blessing for him to be seen by the lord."

Cha Cha swept towards Xiao Beizi.

Xiao Beizi, "..." Okay, the prince is overflowing with love.

Then buy it back to the manor and become a slave.

He took out a bank note and handed it over.

Yang's mother looked at the silver note, and although she was moved, she didn't dare to accept it.

Cha Cha, "You deserve the money bill in exchange for the deed."

Yang's mother heard that, knowing that this prince is also a reasonable person, she immediately accepted the bank note, "Thank you, prince, thank you ~ prince, you come often when you have time~"

(end of this chapter)