Chapter 1973: Prince Allure (5)

Chapter 1973 Prince Allure (5)

Prince Allure 5

Cha Cha's face flashed with embarrassment.

This is her first time here, and she probably won't come again in the future.

Because she met her poor family.

Cha Cha turned around and looked at the man in front of him. To be more precise, he was still a teenager.

The boy's jet-black eyes were full of vigilance.

Chacha's voice was gentle, "Do you want to come with me?"

The boy did not answer.

Cha Cha handed over his sales deed.

"This is your contract of sale. Take it. You can take it with me or not."

Xiao Beizi, "Our lord is called doing a good deed every day, and my lord is a gentleman."

Chacha, "..." The more you say, the more wrong you are.

A gentleman came to Hualou?

Chacha glanced at Xiao Beizi with disgust.

Xiao Beizi's face is full of confusion, "???" Did I say something wrong?

The boy stared at Cha Cha for a while.

A few seconds later.

He took the deed, then turned his head and ran away.

Seeing this, Cha Cha looked at his figure and said slowly, "If you have something to do, you can go to the Prince An's Mansion to find me!"

Xiao Beizi, "..."

Don't have to be so enthusiastic?

Cha Cha raised his feet and planned to go out.

At this moment, another man suddenly appeared and knelt down with a plop, "My lord, you have pity on the poor slave family, save the slave family, let the slave family get out of here! The slave family is willing to be a cow and a horse for you."

Chacha raised his eyebrows, eh? another one?

She took a closer look and recognized that this was one of the ditties she just played.

"Your tune is good."

The man's eyes lit up, waiting eagerly for her next sentence.

However, Cha Cha threw a word without expression, "You can continue to play the tune in Qi Li Ge."

After the words fell, Cha Cha raised his feet and left.

Does she look that much like a snub?

And she's not a good person.

She just treats the poor little one differently.

Furthermore, there is only one poor little one.

Xiao Beizi quickly chased after him.

"Your Highness, wait for the servant!"

As soon as he walked out of the Qili Pavilion, Cha Cha told Xiao Beizi, "The boy was called Ye Ming just now, since he was sold to the Qili Pavilion by his mother, his life at home must have been very bad. If something happens, let me know in time."

Xiao Beizi responded.

Soon, he asked again, "My lord, did you like him?"

How can anyone do good deeds to achieve this step?

Cha Cha looked indifferent, "Don't you think you're asking too much?"

Xiao Beizi, "...The minions are talking too much."

My lord seems to be in a bad mood right now.

I don't know why, I always feel like he is about to fall out of favor.

"Go home."

found Little Pity, and the big stone in my heart fell to the ground.

It's just that Ye Ming is obviously wary of everyone.

She is not in a hurry, she is taking her time.


After this day

It didn't take long for the imperial city to be rumored.

said that An Wang took a young boy from Qi Li Pavilion.

When Cha Cha was digging for someone in Qili Pavilion before, there were many people around who recognized her.

Your words and my words quickly reached the ears of many people.

When this matter reached the Su family.

Su Shilang was stunned at first.

Then he hurried to find Su Hanxiao.

Su Shilang raised his foot and kicked the door, and at a glance he saw Su Han smiling while embroidering.

She was so angry that she raised her hand and slapped the table heavily, scolding, "You still have the heart to embroider here?

Did you know that the imperial city has spread all over the place, and Prince An asked for a boy from Qili Pavilion. Do you know where Qili Pavilion is? There are so many fox spirits there, what if the soul of the prince is taken away? "

(end of this chapter)