Chapter 2012: Prince Allure (44)

Chapter 2012 Prince Allure (44)

Prince Allure 44

Soon, the three of them changed rooms.

This time, I happened to be able to see the situation at the entrance of Qili Pavilion.

The location of the    wing is excellent.

Cha Cha took a casual glance and saw Ye Dabao and Ye Mu.

Ye Dabao is sitting at the door of Qili Pavilion.

Mother Ye was standing next to him, probably both of them were tired by now.

Cha Cha waited patiently for a few minutes.

Then I saw a woman walking not far away.

looks handsome, and the clothes he wears are not bad.

Cha Cha called Ye Ming to come and watch the play.

In the next second, I saw Ye Mu instantly regained her spirits.

Mother Ye pushed Ye Dabao, "Dabao, look! Here's another one, you have to learn from experience and seize the opportunity!"

Ye Dabao's eyes lit up.

After being rejected so many times before, he learned to be smart.

He no longer ran directly to ask for marriage.

He intends to be a little more euphemistic.

After Ye Dabao stood up, he walked slowly towards the woman.

took a few steps, and he began to bow his head.

Then, unfold his plan.

He deliberately came and accidentally bumped into the woman.

The two collided, and the woman reacted quickly and grabbed Ye Dabao, "Young Master? Are you alright?"

Ye Dabao glanced at her shyly, "I'm fine, it's just... The girl seems to have hit my heart, and my heart is beating wildly..."

The woman reached out and wrapped Ye Dabao's waist in seconds.

"Since that's the case, I'm responsible for myself, are you willing to come with me?"

The surprise was caught off guard, and Ye Dabao was stunned.

Sure enough, what my mother said was right, those people were blind! ! !

They don't deserve him!

Just when Ye Dabao was about to nod his head in agreement, a man suddenly appeared.

The man held a knife in his hand and stared fiercely at the man beside Ye Dabao.

"You bastard, you're actually with the fox behind my back? Look I won't kill this fox today!!!"

After the words fell, the man looked at Ye Dabao stubbornly, and then ran in the direction of Ye Dabao.

Ye Dabao, "...?"

What the hell?

what's going on?

Ye Dabao was so panicked that he was about to run away, but the woman he hooked up with ran faster than him.

In a panic, Ye Dabao stepped on his left foot and fell to the ground with a thud.

This immediately gave the man with the knife an opportunity to take advantage.

"You vixen! You look so ugly on a horse, how dare you to hook up with people? Shame? Let me see if I won't kill you today! Eliminate harm for the people!"

Ye Dabao screamed in fright, "No no no, I'm not! I'm not a vixen."

Ye Mu did not expect to suddenly develop in this direction.

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!" Mother Ye hurried to save Ye Dabao, but she was still a step behind.

watched the man helplessly, and slashed Ye Dabao's face with a knife, ruining his face.

Mother Ye let out a shrill scream, "...I fought with you!!!!"

Immediately, there was a mess.

Mother Ye gained the upper hand temporarily because of her anger, but in an instant, she lost the upper hand again.

Ye Dabao was disfigured and kept crying there.

The streets were also in chaos because of these people.

Rao is used to seeing strong winds and waves, and Chacha has never thought about it, how can it still develop like this?

Tsk tsk, it’s absolutely amazing!

She couldn't even help but want to applaud.

The wicked have their own grind.

Ye Dabao and Ye Mu finally killed themselves.

If he hadn't come to Qili Pavilion and wanted to hook up with people, he wouldn't have come to this point. The retribution would come quickly and quickly, and even Ye Ming had to terminate his plan.

It seems that he does not need to deal with Ye Mu and Ye Dabao anymore.

Someone will clean them up...

(end of this chapter)