Chapter 2013: Prince Allure (End)

Chapter 2013 Prince Allure (End)

Prince Allure is over

After watching the play for a while, Cha Cha took Ye Ming and left the Qili Pavilion.

on the carriage.

Cha Cha looked at Ye Ming seriously, "Ye Dabao is disfigured, half of his life is ruined, and Mother Ye will not be better. I will send a few more people to watch their movements. In the future, don't waste it because of these two people. It's time, okay?"

Ye Ming was stunned for a while, obviously startled by her words.

His thoughts could not escape her eyes.

He hummed and nodded.

"I've figured it out, I won't waste my time and energy on them in the future."

The moment he saw Ye Dabao's disfigurement, the hatred in his heart seemed to dissipate like that...

Ye Dabao was destined to fail to keep up with him in his life.

Why should he treat people as enemies?


To be his enemy?

Does Ye Dabao match him?

The answer is obvious.

Seeing Ye Ming let go of the Ye family's affairs, she reached out and hugged Ye Ming, "A Ming, in the future, if you have me, I will love you and pamper you. Next, let's prepare for the marriage with peace of mind!"

There are not many days until the wedding date.

She asked him to put all his thoughts on the big wedding! ! !

Her princess!

Chacha kissed Ye Ming's face happily.

"Hey, my upright princess, be obedient!"

Xiao Beizi, who was sitting outside the carriage, "..."

I didn't eat dog food.

I'm really good.

I'm really really good!


King An's marriage to the princess is a major event that is celebrated in the whole world of the State of the Moon Moon.

His Majesty even brought the palace, and people posted happy words, beat gongs and drums, and it was very lively.

Even in the death row, the prisoners got a lot of delicious food on this day.

Su Han smiled and quietly listened to the beating of gongs and drums outside.

He finally accepted the fact.

King An married Ye Ming.

King An was with Ye Ming, and he would never look at him again.

After all, he took the wrong path and chose the wrong person.

He wept sadly.

was unnatural, and the egret next to him was still beeping there, deliberately provoking him.

Originally, according to His Majesty's anger, they should have directly asked for the execution.

But because His Majesty cared about King An, and felt that it was not suitable to see blood before the big wedding, it was not auspicious, so he postponed the time for the beheading by a month.

At this point, they can live to this day.

Su smiled and listened to the voice of the egret, with hatred in his eyes.

If it weren't for this beast, how could he be today?

Su wiped away tears with a smile, and moved to the side of the egret, "Alu, there is something I haven't told you."

The egret was surprised, "What?"

Su Han smiled and waved at her calmly.

Egret didn't think too much, just thought that Su Hanxiao was being stimulated to be honest and figured out his own ending.

She stuck her head out, defenseless.

The next moment.

Su Han smiled and stabbed the hairpin in her neck fiercely.

The egret looked at Su Han with a smile in disbelief.

He actually...!

She died in the hands of Su Hanxiao?

how can that be……

No matter how much unwillingness and resentment, there is no chance to say it.

Su Han smiled and watched him fall to the ground and died, and then laughed out loud, slowly, he pulled out the hairpin and committed suicide...

In this life, he took too many wrong paths.

This is the end of it.


Prince An's mansion was lively.

Festive red is everywhere.

King An got married, although other ministers wanted to drink her wine, but His Majesty ordered her not to get drunk on the lord, and not to delay the candle in the bridal chamber of the lord. Even His Majesty said so, who dares to drink?

They could only watch the prince enter the wedding room.

At the same time, he sighed silently, that the prince is always favored!

No matter when, he is still His Majesty's favorite person.

in the wedding room.

Cha Cha lifted Ye Ming's red hijab.

To be honest, it was quite exciting.

This is the first time she has married Xiaoping.

In the past, it was Xiaoping who married her, and she married Xiaoping.

Cha Cha patted Ye Ming's head with a smile. Although she didn't drink much, she was a little floating at the moment.

"A Ming, starting today, you are my princess."

I! Chacha! Finally turned over!

Cha Cha smiled and pushed the person directly.

Seven-seven, […] Tsk, I didn’t see it.


When King An got married, many young princes in the imperial city broke their hearts.

Even so, they still felt that they had a chance. After all, it was Prince An, how could there not be a few concubines?

So they waited and waited and waited and waited.

Waited for a month and another month, hoping that King An's feelings for Princess An would gradually fade, so that they would have another chance.

However, one year has passed, two years have passed…

King An and Princess An are still sweet.

The sons of the imperial city, only then did they understand that King An really wants to be with Princess An for the rest of their lives.

is really enviable.

Unfortunately, they never had the chance to be seen by King An again.

can only silently envy...


This plane is over~Good night~

(end of this chapter)