Chapter 2014: Master is on top (1)

Chapter 2014 The Master is Above (1)

Master is on top 1

【Congratulations to the host for completing the task.

Fortune Gold Level 9, the distance to Gold Level 10, the progress is 90%.

Lucky Supreme Card randomly drops a card. 】

is still the familiar sound.

Cha Cha stretched out his hand with a calm attitude, and a card was quickly dropped from the palm of his hand. Compared with before, the pattern was a little deeper in gold.

And this time, the card is a wordless card without any hints.

Cha Cha squinted his eyes and put away the cards.

The plane that the card cannot reveal?

is probably not a normal plane.

"Qiqi, we enter the next plane."


"Your Highness, near the Demon River in the Demon Realm, the Demon Lord seems to have changed." A woman in white said with a worried expression.

Chacha glanced at her, her long hair stood on end, and a jade hairpin made her unparalleled.

Cha Cha retracted her gaze, did not rush to answer, and looked seriously considering, in fact, she had already begun to receive the plot of this plane.

This is a plane of cultivation.

The original owner, Ginger Tea, has a detached status in this plane.

The woman in white, Li Yuan, is the head of the Xianshui Sect and the nephew of the original master.

Although the original owner was not the head of the sect, he was ranked first in the Immortal Water Sect.

This is not just because the original owner is Li Yuan's uncle.

Thousands of years ago, in the battle between the immortals and the demons, the original owner and the lords of the immortal sect destroyed the monarchs together. In that battle, although the immortal sect won, the immortal sect suffered countless casualties and was extremely tragic.

The original owner survived that battle by luck, and made great contributions. In addition, her cultivation base was profound, and she was honored by others since then.

After the    war, the original owner retreated to recuperate.

Liyuan's master was seriously injured and passed on the position of head to Liyuan.

Originally this position of head was to be passed on to the original owner.

But after the original owner participated in the battle of the immortals and demons, he was physically and mentally exhausted, and the brothers and sisters died in this battle.

Originally, the original owner could have been quiet and secluded in this way.

But the demon monarch who was wiped out left a trace of breath and made a comeback again.

After hearing Liyuan's report.

The original owner went to the vicinity of the Demon River and checked it carefully, but did not find the aura of the Demon Lord.

For a thousand years, the aura of the Demon Lord has long been unpredictable, but the original owner was very cautious. After that, he would go to the Demon River to investigate almost every two days.

Unfortunately, the original owner still failed to prevent the demon king from making a comeback.

On the first day that the    Demon Lord returned to the world, he attacked the entire Xianshui Sect.

wiped out the entire Xianshuizong in one fell swoop.

The original owner was defeated and fell with the entire Xianshuizong.

Since then, the Demon Lord started killing people in the world of immortality, and life was devastated.


The original owner felt that if he could discover the devil's intentions earlier, everything would not have become so irreversible.

Cha Cha sighed.

It turns out that this plane has nothing to do with personal grudges.

For the sake of the world...

Cha Cha raised her eyes and looked at Li Yuan, "You can wait at Xian Shui Sect, just take care of Xian Shui Sect, I will go to the magic river."

Liyuan, "Be careful with everything."

Cha Cha hummed and left.

Chacha Yujian flew to the magic river.

Qiqi slowly emerged from her arms.

"Chacha, you have to be more careful in this plane!"

"Well." Cha Cha looked down at Qi Qi, "Why did you change shape again?"

Qiqi's proud group, "I am in this plane, but a spirit beast!!! The super powerful kind."

Two little claws slid off Pachacha's clothes, that look is very arrogant.

Finally came to a plane of cultivation, but it was suffocated to death.

It not only has to speak loudly in this plane!

Still walking sideways on this plane!

(end of this chapter)