Chapter 2015: Master is on top (2)

Chapter 2015 The Master is Above (2)

Master is on top 2

Chacha soon came to the magic river.

She glanced at the Demon River of Eyes expressionlessly.

A hundred years ago, the Demonic River was overflowing with demonic energy and dangers were everywhere. Now, the Demonic River is like a pool of stagnant water.

It can be seen that the demon world suffered heavy casualties, and the demon world withered.

Cha Cha unhurriedly sacrificed the original owner's magic weapon, the Moonfall Sword, and used the Moonfall Sword to suppress the Mohe. Then, he imposed three restrictions on the Mohe.

Since then, no matter how powerful the remaining breath is, it will not be able to rush out of the magic river.

Of course, this matter has not yet been resolved, and when the lingering breath appears, she will receive a warning from the Moonfall Sword and arrive quickly.

At the same time, Moonfall Sword and Sandao Ban will also travel to Sandao Sword Net to recover it, she only needs to come here to completely destroy it.

dealt with the matter.

Chacha heaved a sigh of relief.

The tragic tragedies of life should never happen again.

Then, Chacha Yujian left.

When    went back, Cha Cha slowed down.

I came eagerly and did not appreciate the scenery along the way.

After taking a closer look, I found that the scenery along the way is very beautiful.

Qiqi slowly jumped out of her arms and came to her shoulders.

"Chacha, let's go to the mountain to play."

Cha Cha raised his eyebrows, not quite understanding Qi Qi's thoughts, "What's so fun on the mountain?"

Qiqi tutted, "Of course I'm going to see if there is any Ganoderma lucidum on the mountain!"

"I don't think there will be, so don't think about it." Cha Cha retorted mercilessly, "This mountain is obviously full of spiritual energy, and there will definitely be many immortal cultivators going to practice, so even if there is Ganoderma lucidum immortal grass, strange Treasures have long since been pulled out."

Where can I get the seventh round?

Seven Seven, "..."

The two little claws shook, "Do you have to make me so clear? I want to have fun on the mountain..."

Chacha oh.

That's it.

She understands.

Cha Cha stopped flying.

stopped at the top of the mountain with Qiqi.

The next second, Qiqi jumped down, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, it changed from a small fluffy ball to the size of a little wolf dog.

The whole body is snow-white, attracting the attention of Chacha.

She hasn't seen Qiqi's appearance for a long time.

She couldn't help but reached out and touched Qiqi, she didn't want to do anything, just... she wanted to play with the cat.

Qiqi nestled beside Chacha obediently.

Chacha wants to touch it, of course it has no opinion!

After touching for a while, Cha Cha let go.

"Go, just run, but don't run too far."

As soon as the    voice fell, Qiqi ran out.

Qiqi: I'm running back and forth on the top of the mountain! ! ! !

I am the most beautiful cub in this mountain!

This mountain is mine! mine!

Immediately afterwards, Cha Cha released a burst of spiritual energy and probed around here, there should be no danger.

She looked up and found a tree that looked pleasing to the eye, her toes flew lightly to the branches, and then she lay down to rest.

Standing tall and seeing far away, this is indeed true.

She casually glanced around her eyes and closed her eyes.

after awhile.

Cha Cha suddenly opened his eyes.

She looked to the southeast with sharp eyes.

at the same time.

Not far to the southeast.

A young man ran forward, covered in blood, behind him were four men.

Those people chased and scolded, "Tang Yu, where do you think you can run to? Even if you run away, you won't be able to escape the palm of the door, not to mention that your body is still poisoned by the door, you will Come back with us honestly!"

"What do you have to say to this little beast? You might as well just kill it and tell the door owner that he fell off a cliff when he escaped."

(end of this chapter)