Chapter 2023: Master is on top (10)

Chapter 2023 The Master is Above (10)

Master is on top 10

After Ai Qing left, he just pretended to walk a distance.

Then he returned to the Misty Hall.

There are few people in the misty hall, so he can sneak in completely.

Obviously in this Immortal Water Sect, he is one of the best disciples, but the Venerable did not even look at him.

He wants to see, what is the difference between him and that Tang Yu!

Ai Qing hurriedly entered the Misty Hall.

cast an invisibility spell at the same time.

Just in time, he saw the maid of honor, walking in one direction, still holding tea in her hand.

That direction is not the direction to the main hall, and there is no one else in this misty hall.

So, Ai Qing responded quickly, following behind the maid, all the way to the study.

The wind chimes put the prepared tea and snacks on the table.

Seeing that Tang Yu was studying her homework diligently, she didn't dare to make a sound, she put down her things and walked out cautiously.

The wind chimes just left.

Ai Qing entered the study.

He looked at Tang Yu disdainfully.

That's it?

Is there such a waste?

However you look at it, it doesn't seem like a good seedling that can become a great player.

Ai Qing saw that he was reading carefully, so he played a trick to tease Tang Yu.

Tang Yu, who was reading a book, felt that the book in his hand suddenly flew towards his face uncontrollably, hitting him hard in the face.

Tang Yu, "...?"

He responded quickly.

subconsciously swept around.

But because Ai Qing was invisible, he couldn't see anyone.

can only vaguely feel that there seems to be an extra breath in the study.

Tang Yu's expression was calm, "Who dares to be wild in the Misty Hall?"

Ai Qing snorted coldly.

He raised his hand and all the books on the bookshelf smashed towards Tang Yu at the same time.

Tang Yu was slightly startled and subconsciously covered her head.

However, the expected pain was not felt.

He withdrew his hand, only to see the books smashed towards him, stopped in mid-air.

Tang Yu looked out the door, her face overflowing with joy, "Master!"

Cha Cha waved his sleeves, and all the books returned to the bookshelf, neatly arranged.

She looked indifferently at the other person in the study.

With a wave of   , the invisibility technique was broken.

Ai Qing's figure appeared.

Ai Qing panicked when he saw Zun Shang.

He didn't expect that he would be found by Zun Shang.

"Your Excellency, Ai Qing knew that he was wrong." Ai Qing was not stupid and immediately apologized.

"Ai Qing just wanted to see how good the disciples your honor insisted on accepting were, and had no other intentions..."

Chacha's cold eyes swept across Ai Qing's body.

"Break into the Piaomiao Palace, play tricks on Tang Yu, and get punished by yourself!"

Ai Qing replied, "Yes."

Then, leave the study.

But, no one saw the killing intent in Ai Qing's eyes.

He didn't do anything to Tang Yu, and your honor actually punished him for Tang Yu?

He has been in the Immortal Water Sect for many years, and he has always been the envy of the disciples, and even the existence of the stars holding the moon.

He has never been punished.

Just because of a Tang Yu?

He wants to pay himself the penalty?

Ai Qing felt that something was collapsing in his heart.

This is like a humiliation to him!

He looked down on Tang Yu, but was punished because of Tang Yu!

Ai Qing left the Misty Hall with a dark face all the way.

One day, he will step on the chief disciple of Zun Shang!

Let your superiors know what a wrong decision it was to accept Tangyu as a disciple!

After Ai Qing left.

Cha Cha comforted Tang Yu.

Then, he turned around and had three enchantments under His Highness Misty.

In this way, no one will sneak into the Misty Hall in the future.

Next, Tang Yu studied her homework more seriously.

Because of his own reasons, he brought a lot of trouble to the master, he must work hard to become stronger!

(end of this chapter)