Chapter 2024: Master is on (11)

Chapter 2024 The Master is Above (11)

Master is on top 11

Ai Qing's punishment soon spread in Xianshuizong.

Many people discuss it privately.

After all, Senior Brother Ai Qing is also a very good disciple in the Xianshui Sect.

But this one actually punished Ai Qing for Tang Yu's sake.

Although the punishment is not serious, it is a matter of face and various implications.

It is possible that the honor is trying to use this opportunity to set an example.

is also a warning to their other disciples not to bully Tang Yu at will.

No matter what kind of guess, it is enough to explain Tang Yu's position in Zunshang's heart.

After all, he is Zunshang's chief disciple.

No matter whether Tang Yu is good enough or not, this is already an established fact.

Even if the other disciples were not reconciled, and Ai Qing was punished first, they would not dare to toss at will.

Ai Qing himself was depressed for several days.

In the past, wherever he went, he was the focus.

Today, although he is still the focus, his eyes are obviously different.

seems to be saying: Look, Senior Brother Ai Qing is not even a waste.

The more Ai Qing thought about it, the more angry he became, the more he hated Tang Yu.

Your Excellency, too, who is picking up people!

If Tangyu hadn't been retrieved, this kind of thing would never have happened.

During the    period, several well-connected brothers and sisters enlightened him, but Ai Qing was still very dissatisfied.

He felt that unless Tang Yu left Xianshui Sect or disappeared from this world, this hatred would never be dissipated.


The Misty Hall.

Cha Cha watched with satisfaction as Tang Yu integrated the knowledge in the book.


She raised her hand and injected a ray of spiritual power into Tang Yu's body.

Tang Yu's spiritual roots do not look as good as Ai Qing's.

However, after the spiritual power wandered in his body, his spiritual roots gradually changed.

Light golden light lingers around Tang Yu.

That ray of light gradually became stronger.

His spiritual roots, like dusty pearls, began to emit light.


Ruo Tangyu's talent is considered a waste, and I am afraid that other people are not even a waste.

Chacha withdrew his hand.

Tang Yu just felt refreshed and full of energy.

As if something was quietly opened.

He looked at Zun Shang in surprise.


Chacha, "Starting today, you can practice the exercises, your spiritual roots are like dust, I just let your spiritual roots really show.

Tangyu, you don't have to care about what other people say, you are an excellent physique for cultivating immortals. "

Including Liyuan too.

She estimated that that day, Li Yuan didn't take a close look, and was affected by her emotions, so she didn't see through Tang Yu.

Cha Cha sighed slightly.

Liyuan was still a little impatient.

Tang Yu was surprised and delighted.

I didn't expect that I'm not a waste?

And it's a great physique.

He has no doubts about the truth of what he said. Since Master said so, it must be so.

"Master, then I'll go to practice!"

"Don't worry." Cha Cha's eyes were gentle, "The study is not suitable for your cultivation. Go to the bamboo forest behind the Misty Hall, where there is a lot of spiritual energy, which is very good for your cultivation."

Coupled with the geographical location, the bamboo forest basically belongs to the Misty Temple.

If you want to go to the bamboo forest, you must pass through the Misty Hall.

In this way, no one will disturb him.

Tang Yu was very moved by her careful arrangement.

Master is really kind to him.

Even my father was not so careful.


The bamboo forest was green, Tang Yu found a place and meditated.

From now on, here and in the study are the places where he often stays!

He will devote himself to cultivation!

(end of this chapter)