Chapter 2037: Master is on (24)

Chapter 2037 The Master is Above (24)

Master is on top 24

Chacha responds quickly.

She looked at the stubborn Ai Qing.

A streak of spiritual power slammed out.

"Since you don't want your own life, stop here!"

Ai Qing fell to the ground by the impact of spiritual power, and after spitting out a mouthful of blood, he lost his breath.

Liyuan sighed and asked the body to be buried.

Cha Cha took Tang Yu directly back to the Misty Hall.

"You should rest for a while and then practice, Tang Yu, don't remember your hatred too deeply, don't let yourself get out of it."

Hearing the words, Tang Yu was stunned, "Master, I..."

"You have been restless in the past two days. You can see that it is not the same as before. You can't start to be restless just because you have reached the Golden Core Stage. You must not let other things affect your mood." Cha Cha slowed down. speak slowly.

has a gentle attitude and a gentle voice.

Tang Yu hummed, "Master, I know I was wrong."

It wasn't that he couldn't control his emotions because of the blood feud.

He is because...

That's all, Master thinks so, and it's good.

This way he doesn't have to make excuses himself.

Tang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

I hope Master will never know what he is thinking...


A few days passed.

The Misty Hall was calm.

Xianshuizong also restored the previous peace.

this day.

Qiqi ran to Cha Cha with his furry little claws.

"Chacha, I don't want to practice with Tang Yu, he's stupid!" His practice is not good!

is always distracted and doesn’t know what to think.

771 accidentally sued.

Cha Cha reached out and touched Qi Qi's head, "I see."

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yu came over from outside.

He came after Qiqi.

As soon as he saw Qiqi lying on Master's lap, he felt a little jealous. His little mind, trying to control it, seemed to be much more difficult than he imagined.

Tang Yu whispered, "Master, I will control my own emotions, I..."

Cha Cha raised his hand to interrupt him.

"I thought about it carefully. The **** revenge has to be avenged. Since this matter has always affected you, you can solve it yourself. According to your current ability, revenge should be easy. I allow you to go down the mountain to avenge your father."

Chacha didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

Seven Seven, "..."

I feel that Tang Yu will be taught badly.

How could the master urge the apprentice to take revenge?

"Master..." Tang Yu whispered to him, "However, if I do this, it will bring trouble to Master? Immortal cultivators should not kill innocent people..."

"How can the person you want to kill be considered innocent? Tang Yu, they must have tainted other people's lives on their hands. You are seeking justice, not for your own selfishness."

Cha Cha taught without haste.

Tang Yu was shocked. It turned out that the master thought so, and the master probably wanted to let him take revenge, so he could calm down and cultivate immortality.

Master, for him, probably broke a lot of principles.

Tang Yu responded, "Master, the disciple will set off later to resolve this matter."

"Do it beautifully, don't run rampant, remember to use your brain." Cha Cha added another sentence.

That's all she's talking about, does the little poor know what to do?

"Master, don't worry, Tang Yu will take care of it."

Tang Yu folded her hands in a salute.

Then, exit the Misty Hall.

Since the Master said so, then he must have resolved this matter well and not cause any trouble to the Master.


three days later.

The matter of   Kongtong Gate spread in the local town.

"Have you heard? That Kongtong Sect has done a lot of evil. When he was robbing the women, he happened to be met by a Taoist. After that, the Taoist killed the Kongtong Sect Master!"

(end of this chapter)