Chapter 2038: Master is on (25)

Chapter 2038 The Master is Above (25)

Master is on top 25

"That Daoist is really a good man! He is a good man! He is doing harm to the people!"

"How many people were destroyed in the hands of Kongtongmen, alas!"

The people in the town, when discussing this matter, are mostly praising the Taoist for his good work.

Tang Yu achieved her goal and left with satisfaction.

Master should praise him, right?

And he finally got his revenge, and the big regret in his heart was resolved.

I hope my father has a spirit in heaven and can rest in peace.


After   Tang Yu left the town, he began to rush back to Xianshuizong.

I haven't seen Master for a few days, he seems to miss him a little.

I want to see Master, and I want to be with Master.

I don't know what Master is doing now.

A certain master who was remembered followed behind Tang Yu.

Cha Cha was worried that Tang Yu would not be able to handle this matter, and that he would have an accident, so he quietly followed him all the way.

Fortunately, Tang Yu is very clever.

Things went smoothly.

Longtongmen do a lot of evil, and no one will complain for them.

Next, just return to Xianshuizong smoothly.

But, Cha Cha didn't expect that Tang Yu was not very lucky.

On the way back, he actually met a demon.

Seeing that those demons were not Tang Yu's opponents, Cha Cha was at ease hiding in the dark and did not intend to shoot.

Tang Yu didn't take these demons to heart, and was not his opponent at all.

He easily wiped out these few demonic beatings.

However, Tang Yu didn't know that the demons were dangerous.

Just when he was about to completely kill these demons with his sword.

One of them suddenly poured poison on him.

Tang Yu quickly covered her mouth and nose, but still inhaled a little.

Seeing this, Chacha appeared from the dark.

Glancing at Tang Yu, a blast of spiritual power hit him, and those few demons instantly vanished into ashes.

"Master?" Tang Yu was surprised and delighted, why is Master here?

After the joy, he felt a little sad again. He was such a waste that he couldn't even deal with a few demons, and he even got hit.

"Master, I'm sorry, I'm not good at studying..." Tang Yu whispered.

"Don't talk about that yet."

Cha Cha clasped his wrist with his backhand and took his pulse. There was no problem with the pulse.

Cha Cha frowned, "Aren't those poisons?"

Tang Yu felt the spiritual power in her body, "Master, I don't feel anything wrong."

"It's better to be careful."

Chacha warned, still a little worried.

Demons are not a good thing.

Since it has been done, it must be really poisoned.

Cha Cha pulled Tang Yu's wrist, "I will take you to the Misty Palace."

After the words fell, Chacha Yujian flew and rushed back at a very fast speed.

Tang Yu originally wanted to say that there is no need to be so nervous.

But suddenly I felt like there was something in my chest that I couldn't hold back.

Tang Yu was startled.

hurriedly lowered his head and stopped looking at Master.

He seems... unable to control his love for Master.

Tang Yu was a little flustered, could the poison still have such an effect?

He looked down at Shizun's white fingers, Shizun was holding his wrist tightly, Shizun was his Shizun, he couldn't have those evil thoughts.

Tang Yu worked very hard to restrain her emotions...

We are just halfway through the trip.

Cha Cha suddenly felt that something was wrong with Tang Yu.

On the way, he didn't say a word.

She looked back at Tang Yu, "Tang Yu?" she called out.

Then he realized that Tang Yu was closing his eyes.

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment.

Worried that something might go wrong, he immediately found a place to stop Yujian flying.

"Tang Yu, what's wrong with you?" Cha Cha was a little panicked.

This poison, shouldn't it happen?

Tang Yu didn't open her eyes, but replied in a hoarse voice, "Nothing, don't worry."

(end of this chapter)