Chapter 2069: Hello boss (24)

Chapter 2069 Hello, boss (24)

Hello boss 24

After Manager Yang received Su Yubai, his attitude was kind.

It looks like that, it's almost like offering people up.

"Mr. Su came to the company this time..." He tried to say hello.

Before he finished speaking, he heard Su Yubai say indifferently, "Talk about the contract."

Manager Yang was stunned for a moment, then stopped.


Talk about a contract?

Did he hear it wrong?

Mr. Su really wants to negotiate a contract with them?

Talking about movie contracts?

Manager Yang pinched himself subconsciously.

Hey, even if it’s a dream, it’s too beautiful!


After Su Yubai came to the office, he directly stated his intentions.

Chacha quickly reacted.

She looked at Su Yubai calmly, "You don't need to take Shen Shenglin's words to heart."

A few words that she didn't care about, but he did?

Su Yubai's attitude was firm, "I want to negotiate the contract, and I am very satisfied with your performance during the probationary period."

He couldn't see the little girl being wronged.

What kind of waste is Shen layered forest?

Dare to look down on his little girl?

At that time, when I left Xingchen Entertainment and went to Xingyue's Shen layered forest, I felt a coldness on my body, as if a chill was emerging.

This is not a good feeling.

Shen Genlin frowned, it seemed that he was angry at Fu Cha's place.


Shen Shenglin sent Fu Miao a message.

Shen Shenglin: Miaomiao, I have terminated the contract, and I am rushing to Xingyue Entertainment.

Fu Miao looked down at the phone and replied to him in a good mood.

Then, according to the plan, Shen Shenglin started to log on Weibo and issued a statement that he had terminated the contract with Xingchen Entertainment.

The few people he took away naturally followed Shen Shenglin to release the contract termination statement.

Shen layer forest still has some fans.

The fans saw him cancel the contract.

Immediately felt distressed.

There are speculations whether Star Entertainment is very bad for him.

After all, the termination of the artist's contract is a major event, and there is still a contract.

This termination, but you have to pay a lot of liquidated damages.

Shen layered forest should not have so much money to pay.

Fans are distressed under Weibo, and at the same time, some fans directly tear Star Entertainment.

asked whether Xingchen Entertainment had done something excessive to force Shen Shenglin to leave Xingchen...

Star Entertainment did not explain this matter.

Let the fans scold.

one hour later.

Xingyue suddenly posted on Weibo, welcoming Shen Shelin to join Xingyue Entertainment.

Suddenly, Shen Chenglin's fans were overjoyed.

Look, their older brothers are the best. No matter what aspect Xingyue Entertainment looks at, they will beat the stars. Shen Chenglin is taking the most correct step!

The original distressed Shen layer forest has also turned into a blessing.

Shen Shenglin happily watched his hot search gradually climb up.

will soon climb to the top three.

Shen layered forest was very happy.

This time, he can be in the top three of the hot search without buying a hot search!

is enough to prove that he is also very strong.

Shen Chenglin happily took people to Xingyue Entertainment.

He just saw Fu Miao, and he didn't have time to speak.

saw Fu Miao's face ashen.

There was a hint of surprise in his heart.

looked at Fu Miao's assistant again.

Fu Miao pointed to the phone.

Shen Shenglin lowered his head and took out his phone to look at the hot search.

With just one glance, Shen Chenglin froze in place.

The top three hot searches that originally belonged to him have been occupied by Su Yubai.

The first three hot searches have all become Su Yubai related.

#Su Yubai takes over the movie again#

#Su Yubai cooperates with Star Entertainment#

# Has Su Yubai grown a career?#

In addition to these hot searches, Su Yubai's other hot searches also quickly climbed up.

Shen Shenglin was terrified, but more of an uncontrollable anger.

(end of this chapter)