Chapter 2070: Hello boss (25)

Chapter 2070 Hello, boss (25)

Boss Hello 25

Shen Shenglin couldn't believe that his hot search was robbed.

And he exhausted his thoughts on the hot search, and Su Yubai took the top three lightly.

This kind of heat is something he has never had before.

The jealousy and hatred in his eyes were intertwined.

After a while, he tried to stay calm.

He said softly, "Unexpectedly, Fu Cha really invited Su Yubai."

As soon as the    voice fell, Shen Shenglin suddenly felt a little pain in his face.

An hour ago, he swore to Fu Cha that it was impossible for her to invite Su Yubai.

As soon as he turned his head, he really invited Su Yubai.

And loud.

Shen Shenglin couldn't figure out why Su Yubai would take over this movie.

What is it about this movie that attracts Su Yubai?

is very confusing.

Su Yubai, who has eyes above the top, actually broke the principle like this?

It's not just that Shen layer forest can't figure it out, so is Fu Miao.

She was ready to laugh at Fu Cha.

As a result, Fu Cha came directly to a king fried.

Was Su Yubai really persuaded to accept that movie?

Fu Miao thought that she was rejected and mocked by Su Yubai. She had no face in front of so many people, and she was in a bad mood.

She glanced at Shen Chenglin and the few artists he brought.

calmed down a little, "You will have a new manager later."

Fu Miao arranged it.

Although the    attitude doesn't seem to be very perfunctory, she can feel her lack of seriousness.

After all, the impact of Su Yubai was too great.

Fu Miao was thinking in a complicated mood.

These few brought by Shen Shenglin are indeed quite decent, but compared to a Su Yubai, they are simply not worth mentioning together.

Fu Miao pressed her eyebrows angrily.

at this time.

Shen layered forests go and return.

He stretched out his hand to hug Fu Miao.

Fu Miao's face changed and she reprimanded sharply, "What are you doing!"

Shen Shenglin was stunned for a while, "Miaomiao, I..." I just wanted to hug you.

He was a little aggrieved.

There were so many people just now, and he didn't do anything.

There's no one left now, can't he just hug her?

Fu Miao snorted, her voice indifferent, "This is in the company, you have to pay attention to your identity, it's not good to be seen by others."

Shen Chenglin let out a dull hum.

Then leave the office.

Miaomiao makes sense, if people see it now, it's really bad for them.

Shen layered forest was a little sad.

He hoped that Fu Miao could coax him.


Su Yubai's participation in the movie is very popular online.

After all, this is the first time he has acted in two films in one year.

Fans have asked him if he has grown a career line?

Or, are you short of money? Working hard for money?

I don't blame fans for making random guesses. It's really Su Yubai's character. After making a movie almost every year, he begins to disappear from the public's sight, and he doesn't know where he went.

When Su Yubai became the best actor for the first year, the fans of Aite and his agent, like crazy, asked Su Yubai where he went every day.

After all, after becoming an actor, let's not talk about accepting movies, at least show up to attend an event, my good guy, Su Yubai disappeared directly for more than half a year.

The heads of the fans were almost bald when they cried, so they finally got Su Yubai to come.

In the second year, fans were prepared and their ability to withstand pressure improved.

In the third year, fans got used to it and understood it.

This is a salted fish who is so cold that he has no career.

One movie a year, there will never be a second movie, even a group with fewer announcements.

Don't ask, ask is the flower of the high mountain.

(end of this chapter)