Chapter 2073: Hello, boss (28)

Chapter 2073 Hello, President (28)

Boss Hello 28

Su Yubai is in a good mood at the moment.

Hey, Fu Miao made a phone call.

His little girl told him a few love words.


Su Yubai's face was sullen on purpose, "You say it again."

Chacha, "?"

She tilted her head and thought, which sentence to say again?

"I only like you?"

Su Yubai was happy.

Su Yubai was satisfied.

He reached out and picked Chacha up against the wall.

"Good, you only like me now, and you can only like me in the future. If you dare to like others, I will..."

Having said this, Su Yubai's eyes changed slightly.

Cha Cha looked at him with a smile, "How about you?"

She's reacting now. He did it on purpose. He deliberately made a straight face to make her think she didn't believe him, and then led her to say those love words...

Su Yubai threatened with a cold face, "If you like someone else, I will self-harm to show you!!"

Su Yubai's head hurts.

What can he do?

He was reluctant to kill her.

The little girl is soft and delicate, and can only be petted in the palm of her hand.

Even if there is such a day, he will hurt himself, not her.

Chacha kissed Su Yubai on the cheek in distress.

"Don't worry, I really only like you, I don't have any feelings for other people at all."

Su Yubai, who successfully defrauded love words again, was in a happy mood.

Alas, why is his little girl so easy to deceive?

Want to kiss again...

he whispered in her ear.

Cha Cha's face turned red, which was the default.


Fu Miao didn't know that her phone call actually made the relationship between Su Yubai and Chacha further.

If you know, I am afraid that you will die of anger on the spot.

Fu Miao's eyes were cold.

She gave Su Yubai a chance.

But Su Yubai didn't want it.

Not only don't, but also stimulate her!

Since that's the case, then she can't be blamed.

Fu Miao directly put the previous plan on the agenda.

The next day.

The black material about Su Yubai suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Some marketing accounts have been forwarded.

Of course, these black materials are nothing, anything arrogant, moody... This is his temper.

Many people know it.

And the next thing is the focus.

There was a person who claimed to be a staff member of a hotel and said that he had seen Su Yubai meet a beautiful girl in the hotel.

And more than once.

Every time it was dawn the next day, Su Yubai left first, followed by the girl in the room.

This revelation was naturally seen by many people, and a group of people asked her to put evidence.

Then, the man posted a blurry picture.

is the back of a man and a woman.

The back of the man is indeed somewhat similar to Su Yubai, and the clothes are also worn by Su Yubai.

But this alone does not confirm that the man in the photo is Su Yubai!

A group of fans with complicated emotions.

asked that person to continue to put evidence.

Then, the person who broke the news released Su Yubai's check-in record.

After posting the check-in record, the person directly cancelled the account and disappeared.

Su Yubai's fans naturally don't believe this.

A check-in record, an indistinct back?

At least you take a face photo!

I can't even take a face photo, so what to say!

If this is all evidence, they can also take out the same style of Su Yubai!

In addition to Su Yubai's fans who firmly believe that he is innocent, there are many fans of other families who are watching the fun.

There are also many other fans who want to take this opportunity to step on their feet.

Especially Su Yubai's black powder, that is a powerful one.

It is not enough to say that these few evidences are enough to prove that what the person said is the truth!

All have the same style, as well as back photos and check-in records. Is it possible to make a small video so that your fans will believe it?

Su Yubai's fans: Don't listen, don't listen, **** chanting.

(end of this chapter)