Chapter 2074: Hello, boss (29)

Chapter 2074 Hello, President (29)

Hello boss 29

Su Yubai's fans and black fans and the navy hired by Fu Miao were torn apart.

The smoke filled the air.

Anyone who sees it has to say that Su Yubai's fans are strong in combat.

Su Yubai's fans firmly believe that Su Yubai is innocent!

Their fans are just emboldened!

Fu Miao stared coldly at the chaos on the Internet.

Look, this is what happens when Su Yubai doesn't cooperate with her.

She begged Su Yubai to participate in the movie in a low voice, but Su Yubai made her look ugly and refused all kinds of things, hehe!

Now that Su Yubai's reputation is ruined, she wants to see if Fu Cha will continue to let Su Yubai participate in movies.

Moreover, can Su Yubai turn over?

She didn't think Su Yubai could turn over.

Even if his fans firmly believe that, others will not believe that Su Yubai is innocent.

This is a rumor, the more outrageous it is, the more people believe it.

The matter of catching wind and shadows may be laughed off, but this kind of thing, with a little bit of evidence, will be convinced by some people.

She happily flipped through the comments that slandered Su Yubai.

[Look, his fans still believe him like a fool, so far, he has not come out to make a statement! Pooh! 】

【With photos as evidence and hotel check-in records, there are still people who believe that he is innocent after riding a horse? 】

【Anyway, with me, he is already black, and he will never be white again. 】

【woohoo, I'm so sad, why didn't he ask me out? I can also look like a duck! 】

Su Yubai's fans are powerful, but it is impossible to chase after each comment.

Fu Miao took the phone and reminisced about his masterpiece with satisfaction.

She wants to destroy Su Yubai herself.

She wants to watch Su Yubai beg her for mercy, kneel at her feet, and let her do whatever she wants.

Someone as unattainable as Su Yubai, just thinking about it, Fu Miao felt an indescribable urge in his body!

at the same time.

Shen Shenglin happily watched Su Yubai fall to the altar.

He wants to see how long Su Yubai's fans can last!


There are new rumors coming out.

The whistleblower said that Su Yubai has a gold master behind him.

The reason why I take a movie every year is because I spend the rest of the time with the sponsor. The reason why I have to pick up the second movie this year is that I was dumped by the sponsor...

The whistleblower said that he had nose and eyes, as if he was under the bed of Su Yubai and the gold master...

Seeing more and more revelations, and more and more outrageous.

Su Yubai's fans not only did not waver, but became more and more fierce.


The people they are fans of, even if they kneel down!

So much has been revealed that you can't even come up with a real hammer?

These people are just jealous of their family, Su Yubai!


in the apartment.

Chacha was typing on the keyboard seriously, and Jiang Zhuo couldn't understand the lines of code on the computer.

Jiang Zhuo looked at Su Yubai, "Are we going to fight back now?"

These rumors are outrageous.

"Wait." Su Yubai looked indifferent.

Jiang Zhuo quickly understood what Su Yubai meant.

He looked online just now, and there were obviously more than one group of people who wanted to destroy Su Yubai.

And during this period, several people and horses have joined.

If you continue to not reply, it is estimated that other people will end up.

If so, you can take this opportunity to deal with a group of people at a time.

Jiang Zhuo responded, as expected of Brother Su, he was able to hold his breath.

for a moment.

Chacha pointed to the page on the computer and said to Su Yubai, "Fu Miao and Shen Shenglin are all involved, and these people, do you know them? This looks like a young student who has recently become popular, and this Man, an old actor..."

(end of this chapter)