Chapter 2075: Hello boss (30)

Chapter 2075 Hello, boss (30)

Boss Hello 30

Su Yubai didn't have much reaction.

Jiang Zhuo couldn't help it anymore.

"These people are more or less at odds with Brother Su, and they can't be said to be deadly enemies, but in the circle, there are always some big and small things that stumble, but these people are too vengeful."

Chacha glanced at Jiang Zhuo curiously and motioned Jiang Zhuo to continue.

Jiang Zhuo pointed to the new hot Xiaosheng, "This person made his debut under the name of Xiao Su Yubai, oh, it's not because of his looks, but his temper and temperament, he is very close to my brother Su in all aspects.

is actually because this person deliberately imitated, every time my brother Su wears any clothes, he will wear similar clothes, and there are also shapes, no face at all.

In fact, I have met him once, and his temperament is not at all like him. "

I don't even look at the looks, but I'm too embarrassed to touch his brother Su.

That is, Brother Su is too lazy to take care of things in the circle.

As a result, this person actually wanted to take the opportunity to step on Brother Su?

Really shameless!


Jiang Zhuo pointed at the old actor and continued, "My brother Su won the best actor in the first movie. At that time, this old actor was also a candidate for the best actor, but the actor became my brother Su, but he would have a son!"

What the hell, his brother Su is good at acting, can he blame his brother Su for that?

Jiang Zhuo briefly said a few other people.

Chacha couldn't help feeling emotional after listening to it.

"It turns out that the actor Su is so good! It seems that I took advantage."

Su Yubai glanced at her, and her face that had not changed suddenly became a little happy.

She also thinks he is excellent?

Well, good eyesight.

As expected of the little girl he liked.

He reached out and pinched Chacha's little face.

"How are you going to compensate me? Although I have a grudge against these people, if it wasn't for Fu Miao's start, there wouldn't be so much black material in the future."

Such a good opportunity, don’t take advantage of it!

Su Yubai's eyes were full of anticipation.

Jiang Zhuo stood aside, his teeth were sore and his stomach was swollen.

Hey, he's really a light bulb.

At this time, why is he here?

He felt pink bubbles start to form all over the air.

Cha Cha pondered seriously, "I haven't thought about the compensation yet, so let's owe it..."

Su Yubai, "Yes."

There was a dim light in the dark ink eyes.


That is to charge interest!

Tsk, why is this little girl so cute!

"How are you going to solve this matter?" Cha Cha asked him, for now, this is the key.

Su Yubai, "Don't worry, I have my own plans."

At the end, Su Yubai asked again.

"I plan to leave a way for Fu Miao to survive, as for Shen layered forest..."

He and Cha Cha looked at each other.

I don't know why, but Chacha understood what he meant.

The two of them actually thought of it together.

"Just do it!"

Jiang Zhuo was very confused by the side.

Do you know the secret voice transmission?

He didn't say anything, so why did he just look like he had discussed it?

Jiang Zhuo's heartbroken group felt that this place was not suitable for him at all.

He wanted to stay somewhere else.

Single dogs are really miserable.

Oh wait, something doesn't seem right.

Has Brother Su got rid of the single?

not at all!

These two don't seem to be lovers yet! In other words, Brother Su has not caught up with Fu Cha.

Jiang Zhuo's mood was suddenly very good.

He quietly asked Su Yubai, "Brother Su, what are you going to do to catch up with President Fu?"

Next second.

Jiang Zhuo received a cold knife from Su Yubai.

Jiang Zhuo, "..." Oh, I accidentally said the wrong thing.

may have accidentally stabbed Su Yubai...

(end of this chapter)