Chapter 2082: Hello, boss (37)

Chapter 2082 Hello, boss (37)

Boss Hello 37

Xingyue Entertainment is what she worked hard for step by step.

No one knows how hard she has paid for Xingyue.

And now, Shen Shenglin is actually trying to claim Xingyue's shares?

is simply unforgivable!

Fu Miao's eyes burst out with a strong killing intent.

She clenched her phone tightly.

Soon, Shen Shenglin's voice sounded again, "Miaomiao, you know, I like you, as long as you are willing to give me shares in Xingyue and come back to me, I can guarantee that those things will not be stolen by anyone. See.

But if you can't do it... Miao Miao, I have nothing now, I don't care! "

The big deal, they both perished together.

He is different from Fu Miao.

Fu Miao and Xingyue Entertainment, there are still many things to care about, but he is ruined and has nothing!

Shen layered forest thought in dejection.

On Huangquan Road, pulling Fu Miao to die together is also a good choice!

Fu Miao knew that what Shen Shenglin said was true.

If she doesn't agree, he might really break the bank with her.

He had nothing to worry about...but she was different.

for a moment.

Fu Miao said warmly, "Give me some time, I'll think about it again. You should understand how important Xingyue is to me? Just let me share the shares with you, I need time..."

Shen layered forest readily agreed.

However, before hanging up the phone, Shen Shenglin threatened, "Miaomiao, I know you want to delay time, but I can tell you plainly that if something happens to me, or something happens to me, those videos will be posted to In the hands of major media..."

Fu Miao, "..."

Fu Miao hung up the phone angrily.

The current situation is beyond her imagination.

If Shen Shenglin is really like this, doesn't she have no other way?

But if she was asked to hand over Xingyue's shares to Shen Shenglin, she would be reluctant.

This is not the first time that Fu Miao has fallen.

But it was the first time that Fu Miao was unsuspecting and was tricked.

Fu Miao's eyes gradually filled with strong killing intent.

She really wanted to find a chance to kill Shen Shenglin.

But she can't.

Fu Miao pondered for a while alone. Right now, it seems that she can only find a way to appease Shen Shenglin first.

Actually, even if those videos are exposed, it is not a big deal.

At most, reputation suffers.

For another person who doesn't care, he will probably make a few jokes: People don't make fun of young people.

Who doesn't have a few friends yet?

But the point is, she wants to enter Fu's house.

If she wants to enter the door of Fu's house, her reputation must not be a problem!

Shen Shenglin also ran into this incident by mistake.

Otherwise, Fu Miao would not have the idea of ​​compromise.

Thinking is complicated.

one hour later.

Fu Miao made an appointment with Shen Chenglin.

I plan to talk about Xingyue shares.

If Shen Shenglin dared to speak up like a lion...she seems to be powerless? Can only slowly lure it.


The two made an appointment at the apartment where they lived before.

Shen Shenglin looked at Fu Miao playfully.

Tsk, it's just such a person who makes him love him desperately. To say how much he loves him, he doesn't really love him to the point of death, but he can't accept her deception and betrayal.

At this moment, Fu Miao looked at him indifferently, "I can give you Xingyue shares, but you can't be greedy."

Shen Chenglin nodded happily, "Okay, I won't go too far in terms of our relationship."

Threats to extort this kind of thing, there are two or three.

If the first time is successful, there will be a second time, so he is not in a hurry.

(end of this chapter)