Chapter 2083: Hello, boss (38)

Chapter 2083 Hello, boss (38)

Boss Hello 38

Fu Miao reluctantly cut the flesh and gave a part of the shares to Shen Shenglin.

and then.

Shen Shenglin went to hug Fu Miao with satisfaction.

"Miaomiao, am I not good enough? Are you still looking for other men behind my back? Can they play better than me, or will they make you happier?"

Fu Miao gave him a push. Now to her, she wanted to kill Shen Chenglin when she saw Shen Chenglin!

When Shen layerin wanted to take a step closer.

Fu Miao blurted out, "Get out!"

Shen Chenglin clicked his tongue twice and let go of Fu Miao.

A look of disgust flashed across his eyes.

She didn't think he really wanted to do something to her, did she?

A woman who has been with several little white faces, he is disgusting!

In the dark night, Fu Miao quickly left the apartment.

She only hoped that Shen Chenglin would be honest for a while.


Another apartment.

Su Yubai hugged Chacha and kissed her little face repeatedly.

"Tomorrow the movie starts, are you going to attend the opening ceremony?"

Su Yubai was a little reluctant to bear his little girl.

Once the filming starts, it will take at least two months.

He couldn't see her every day.

You can't hold her every day.


very unhappy.

"Of course I will go to the opening ceremony, I will attend with you." Cha Cha said happily.

The movie is on!

This project is going well!


Su Yubai became more and more dissatisfied when she saw her small appearance.

He bowed his head, clasped her head, and continued to siege the city.

After a long time.

He just let go of the little girl with a ruddy face.

"I won't see you for a long time, don't you miss me? What a conscienceless little thing."

Cha Cha muttered and covered his mouth with his hand.

"miss you!"

Therefore, she will often go to the crew to visit the class.

But, looking at him like this, she just didn't want to tell him so quickly.

Su Yubai snorted, "I think you are perfunctory me."

Chacha shook his head, "I didn't perfunctory you!"

She is such a serious boss, how could she perfunctory him?

Obviously it was him who found fault.

After thinking about it, Cha Cha took the initiative to give him a kiss.

Su Yubai released her.

did not continue to play the kiss game.


the next day.

Jiang Zhuo came to pick up Su Yubai.

Chacha thought for a while, and then got into Su Yubai's car. As for Manager Yang, he naturally followed the others to attend the opening ceremony.

The opening ceremony is also a few leading actors on the incense stick, looking for a good omen.

Then we can officially start shooting.

Chacha just hung up on Manager Yang when Su Yubai approached.

He reached out and grabbed Cha Cha's wrist with a complicated expression, "I'm going to film."

Chacha hummed.

Su Yubai continued, "There are many actresses in the crew."

Chacha hummed again, "What's wrong? Isn't it normal to have actresses in the crew?"

Su Yubai was immediately annoyed by her small appearance.

He reached out and scratched her head, "Don't you know that I am very attractive? Some people are like dog skin plaster, and they will stick it on me!"

What the **** is in her head?

Don't you know you're jealous?

Su Yubai was very depressed.

Cha Cha tilted his head in thought.

reached out and grabbed Su Yubai's wrist, "I know there are a bunch of rotten peach blossoms entangled outside, but I trust you, you won't mess with flowers, because you only have me in your heart."

I have to say, Su Yubai's mood instantly improved a little, "You just believe me that much?"

Cha Cha looked innocent, "Because I am too! Although many people begged me for unspoken rules, I refused all of them! I only have you in my heart!"

(end of this chapter)