Chapter 2084: Hello, boss (39)

Chapter 2084 Hello, boss (39)

Hello boss 39

Su Yubai should have been happy when he heard this.

But the moment I heard many people begging her for unspoken rules.

Su Yubai felt that the whole person's mood was not very good.

Many people are begging for unspoken rules?


She is the president, of course there are people who seek to dive regardless.

is inexplicably angry.

He shouldn't have told her that.

In the end, the person who was almost autistic was actually him?

Su Yubai reached out and hooked her little head, "Listen, you can only unspoken rules for me alone, others, don't watch too much!"

Chacha nodded obediently, sensing that he was unhappy, she even gave him a kiss, "Don't worry~"

She only likes him.

can only unspoken rules him!

Su Yubai was depressed for a while. Seeing that the little girl was so soft and cute, he calmed down silently.

Well, with him around, he won't give other people unspoken opportunities.

Oh, wait.

What was he trying to say in the first place?

Su Yubai soon realized that his topic had been diverted.

However, he is not good at talking about peach blossoms anymore.

I was on the set right away.

Jiang Zhuo reminded cautiously.

"Brother Su, President Fu, we've arrived at the place."

Su Yubai hummed.

at the same time.

Several actresses in the crew hurriedly looked in this direction when they heard that Su Yubai was coming.

Su Yubai's car is too conspicuous.

Especially the director, went straight to greet him.

Alas, this is a big Buddha.

Several other actresses came over and followed behind the director.


They saw a person walking down from the car.

is a very beautiful woman.

It seems that he should be young.

The director was stunned for a moment.

The other actresses looked disappointed.

Oh, it's not Su Yubai!

I thought it was Su Yingdi's car!

Next second.

I saw another person coming out from inside.

's slender and straight legs fell on the ground, and they looked over, and they saw Su Yubai's face that was indignant.

"Su Yingdi!" The director shouted with a wide-eyed smile.

One of the actresses strode over, raised her hand and pushed Cha Cha, "Su Yingdi~"

The voice was deliberately soft, and it sounded flat and gave people a layer of goosebumps.

Su Yubai looked at Chacha with a cold face.

"Are you injured?"

Cha Cha shook his head and his eyes fell on the actress.

The actress was not at all embarrassed.

His eyes continued to look at Su Yubai.

Jiang Zhuo blocked the person.

The man continued to entangle, "Hey, Shadow Emperor Su, my name is Xu Yue."

"Go away!" Su Yubai spit out a word coldly.

Xu Yue was immediately startled by the terrifying aura on his body.

Xu Yue looked blank, she didn't do anything.

What's wrong with the actor Su?

The director glared at her, "Don't cause trouble in the crew!"

Xu Yue twisted her waist and followed.

At the same time, everyone was guessing who the little girl beside Su Yubai was.

It seems that Su Yubai is quite nervous.

Just then, Manager Yang came over.

He didn't see the scene just now, the introduction with a kind attitude, "This is President Fu of our Star Entertainment."

"Mr. Fu, this is the director and actor of this movie."

Chacha oh.

glanced coldly over Xu Yue.

Xu Yue stiffened.

Others did not expect that this young girl who looked young would actually be President Fu of Star Entertainment?

Manager Yang noticed that the atmosphere was not right.

He subconsciously swept around.

Could it be that something just happened?

Manager Yang made a careful guess.

(end of this chapter)