Chapter 2092: Hello, boss (47)

Chapter 2092 Hello, President (47)

Boss Hello 47

Cha Cha and Su Yubai just arrived on the set.

A figure suddenly appeared and stood in front of the two of them.

Su Yubai moved quickly, subconsciously protecting Cha Cha behind him.

Cha Cha frowned, and after seeing who that person was, he clicked his tongue.

turned out to be Xu Yue.

Now you know you regret it?

Xu Yue's eyes were swollen like peaches.

obviously cried for a long time.

Xu Yue looked at the two in front of her regretfully.

"Emperor Su, President Fu, it's my fault, I'm sorry for you, I'm obsessed, please give me a way to live and let me go, okay?

It's really not easy for me to get to where I am today..."

Xu Yue burst into tears when she cried.

The work has just started.

The rest of the crew also looked over curiously.

Originally, Su Yubai's public love affair, many people were surprised, especially the other party was Fu Cha.

They were very curious.

It was even more surprising and curious to see Xu Yue appearing again.

The staff looked curiously.

They don't know what's going on.

But they know that in this case, there must be melons to eat!

Xu Yue’s crying pear flowers bring rain.

She did not expect that things would be so serious.

The company said it didn't want her, so it really didn't want her.

Just because of Fu Cha's words.

The company told her that she had offended someone.

In the future, the career will not be smooth again, it is almost a waste.

Xu Yue didn't believe it at first, but she didn't realize the seriousness of the matter until the company terminated her contract overnight and made a clear line with her.

But it was too late.

And Su Yubai made his relationship public again late at night.

A series of operations made her almost stunned.

She panicked and ran to the crew, planning to ask Su Yubai for help.

Who would have thought, Fu Cha happened to be there.

She admitted her mistake sincerely, and just asked these two to give her a chance.

Su Yubai looked indifferent.

If he did it, Xu Yue would end up even worse.

Su Yubai was about to speak.

Chacha is one step ahead.

Well, she has to maintain Su Yubai's image, it's better for her to do things like abuse.

She pulled Su Yubai with a cold face.

"It's no use begging me, things have happened, and everyone has to pay for their mistakes."

Xu Yue didn't give up, "I really know I'm wrong, Mr. Fu, you are the president, you are at the top, you can cut off the life of a little artist like me with one sentence, I offended you, you can beat or scold you, but You can't ruin my career!"

What Xu Yue said was a miserable one.

As if Cha Cha was a bad guy who ruined his future.

The surrounding crew members soon began to talk about it.

Chacha clicked her tongue, Xu Yue wasn't too stupid, but in this situation, she couldn't change her mind.

Chacha's voice was gentle, but with a biting coldness.

"Miss Xu, if you really knew what was wrong, you wouldn't say such things in front of so many people on the set. Are you trying to use other people's opinions to try to make me change my mind?

What a pity, it didn't work for me.

However, I would like to remind you that it is best to go back honestly.

If you continue to toss and play with me, then you will really be ruined. "

Since Xu Yue can do things like hook up with Su Yubai and then take the opportunity to threaten, this shows that she has done some shameless things before.

The black material, maybe there is a lot of it.

Be honest now, and still have a little face.

If you are not honest and the black material comes out, you will not even have a face.

Xu Yue gritted her teeth, her eyes filled with hatred.

Now, it has become Fu Cha threatening her?

Obviously last night, she was still threatening Fu Cha!

Xu Yue's eyes changed, but she didn't say a word.

(end of this chapter)