Chapter 2093: Hello boss (48)

Chapter 2093 Hello, President (48)

Boss Hello 48

The staff onlookers were quickly dispersed by the director.

At times like this, what melons are you eating here?

Some melons can be eaten, and some melons, but they cannot be eaten casually.

is prone to accidents.

Xu Yue wanted to say something.

Suddenly looked at Shang Su Yubai's cold and stern eyes.

This man...

The relationship was officially announced last night, which is not a good thing for the rising actor Su.

Xu Yue thought for a while.

said nothing, took a few steps back, and gave way to them.

Xu Yue was unwilling.

But he didn't dare to entangle any more.

Fu Cha's shot was too ruthless.

cut off her career directly.

If she entangles again, will really do even more terrible things.

Xu Yue became more angry the more she thought about it, her hatred magnified infinitely, but she was helpless.

She is just an entertainer and cannot compete with Fu Cha...

After Xu Yue left the crew, there was a lot of discussion among the crew.

And the role that Xu Yue is going to play will also be replaced.

This time, it's an honest actress who doesn't cause trouble.

And other actresses in the crew originally wanted to hook up with Su Yubai, because Xu Yue's end was ahead.

They didn't dare to be demons anymore.

I was afraid that I would also be kicked out of the crew.

And being kicked out of the crew is a trivial matter, but Xu Yue was terminated by the company.

After this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get along in the circle.

No one wants to ruin their career for the sake of the momentary popularity.

Some people can be offended, and some people can never be offended.

Xu Yue's incident did not cause any disturbance on the Internet.

It is normal for the role to change to another actor.


After Xu Yue's incident.

The crew members are a lot more honest.

Cha Cha occasionally watches Su Yubai filming.

Occasionally back to the hotel.

During the    period, there were also paparazzi who followed him, but the paparazzi couldn't bear the identity of Chacha, and the paparazzi did not dare to break the news at will.

Finally, no one dared to take pictures casually.

The fans on the Internet have gradually returned to calm.



On the third day of the incident.

Xu Yue suddenly posted a video online.

in the video.

Xu Yue’s crying pear flowers bring rain.

Said that he was terminated by the company, banned, and had nowhere to go.

This happens all because he offends a person.

Now, she publicly recorded a video to apologize.

I just hope that the other party can give her a way out.

Beg the other party to raise your hand and let her go.

This video was quickly reposted by many people.

There are still many people who have asked Xu Yue if they rejected the unspoken rules of the boss before being banned?

Xu Yue remained silent.

No more reply, just kept apologizing and begging for forgiveness.

The people who eat melon expressed their comfort and distress.

【Hey, what a miserable young lady. 】

【It's also very beautiful, you can't ruin your career just because you refuse unspoken rules? 】

【Any bosses come to see Miss Sister, Miss Sister's acting skills are excellent, you can sign Miss Sister into a new company duck~]

【Miss, don't be afraid, say out loud who the bad guy is! We help you fight him! 】

【The world is fair, and people are at ease, don’t be afraid, young lady! 】

Xu Yue's story has attracted the attention of many melon eaters.

That night, someone broke the news that the person Xu Yue offended was Fu Cha, the president of Star Entertainment.

eat melon masses, 【? ? ? 】Suddenly stunned.

【Isn’t Fu Cha a woman? What, she still wants to unspoken rules Xu Yue? 】

【Why can't I understand it? Isn't Fu Cha the girlfriend of Su Yubai? Isn't that the Fu Cha that was just officially announced? 】

【Bewildered. 】

【Is Fu Cha so awesome? Directly ruin Miss Sister's career? 】

【Su Yubai's fans, you have to be careful, if you break up one day, Su Yubai may be banned! 】

(end of this chapter)