Chapter 2096: Hello boss (51)

Chapter 2096 Hello, President (51)

Hello boss 51

Su Yubai looked serious and nervous.

Cha Cha nodded in response.

Hey, in order not to worry him, he said what he said.

It's not that Su Yubai was too worried and chased after the wind, it was indeed because this kind of thing was very common.

Fans who lose their minds, some are prone to extremes...

What    does is unknown.


For a whole week, Cha Cha didn’t go to the company and stayed at home.

This made Fu Miao, who was about to attack Chacha, very unhappy.

She was ready to count the tea, but as a result, she didn't go out?

Even, Fu Miao bought someone.

Let her pretend to be a fan of Su Yubai.

At that time, he poisoned Chacha, and lied that it was because she couldn't bear to see her and robbed Su Yubai...

And this plan was killed directly because Cha Cha did not go out.

Fu Miao, "..." So angry!

Fu Miao can't count Chacha.

came up with another plan.

She looked at Shen Shenglin coldly, "You can call Su Yubai now and talk about your past relationship with Fu Cha."

Shen Chenglin clicked his tongue.

Seconds understand what Fu Miao means.

"I can call Su Yubai, but what benefits can you give me?"

Fu Miao rolled her eyes in anger, "Don't tell me, you want to see Fu Cha and Su Yubai's love..."

Shen Shenglin's expression changed.

Of course he didn't want to see it.

It was clear that Fu Cha chased him every day before, but who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, Fu Cha would really lose his love?

It's enough to chase after Su Yubai.

Still riding a horse and really caught it?

Shen layered forest was poked to the sore spot.

He took the phone from Fu Miao, and without any hesitation, dialed Su Yubai's number.

Soon, Su Yubai pressed the answer.

Shen layerin said slowly, "Mr. Su, I'm Shen layerin."

Su Yubai's voice was indifferent, "Is something wrong?"

Shen Shenglin, "It's nothing major, I just want to have a few words with Mr. Su."

Then, Shen layer forest began to stimulate Su Yubai.

"I didn't expect Mr. Su and Mr. Fu to be together. I always thought that the person Mr. Fu loves is me, and his love for me can be rotten, but I didn't expect that Mr. Fu would stop loving me if she didn't.

Of course, Mr. Fu may be serious about Mr. Su... I have no other intentions, I just want to bless Mr. Su and Mr. Fu.

After all, Mr. Fu has spent a lot of resources on me before, and spent a lot of money and thought. After thinking about it, I still feel that I should send a blessing..."

Shen Shenglin said happily.

He glanced at Fu Miao.

Fu Miao nodded at him, motioning him to continue.

Shen layer forest continued to speak in a good mood.

Beeped again for a while.

Shen Shenglin was a little thirsty, but there was no sound from the other party.

Shen Shenglin tried to shout, "...Mr. Su?"

He thought that Su Yubai was hit by himself.

for a moment.

Another voice came from the phone.

"My boyfriend went to take a shower, you can continue."

Shen Shenglin and Fu Miao both turned black.

Is this Fu Cha's voice?

Cha Cha tutted, with a bit of disdain in his tone, "Shen Zhenglin, your method is too low-level, and my boyfriend doesn't even bother to pay attention to you."

That's it?

Do you want to use this to destroy her relationship with Su Yubai?


Shen layered forest, "..."

Shen Shenglin's face changed and changed, and finally hung up the phone.

He angrily threw the phone aside.

Fu Miao's mood is not much better at this moment.

Together they are the clowns?

They both thought that Su Yubai would be very angry...

It turned out to be a call from Fu Cha Ting?

(end of this chapter)