Chapter 2097: Hello, boss (52)

Chapter 2097 Hello, boss (52)

Boss Hello 52

Shen layer forest is very unhappy.

As soon as he thought of this phone call, he showed off his relationship with Fu Cha, but the person who answered was Fu Cha, and he felt as if his face had been stomped on the ground.

Not a trace of face was left.

He looked at Fu Miao with a gloomy face.

"It's all your fault, what a bad idea!"

Fu Miao, "...?" Is there a hole in your brain?

Fu Miao sarcastically said, "You didn't even notice the problem, so what qualifications do you have to blame me? It took me so long to remember to call Su Yubai? Waste!"

The two immediately started arguing.

After arguing for a while, Fu Miao felt boring.

Why waste time with a waste?

With that time, it is better to think about how to teach Fu Cha and Su Yubai a lesson next!

Fu Miao, "Shen Chenglin, we both have a common enemy, I don't believe you want to see the two of them together sweetly. If you fail this time, then find a way to continue instead of hanging around here. !"

Shen Shenglin was reluctant but had to admit that what Fu Miao said made sense.

He kept his mouth shut.

"What's next?"

Shen layered forest inquiry.

Fu Miao sighed, "There is one last move."

This move can definitely destroy the relationship between Su Yubai and Fu Cha.


at the same time.

Chacha put down the phone and was in a good mood.

Hey, Su Yubai actually went to take a bath.

It's just that she didn't let Su Yubai hang up, but quietly waited for Shen Shenglin to beep there.

Listen to him deliberately provoking Su Yubai.

Unfortunately, I, Su Yubai, was taking a bath.

And she, listening to what Shen Shenglin said, held back her laughter for a long time...

When Su Yubai came out, he saw Cha Cha put down his phone and laughed there.

He narrowed his eyes, walked over slowly, and hugged the person into his arms.

"What's funny, tell me?"

Cha Cha snorted, "Shen layerin wants to destroy our relationship~"

talked about the past on the phone.

Hey, she can't tell Su Yubai about this, what if the vinegar jar is turned over?


The vinegar jar was still turned over.

He lowered his head and whispered something in her ear.

Chacha blinked, "..." What? make her happy?

Why can't she understand?

Hmm, it seems weird?

for a moment.

looked at Shang Su Yubai.

At that moment, Cha Cha suddenly seconds.

Her face turned red, and she pushed Su Yubai carefully, "You..." Not serious!

Su Yubaile's can't do it.

He just said it casually.

Hey, but he suddenly changed his mind.

He really shouldn't continue to be a human being anyway... let's continue.

Su Yubai bent down and picked up the person.

Late at night.

The dim yellow light flickers.

is like two people overlapping each other.

Su Yubai, "..." is not a person, he can!

This kind of happiness is really something you can't feel when you are a human.

Qiqi covered her eyes in anger and hid in the corner crying.

I feel sorry for its tea, and it was eaten again.

Eat and wipe clean, no **** left.

Shameless dog man!

Sooner or later, it will scratch its paw and grab his face and flowers!

the next day.

Su Yubai asked the crew for a morning's leave.

When   Chacha heard his request for leave, he couldn't help kicking him under the covers.

Why is this person like this?

is a dog.


Su Yubai put down the phone and took the person into his arms again.

"Honey, I'll accompany you to lie down for a while."

Chacha, "..." I don't need you to lie down with me.

I just want to be alone for a while.

(end of this chapter)