Chapter 2100: Hello, boss (55)

Chapter 2100 Hello, boss (55)

Boss Hello 55

Su Yubai's eyes were full of smiles.

He immediately ran to the Civil Affairs Bureau with tea.

Get the certificate!

He needs to get a certificate!

No one can stop him from being with Chacha!

How did Fu Miao know that she had worked so hard to provoke her, and when she turned around, Su Yubai brought it to complain to Cha Cha, and she also abducted Cha Cha to get the certificate.

This means...

is pretty awesome!

Seven-seven is a breathtaking sight.

A dog man is indeed a dog man.

If Fu Miao was here, he would probably spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot!

Fu Miao: So the clown is actually me?

Oh, not only a clown, but a tool man.


When he came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Su Yubai was holding a red book, it was a joy!

He is also a certified person!

Su Yubai pulled Chacha and took pictures of two marriage certificates.

He is going to tell the world that they are married!

Su Yubai couldn't wait to send out the photo of the marriage certificate.

also ordered tea: holding the hand of the child and growing old together.

Chacha, "..." It's embarrassing to show affection publicly.

However, get the certificate, happy! ! !

Accompany him to show affection!

Su Yubai's fans, "......?"

Damn it, they were stunned for a moment. Did they even get their marriage certificate?

Fans who are still waiting for Su Yubai and Fu Cha to break up, "..." The mood is like a galloping horse, and it is outrageous!

【Su Yubai, do you still remember that you are an actor? Forget about falling in love, and get married in the blink of an eye? 】

【You really don't have fans like us in your eyes, farewell and get rid of the fans in place! 】

【Nothing to say, after all, I paid by mistake. 】

【Ah! Hehehehehehe...]

The   comment area is a mess again.

No one expected that instead of waiting for Su Yubai to break up, they waited for Su Yu's white-collar certificate.

This speed is simply unexpected.

There was no sign at all.

Just stepping on the horse and suddenly the official announcement of the relationship, the official announcement to get the certificate...

There are also some fans who reluctantly accept it.

【What can I do? All are certified, we accept it! 】

【Otherwise, are you still waiting for their divorce? All the certificates have been received, which shows that Yu Bai really wants to live with Mr. Fu for a lifetime. Bless you! sisters! 】

【We hope that Su Yubai can go further, and we also like Mr. Fu and his love and affection! 】

【Your lover is also the one we like! We will not attack those you love! 】

Chacha is very grateful to these fans who sent their blessings.

I believe they really like Su Yubai too.

Cha Cha tilted his head and was very happy to hold a lottery.

【Star Entertainment Fu Cha V: Forward this Weibo to participate in the lottery.

1: Only Su Yubai fans can participate.

2: Anyone who has never attacked Su Yubai or scolded Su Yubai! Fans who take off fans and step back are not allowed to participate.

3: Draw two people to send **** apartment, one for each.

Draw two people to send **** luxury cars, one for each.

Draw 2,000 people and get **** mobile phones, one for each.

The lottery will be drawn at 8pm tonight.

(The staff will contact and verify the identity after the lottery is drawn.)]

As soon as this raffle is sent out.

Su Yubai's fans were shocked.

Such a rich sister-in-law...

Is it so rich?

is simply inhumane!

Direct lottery to send house and car? ? ?

ah ah ah ah! Sisters, pump up!

see it? Those who take off the fans and step back are not allowed to participate! ! !

Those who have scolded their brother are also not allowed to participate!

This is a bonus for us!

Sisters, go!

Even Su Yubai was stunned when he saw the lottery event, "Baby, aren't you short of money?"

Cha Cha snorted, "I have a lot of money! Don't worry, I can support you for a lifetime, and you for lifetime."

(end of this chapter)