Chapter 2101: Hello, boss (56)

Chapter 2101 Hello, boss (56)

Boss Hello 56

Su Yubai was very happy when he heard this.

Oh, why is his little baby so cute?

He has to finish the movie quickly, and then spend his honeymoon with his little cute baby! ! !

Sweet two-person world!


Chacha's lottery draw attracted many people.

Originally, he was still lamenting that Su Yu Baiying got married at an early age, but in the next second, he began to envy him sincerely.

【What kind of peerless love is this? woo woo woo woo! 】

【President Fu has money and courage! 】

【Maybe it wasn't that President Fu fell in love with Su Yubai's face, it was Su Yubai who took a fancy to President Fu's money! 】

【Uuuu, sister, I can do it! 】

【I shed tears of envy! Who can say this is not love? 】

[People are obviously going to get married, oh, I'm wrong, I have already got the certificate! 】

【Really sweet duck! I am so happy to be a fan of Su Yubai! 】

Black fans, […] We also want to be happy, but… it seems that we accidentally missed the opportunity to own a house and a car.

woo woo woo~

When Fu Miao saw the hot search on Weibo.

The whole person almost fainted.

The top ten most popular searches on Weibo are almost all related to Su Yubai and Fu Cha.

#Su Yubaifu tea certificate#

# Mr. Fu spends a lot of money in the lucky draw event to celebrate the receipt of the certificate#

#The fairy love in the circle#

#The love is sweet and fragrant for the purpose of obtaining the certificate#

Fu Miao looked at these, and the whole person was not well.

She almost got mad!

Oh shit.

She worked so hard to sow discord, and it took less than a few hours.

Su Yubai just came here?

What about a good breakup? ?

These two actually don't play cards according to the routine, and get the certificate directly?

It is outrageous to ride a horse! ! !

Fu Miao could not accept this situation.

She sat there alone, thinking for a long time.

Could it be that Su Yubai's love for Fu Cha is hopeless?

He knew that Fu Cha was using him, but he still wanted to dive in?

what is this?

Could it be that in Su Yubai's heart, Fu Cha is so important?

Fu Miao's eyes were full of jealousy.

That is Su Yubai!

The arrogant Su Yubai actually bowed his head for love?

The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became.

Why can Fu Cha get such an enviable love by hooking up with anyone?

Fu Miaohen gritted his teeth, but he was helpless!

She watched those people on the Internet send blessings.

Sentences of blessings almost stabbed Fu Miao's heart.

She hates so much!

Why Fu Cha can get everything.

You can't get anything by yourself?

Fu Miao is hating.

Shen layer forest came in.

His face was not very good-looking, "Didn't you say that your alienation plan was successful? Why did it become like this? The two of them got the certificate directly!"

Obtaining a certificate means that the alienation plan has completely failed.

is not only a failure, but also a joke.

Fu Miao glanced at Shen Chenglin coldly, "Go away!"

Shen Shenglin ignored her, turned around and sat on the sofa, "Now you have to think about how you should deal with the next thing.

The two of them have obtained the certificate, and the two of them will be tied together in the future, and you will never have a chance to win Fu Cha! "

Fu Miao looked at Shen Shenglin coldly and looked at him so nervous and angry, "Don't you have feelings for Fu Cha?"

Shen Shenglin's expression changed, "Don't talk nonsense, I don't have feelings for her, I just hate! The thing I hate the most is Su Yubai, and Fu Cha used to care about me so much..."

He is just uneasy now.

The more I think about it, the more unwilling I become.

It doesn't matter who Fu Cha is with, but that person is Su Yubai!

Then he is very unhappy and angry! ! !

(end of this chapter)