Chapter 2102: Hello, boss (57)

Chapter 2102 Hello, boss (57)

Boss Hello 57

Thinking that these two people have also obtained the certificate, Shen Chenglin became even more angry.

Shen Shenglin was angry and looked at Fu Miao, "Let's think about it, what should we do next!"

Fu Miao gradually calmed down, "Well, think about it."



Su Yubai didn't give them a chance.

Just when Fu Miao and Shen Shelin were in the office, planning carefully.

A bunch of black materials related to Fu Miao have been exposed on the Internet.

Not only that, but also the deep forest.

Photos and videos of Fu Miao with many male artists, as well as photos of Fu Miao with Shen Shenglin...

Fans who are still addicted to lottery draws are very confused.

What the hell?

Shocking melon!

Oh wow!

【Wait, who is this Fu Miao?

President of Xingyue Entertainment? 】

【Wow rub, so exciting!

Actually unspoken rules of the artist in his own company! 】

[Hey, bull batch! Lots of handsome looking guys. 】

【My house collapsed, and my little brother... was caught by unspoken rules! Woohoo! Fu Miao, I will kill you! 】

【woo woo woo, return my innocent little brother! 】

【Too shameless! You have so many unspoken little brothers! It's really miserable to be an artist in your company! 】

【Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! All my sisters forwarded it to me! Boycott Xingyue! We must not allow more people to be persecuted! 】

Fu Miao was stunned when she saw these revelations.

Videos, photos?

She was pale, and there was no more blood.

Aren't all these photos in Shen's hands?

Why is it being exposed?

She angrily looked at Shen Shenglin beside her.

Shen Shenglin was also very confused at the moment.

He explained in a panic, "It's not me, it's not me... This matter has nothing to do with me! You forgot, we are on the same boat, how could I even break the news about myself?"

Shen Shenglin looked at Fu Miao whose eyes were red and panicked.

He suspected that Fu Miao had the intention to kill at this moment.

In fact, Fu Miao did have the intention to kill Shen Chenglin.

She was holding a fruit knife in her hand, and the tip of the knife shone with icy cold light.

"Say! Why are those things being leaked!"

Shen Shenglin, "I don't know, I really don't know..."

Fu Miao did not hesitate, and directly called two security guards to come over and hold Shen Shenglin.

The sharp fruit knife swayed back and forth in front of Shen Chenglin's eyes.

Shen Shenglin was scared to death when he saw Fu Miao who was going crazy.

Unfortunately, two security guards pressed him, and he couldn't escape at all.

"Miaomiao, I really don't know..."

Shen layered forest is reluctant to admit it.

Fu Miao took the fruit knife and approached his cheek, "Speak!"

Shen layer forest was shocked.

Under the persecution of Fu Miao, he tremblingly explained the situation.

"Those videos have nothing to do with me. The reason why I have those videos is that someone sent them to me anonymously. I originally wanted to settle the bill with you, but I felt it was too bad, so I thought of threatening you... Those videos were leaked, really none of my business……"

The mastermind behind the scenes is obviously the one who sent him the video anonymously!

If you want to settle accounts, you should also find that person!

Fu Miao second understands.

"So that's the case! I was actually deceived by you. I thought those videos were taken by someone you secretly found..."

Fu Miao was so angry that she had experienced strong winds and waves, and she was actually planted in Shen layerin's hands.

Then he was tricked by the person who posted the video anonymously.

Fu Miao suddenly remembered it.

Fu tea!

Apart from Fu Cha, she has no big enemies!

Only Fu Cha was able to do this, watching her in ruins.

And this video was released after she stirred up discord. Fu Miao was even more sure that it was Fu Cha who was taking revenge on her!

(end of this chapter)