Chapter 2103: Hello, boss (58)

Chapter 2103 Hello, boss (58)

Boss Hello 58

Fu Miao called Fu Cha like crazy.

The call was quickly connected, and Fu Miao opened her mouth and began to curse.

"Fu Cha, you slut! You actually ruined my reputation! After all, they are my sisters, but you don't give me a way to survive? You are too deceiving!"

Fu Miao cursed.

Didn't wait for Cha Cha's reply.

waited, but it was a cold drink.

This voice...?

Fu Miao subconsciously shouted, "Su Yubai?"

Su Yubai, "That's right, it's me, Mr. Fu, you guessed wrong, the person who attacked you is not my Chacha, but me."

Fu Miao, "..."

Su Yubai, "I am very unhappy with your provocation.

Frankly speaking, Chacha has already told me about your relationship with Chacha, and not everyone will use love like President Fu.

Fu Miao, you have to feel the fate of being ruined and ruined. "

After the words were finished, Su Yubai hung up the phone.

A mere Fu Miao wants to hurt his family Chacha?

Unfortunately, Fu Miao doesn't have that ability.

Fu Miao froze in place, a little unbelievable.

Did Fu Cha tell Su Yubai long ago?

So the words she said to sow discord did not make Su Yubai angry, but couldn't wait to pull Fu Cha to get the certificate?

Realizing that all this was caused by himself, Fu Miao fell to the ground with a plop.

Angry heart attack.

Shen Gelin took this opportunity to fool the two security guards.

After all, a security guard is just a security guard, an employee.

It is impossible to do anything illegal for Fu Miao.

Before escaping, Shen Shenglin pried into Fu Miao's small treasury, and then went abroad overnight.

Wait for Fu Miao to wake up.

is too late.

Shen layering forest has long since disappeared without a trace!

And the Shen layered forest swept away a large amount of cash.

Fu Miao was so angry again that she fainted...

Fu Miao In addition to the unspoken black material, her company also has problems.

For a company as big as Xingyue Entertainment, the building was empty overnight.

Fu Miao couldn't protect herself.

Fu Miao didn't know what Su Yubai's sentence of ruin and fame meant at first.

Until she was taken away by the police in the hospital.

Only then did she realize the true meaning of the four characters of disgrace.

Su Yubai never gave her a chance to make a comeback.

This time, she really has no room to turn around.

It is impossible for her to make the company so big by herself.

Many times, we are walking in the gray area.

It’s just that people don’t know about it.

Now, Su Yubai directly sent a bunch of evidence to the people above.

Fu Miao estimated that he would spend a few years in prison.

As for Shen Shenglin, he can't run away, unless Shen Shenglin never returns to China in his life and keeps hiding.

The situation of Xingyue Entertainment is embarrassing.

But in the final analysis, it was because Fu Miao did something he shouldn't have done.


The matter of Fu Miao is so big.

It is impossible for the Fu family not to know.

Plus, Cha Cha and Su Yu white-collar certificate.

Such a big thing, it can be regarded as a hole in the Fu family.

The next day.

The Fu family called Chacha.

Let her take Su Yubai back to Fu's house.

The words were filled with displeasure.

For such a big thing as getting a certificate, she did it secretly by herself?

The Fu family almost got **** off!

The key is that I learned from the Internet that I got the certificate and still rode the horse...

Cha Cha took Su Yubai back to Fu's house.

Outside the gate of Fu's house.

Cha Cha looked regretful, "If the Fu family doesn't agree, let's run away."

Su Yubai, "...Okay."

However, Su Yubai corrected Chacha's wording, "We got the certificate, that's a legal couple, that's not an elopement, that's a honeymoon."

(end of this chapter)