Chapter 2147: Koi carp (41)

Chapter 2147 Koi This Carp (41)

Koi carp 41

The killing intent in Song Qingyou's eyes gradually overflowed.

Since Song Qinghuan was so provocative to her, don't blame her for being rude!

And Jiang Ting!

She had been chasing Jiang Ting for so long, Jiang Ting not only did not give her any response, but also turned to be with a country girl!

This would have made her lose face.

Who would have thought that Jiang Ting would turn his head and hook up with her sister again?

really stomped her face under her feet!

How could she not account for this hatred?

Not only does she want Jiang Ting to pay the price, she also wants Song Qinghuan to be ruined! ! !

Jiang Zhou watched with satisfaction Song Qingyou, whose complexion had changed dramatically.


He was really looking forward to what happened next.

Never thought that things would go so smoothly!

Jiang Zhou was on the side, persuading him from time to time.

However, every sentence just stabbed Song Qingyou.

With Jiang Zhou's comfort, Song Qingyou has the heart to kill!

Song Qingyou turned around and left Jiang Zhou's villa.

After going out.

She glanced in the direction of Jiang Ting's villa unwillingly.

After thinking for a few seconds.

Song Qingyou walked towards Jiang Ting's villa again.

Song Qingyou came by coincidence, Jiang Ting didn't go out and was sitting there peeling grapefruit for her tea.

The grapefruit is sweet and big, and the pulp is very satisfying to eat in one bite.

indicated that Chacha ditched the small oranges in minutes.

Song Qingyou entered the living room and saw Jiang Ting peeling grapefruit gracefully.

"Is something wrong?" Jiang Ting asked lightly.

He didn't like Song Qingyou very much.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Ting reminded again, "Miss Song is now Jiang Zhou's fiancee, so she should not come here again. I thought that last time, I had already said it very clearly."

Song Qingyou's lips overflowed with a sneer.

"Jiang Ting, I didn't expect that you still have this side?"

Jiang Ting, "?"

Song Qingyou, "You really know how to pretend! I thought it was because I wasn't attractive enough, but what happened? You turned around and hooked up with Song Qinghuan? You're so unrepentant, making me look bad?"

Since that's the case, don't blame her for being completely cruel!

Jiang Ting glanced at Song Qingyou speechlessly.

"Are you insane?"

What is all this mess?

Song Qinghuan? What does it have to do with him?

Even if there is a relationship, it is also a rival relationship. She actually thinks that he is with Song Qinghuan?

Afraid that there is a hole in the brain?

Song Qingyou snorted when he heard him being so sarcastic.

"One day, you will regret it!" Before Song Qingyou left, she left this sentence behind!

It seems that the spirit is indeed abnormal.

Soon, Cha Cha heard the sound and ran downstairs.

"What's the matter?" Cha Cha quickly ran to Jiang Ting's side.

Jiang Ting is peeling the grapefruit attentively.

Seeing her running down, a smile overflowed on her face.

"Song Qingyou came again just now, and his mind was abnormal, so he thought I was with Song Qinghuan? Ha!"

Her own sister, doesn't she have a clue?

How could he possibly fall in love with Song Qinghuan?

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, then nodded cooperatively, "She does have a problem with her brain, we are already together, and she also knows that she still suspects that you are cheating on me and are with Song Qinghuan behind my back? It is indeed a problem with her brain!"

Jiang Ting was taken aback, "Why do you think so much?"

Cheating? How could he cheat.

He reached out and took the peeled grapefruit and handed it to Cha Cha, "I have nothing to do with Song Qinghuan at all!"

Chacha, "I know, isn't this thinking from Song Qingyou's point of view? That's how she should understand it!"

Chacha took a bite of the pulp, um, satisfied!

(end of this chapter)