Chapter 2148: Koi carp (42)

Chapter 2148 Koi This Carp (42)

Koi carp 42

Jiang Ting glanced at the heartless little girl and couldn't help poking her face.

"You little thing with no conscience," he whispered.

His eyes were full of pampering.

Chacha immediately took a piece of grapefruit pulp and stuffed it into Jiang Ting's mouth.

"How could I have no conscience? I love you the most!"

Jiang Ting, "..."

Love words come when she opens her mouth, how dare she say it?

Jiang Ting shook his head helplessly.

Alas, his family is cute and sweet, but it's kind of unscrupulous.

He should eat the people as soon as possible...

Jiang Ting met the little girl's clear and bright eyes and silently looked away.

Oh, it's another day when you don't plan to be a human being.

Speaking of which, I can't blame him, it's really... she's too sweet.

cough...Jiang Ting almost felt ashamed of himself...


Chacha remembered one thing.

She put down the grapefruit with a serious look in her eyes, "I remembered something."

"What?" Jiang Ting asked.

Chacha, "Song Qingyou thought you were with Song Qinghuan, probably because she found out that Song Qingyou was on the talent show, and she followed the investigation and misunderstood your relationship with Song Qinghuan."

Jiang Ting nodded, "Well, it should be like this."

In addition, he and Song Qinghuan did not have any intersection.

is just to get a place for Song Qinghuan and let someone take care of Song Qinghuan.

Having said that, it makes sense.

Cha Cha continued, "Song Qingyou looks so stingy, and she still misses you. I'm worried that she will be jealous of Song Qinghuan and kill Song Qinghuan!"

Jiang Ting was stunned for a few seconds.

"Song Qinghuan is also her sister after all. Could it be that she still wants to destroy Song Qinghuan?"

Cha Cha nodded, "I think it's very possible! Don't forget, why did Song Qinghuan run away from home, even with Jiang Zhou, this kind of thing can be done, which shows that she didn't let Song Qinghuan go at all. on the heart.

Also, didn't you say that Song Qinghuan had been away from home for so many days, and no one in the Song family had inquired about Song Qinghuan's whereabouts.

seems to be letting her fend for itself, hey, the Song family, each one is cooler than the other~”

Pity that poor little Song Qinghuan.

Jiang Ting paused for a second, then nodded, "I see."

What she said really makes sense.

On the contrary, he was almost negligent.

Speaking of which, don’t many brothers and sisters still kill each other?

This kind of thing is too common!

Jiang Ting shook his head, as if sneering.

Chacha noticed that his face was not right, and tugged at his clothes nervously, "What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

I feel that Jiang Ting doesn't look very good.

Jiang Ting shook his head, "It's nothing, I just thought of something."

He bowed his head and continued to peel the grapefruit with graceful movements.

However, Cha Cha felt that he was sad.

She tilted her head and carefully recalled the situation just now, and vaguely realized something.

The two most outstanding young masters in the Jiang family are Jiang Ting and Jiang Zhou.

The Second Young Master and the Third Young Master.

Then here comes the problem.

What about the eldest young master of the Jiang family?

Jiang Ting should have a brother.

Cha Cha sighed silently, stretched out his hand and hugged Jiang Ting tightly, "I will not leave if I am by your side in the future."

There is no birth and separation, only death.

Jiang Ting's lips gradually rose.

He now has his little girl, sweet, cute, and heart-warming. As for other things?

He should have thrown it away sooner.

Those things in the past should be gone.

Anyway, that person is long gone.

(end of this chapter)