Chapter 2150: Koi carp (44)

Chapter 2150 Koi This Carp (44)

Koi carp 44

Song Qingyou's eyes were dim, as if she had expected Song Qinghuan's answer, she sneered, "If you don't agree, you will be at your own risk."

She gave Song Qinghuan a chance, but Song Qinghuan didn't want it.

When the time comes, you can't blame her for being cruel!

Song Qinghuan didn't care, she had no feelings for this sister for a long time.

Hearing Song Qingyou's words, she didn't take it to heart and hung up the phone directly.

From the day she chose to participate in the talent show, she knew that sooner or later she would fall out with the Song family, but it was just a matter of time.

Is it for her own good, or whether she dislikes her humiliation in the show, it is simply obvious.

The Song family never thought about her.

Why should she take it to heart?


Song Qinghuan was naive in the end.

She thought it was just a falling out, but she didn't expect that the Song family could be so cruel...


An hour later.

Song Qinghuan answered another call.

This time, Father Song called.

"Dad, I won't quit the show, this is my dream." Without waiting for Father Song to say anything, Song Qinghuan directly stated his position.

Father Song was stunned for a few seconds.

After a few seconds, he yelled.

Song Qinghuan sat there quietly and listened without any superfluous expressions on his face.

After scolding for a while, Father Song Xu was tired, and then replaced it with scolding.

"You rebellious girl, I'll say it one last time, you quit the show and come back, honestly admit your mistakes to the whole family, and this matter will be turned over."

Song Qinghuan was extremely stubborn, "What if I don't want to? What will happen to you?"

Father Song paused for half a minute, "If you are unwilling and insist on participating in the show, then I will sever the father-daughter relationship with you. From now on, you will never enter my Song family again, and I will assume that I have never had your daughter. !!!”

Father Song's voice was serious, which was considered long ago.

After he finished speaking, he looked up at Song Qingyou in front of him.

Song Qingyou nodded at him.

Right, that is it!

Cut off the father-daughter relationship with Song Qinghuan.

She wanted to see what Song Qinghuan would do!

Tsk, Song Qinghuan wants to fight against her?

That is not an opponent at all!

Song Qinghuan was silent for a while, she suddenly felt extremely cold.

Holding her phone, she didn't answer the question, she asked, "If Song Qingyou participated in the show and wanted to enter the entertainment industry, would the Song family still have such an attitude?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he got an angry answer from Father Song.

Father Song, "What are you talking about? Can you be compared with your sister? If she enters the entertainment industry, she will be honorable!"

The weather is very mild today.

Song Qinghuan's heart was full of coolness.

Look, the family love she carefully maintains is like a flower in a mirror, a moon in water, it will shatter when touched...

After all, she was naive.

Song Qinghuan sighed with determination in his eyes.

"Mr. Song, from now on, you don't think you have ever had my daughter!"

A light sentence, but she used all her strength to say it.

This is the Song family.

This is her good father!

Father Song was stunned for a moment, "You rebellious girl! Rebellious girl! I have raised you for so many years, yet you want to break up with me in order to enter the entertainment industry?"

Song Qinghuan smiled slightly, "You are wrong, it is you who cut off the father-daughter relationship with me, not me.

You don’t even support your own daughter’s dream, what else is there to say? "

At the end, Song Qinghuan said one more sentence as if he couldn't help it.

"From the past to now, in your eyes, there is only one Song Qingyou, as long as it is something she doesn't like, she will not allow me to do it! If this time, she supports me in the entertainment industry, then you will cut off the father-daughter relationship. Are you threatening me?"

(end of this chapter)