Chapter 2151: Koi carp (45)

Chapter 2151 Koi This Carp (45)

Koi carp 45

Father Song was silent for a few seconds without answering the question.

But his silence was the best answer.

Song Qinghuan couldn't help sneering.

"Isn't the answer here? Song Qingyou doesn't want to see me enter the entertainment industry, so you have to stop me.

In the final analysis, my fate is only in Song Qingyou's thoughts.

Now, I'm tired of living this life. I don't want to live under the shadow of Song Qingyou anymore. I want to find my own life. If there is nothing else in the future, don't bother me again.

As you said, cut off my father-daughter relationship with me, we have nothing to do with each other.

But don't worry, when I make money in the future, I will give you all the funds you spent on me! So be it. "

Song Qinghuan hung up the phone neatly.

She sat there, holding the phone, tears streaming down her face.

She wants to run towards freedom, towards her dream.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't yearn for affection.

She also cares about her father and mother.

But none of them really thought about her.

Father Song was hung up and looked angry.

"This rebellious girl! It's unreasonable, she really wants to cut ties with me in order to enter the entertainment industry? Ha! I want to see, she can last a few days after leaving the Song family!!! One day, she will cry. Come back, admit your mistake, and beg our forgiveness!"

Song's mother agreed.

Of course, Mother Song is more to comfort Song Qingyou.

"Qingyou, Song Qinghuan's affairs, don't worry about it, let her die on her own..."

Song Qingyou, "In the end, Qing Huan is also my sister, but I didn't expect that this time, she insisted on entering the entertainment industry. Maybe she was fascinated by the entertainment industry's Vanity Fair."

Father Song beeped a few more words there.

The words were filled with dissatisfaction with Song Qinghuan.

As if this daughter should be trampled in the mud.

And Song Qingyou should enjoy the stars and the moon.

After leaving the master bedroom.

Song Qingyou returned to his room.

She took a nice bath.

What happened    was exactly what she expected, and everything was going according to her plan.

Next, is the moment when Song Qinghuan was ruined.

Song Qingyou came out of the bathroom, called Jiang Zhou again, and talked about the next thing.

Jiang Zhou, "Don't worry, I will do it properly and make you very satisfied."

hang up the phone.

Jiang Zhou sighed with emotion.

Song Qingyou is really cruel!

Even his own sister can do it.

Jiang Zhou calmly watched Song Qinghuan's stage performance on TV. It looked good, but it was a pity that he was not favored, so he naturally became a cannon fodder, a **** that others would use at will.


The next day.

Song Qinghuan suddenly became a hot search on Weibo.

This Weibo hot search is not about her business ability.

Instead, someone anonymously contributed to the marketing account.

It is said that Song Qinghuan broke ties with his biological father in order to become popular, but also entered the circle, just for the sake of fame and fortune and misappropriation of money. This kind of behavior is really morally corrupt! He doesn't even care about his biological father, he's simply insane! Such a person is not worthy of being an idol at all, and will lead to bad youths! It is recommended to block directly!

Song Qinghuan's popularity is still high today.

As soon as this news broke out, many marketing accounts immediately followed it.

and then airborne hot search.

caused more people to see this revelation.

Although there are many people who question the authenticity of this revelation, but the fans are weak, this kind of thing will obviously cause a heated discussion among the whole people, and the fighting power of the fans is not comparable to the heated discussion among the whole people.

(end of this chapter)