Chapter 2152: Koi carp (46)

Chapter 2152 Koi This Carp (46)

Koi carp 46

for a while.

Song Qing welcomed countless abuses.

【In order to become famous, you don’t even want your parents? What is it? Has the conscience been eaten by the dog? 】

【Do you still want to participate in the draft? Earn money to buy coffins? 】

【It is strongly recommended to block it, how old is it, you can still see the scene of abandoning your parents? 】

[When the program team selects people, don't they investigate their family background? 】

【Tsk tsk, remember this woman! Cut off the father-daughter relationship for money, what else can't be done? 】

Countless abuses fell on Song Qinghuan.

Song Qinghuan flipped through the comments on her phone, and she couldn't help but feel the chill in her heart.

This is to bring her down!

This move really blocked her future path.

Don't you want her to be in the entertainment circle?

She knows the Song family too well.

It is also clear that this matter has nothing to do with Song Qingyou.

Besides, the matter of severing the father-daughter relationship was known to all of them.

Besides, who else knows about the Song family?

Song Qinghuan thought of Song Qingyou almost immediately.

Song Qingyou looks indifferent to the world.

But she knew very well that Song Qinghuan was jealous and had a very small heart.

Song Qinghuan called Song Qingyou.

The call was quickly connected.

"It's you, isn't it?" she said directly.

There was a burst of laughter from the other party, "Sister, what are you talking about? I don't understand, but, sister, have you read the hot search? This is a big problem! I guess you will soon be ruined. .

In my opinion, you should quit the show quickly, apologize to your father, admit your mistake, and this matter will be over. "

Song Qinghuan sneered again and again.

"I've already carried such a **** pot. Don't you think it's ridiculous that you tell me this now? Apologize and admit your mistake? Song Qingyou, after all, you don't want to see me in the entertainment industry, right?

Song Qingyou, you are jealous of me, jealous of my ability to sing and dance, jealous of my ability to shine on the stage, so you encouraged my father to cut off the relationship between father and daughter! "

was suddenly poked into his thoughts, and Song Qingyou's face changed fiercely.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could I be jealous of you? Song Qinghuan, is your brain broken?"

"I'm not jealous, of course, only my sister knows, I'm just saying it casually, but it's my sister who reacts too much."

Song Qinghuan's voice was full of firmness and sarcasm, for a moment, Song Qingyou could hardly control his temper.

"!!!" has already reached such a point, still talking nonsense with her here? Song Qinghuan's brain is broken!

Song Qingyou hung up the phone angrily.

Song Qinghuan put away the phone, his face was indifferent.

These are her parents, and her sister...


Want to ruin her reputation and watch her fall to the bottom?

Even if she is smashed to pieces, she will not surrender to the Song family!

Not long after, the program team sent a notice to Song Qinghuan because of this incident, asking her to suspend the recording of the program.

The program team can't do anything either.

Now because of Song Qinghuan, the show has indeed gained unprecedented popularity.


Many, many people have asked them to kick Song Qinghuan out of the program group. If they don't kick him out, they will report their program so that the whole program can't go on.

The anger of the masses, they cannot bear it.

could only be forced to make Song Qinghuan suspend the recording of the program. Song Qinghuan did not argue with reason, did not say anything, and accepted it calmly.

Other people in the draft, pointing at her from time to time.

In one day, she fell from the stars holding the moon to the bottom of the valley again.

(end of this chapter)