Chapter 2153: Koi carp (47)

Chapter 2153 Koi This Carp (47)

Koi carp 47

Song Qinghuan doesn't need to be on the show anymore.

did not stay in the program group anymore.

She packed up and left that day.

However, when she left, it was not as smooth as she imagined. As soon as she left the training ground, she was surrounded by a bunch of paparazzi.

【Miss Song, do you have anything to say about the situation online? 】

【I heard that you abandoned your parents and became a child in order to become famous, how can you do such a crazy thing? 】

【This incident was revealed, will you ask your parents to admit your mistake? 】

【Are you going to continue to be in the entertainment industry, or are you going to return to your old life? 】

The paparazzi are inseparable, and for the sake of popularity, they will do whatever it takes.

Song Qinghuan had a tense expression.

Rao was strong in her heart, but it was the first time she had seen such a scene. She was surrounded by people and was helpless. Those paparazzi's microphones were **** her face.

His forehead was smashed red, and his eyes suddenly became sore.

She clearly did nothing wrong.

Song Qinghuan tried to escape, but could not find a way to save his life.

So many paparazzi surrounded her and surrounded her at the very center. The faces of those people gradually became hideous, as if they wanted to drink her blood and eat her flesh.

They all want the last heat from her.

Even the surrounding air became thinner and thinner.

Song Qinghuan couldn't bear it anymore.

It was like darkness in front of my eyes, and even my breathing gradually became weaker...

in a trance.

She seemed to hear someone screaming around.

then fell into a warm embrace.

Song Qinghuan blinked and raised her eyes in astonishment. Seeing that familiar face, she was a little dazed. Does the person in front of her really exist?

"Benefactor?" she called.

The voice was inexplicably aggrieved.

Chacha glanced at Song Qinghuan and said softly, "It's alright."

Song Qingyou's eyes were red, and she almost cried.

woo woo, she is so useless!

Her benefactor has come to save her again!

She used to think that even if her prince could not walk on the colorful clouds, he could walk towards her slowly on the breeze.

Now, she found out that she was wrong.

Her benefactor was the one who came against the sun.

Jiang Ting finished cleaning up the paparazzi and watched those people delete the photos just taken before letting the paparazzi leave.

Of course, there are paparazzi who are dishonest, but Jiang Ting brought a lot of bodyguards. At first glance, they are not easy to mess with. No one dares to offend blindly.

Jiang Ting just finished dealing with the paparazzi.

When I turned around, my dear, my blood was almost surging!

He only felt a green light on his head! It seems that there is a large green grassland!

Jiang Ting walked over with a dark face.

What hug?

Two girls hug each other, what kind of formality? ! !

Under Jiang Ting's almost murderous gaze, Song Qing reluctantly walked out of Cha Cha's embrace.

Song Qinghuan, "..." Woo, the embrace of the benefactor is too soft and too secure.

Chacha blinked, unaware of what happened.

She tilted her head to look at Jiang Ting, she couldn't understand why he had a black face.

Jiang Ting snorted coldly in his heart.

Heartless little thing!

Jiang Ting stretched out his hand and embraced Cha Cha, indicating his status as the main room.

He took Chacha into the car.

As for Song Qinghuan, he was ruthlessly pointed to the passenger seat.

Song Qinghuan gritted his teeth and sat down reluctantly.

is still her benefactor.

Give her warmth and strength!

Let her learn to be strong!

Chacha got into the car and saw a group of Jiang Ting with a dark face. Although she didn't know what happened, she chose to take care of him!

(end of this chapter)