Chapter 2162: Koi carp (56)

Chapter 2162 Koi This Carp (56)

Koi carp 56

Song Qingyou was stunned on the spot.

Empty number?

Why did    suddenly become an empty number?

Obviously last night, she had a phone call with Jiang Zhou, and the two chatted for a long time.

Jiang Zhou is as gentle as ever.

How could this happen suddenly?

Song Qingyou was a little unacceptable, Song's father had already scolded Jiang Zhou in various ways.

Jiang Zhou cooperated with the Song family.

The Song family's energy is almost spent on this cooperation, but Jiang Zhou suddenly withdraws his capital at this time?

This matter will kill the Song family!

Father Song never thought that he would be slapped by Jiang Zhou!

Isn't Jiang Zhou his son-in-law? Isn't it a dead and alive love for Song Qingyou?

How can you do such a thing?

asked Jiang Zhou how could he do such a thing?

Song Qingyou stood there in a daze, obviously a little unable to accept this fact.

"I think there must be a misunderstanding here, I'll go to him! I'll ask him to clarify!" Song Qingyou said in a trembling voice.

Then she ran out in a hurry.

As soon as Song Qingyou arrived at Jiang Zhou's villa, he saw Jiang Zhou sitting on the sofa.

She rushed over quickly.

"Why did you withdraw funds, why did you lie to my father?"

Jiang Zhou glanced at Song Qingyou lightly, "Uncle's appetite is too big, and he has a three-point profit. He just wants to take an eight-point profit, and I never do business at a loss.

So, there is no other way but to be wronged by uncle. "

Jiang Zhou spoke very calmly, as if this matter was normal.

However, Song Qingyou felt cold.

"If you don't want to cooperate, let's just say it. Why do you want to stab in the back? Do you know what kind of crisis you brought to the Song family? Jiang Zhou! I don't believe you didn't expect"

At the end, Song Qingyou asked him in disbelief, "Did you do this on purpose?"

Deliberate calculation.

From the moment the cooperation started, he was calculating?

Deliberately giving up extreme profits to make Father Song believe it and be complacent, and also make Father Song think that this is his future son-in-law filial piety?

As everyone knows, this is a hole that Jiang Zhou dug a long time ago!

Jiang Zhou clicked his tongue, "Looks like you're not too stupid!"

Song Qingyou swayed and almost fell.

"Why? Jiang Zhou, why are you doing this?"

"Do you still need me to explain this kind of thing?" Jiang Zhou mocked.

Jiang Zhou, "The mall is like a battlefield, it's just for profit."

Song Qingyou's eyes turned red, "But if you do this, it's impossible for us to be between us, you know?"

Could it be that even the feelings are fake?

Didn't he say he liked her?

How can you deceive her with rhetoric?

Jiang Zhou snorted coldly, as if he had heard a joke, "Didn't we cooperate from the very beginning? Miss Song, you shouldn't do fake dramas, do you like me? You hate Jiang Ting, and so do I. Jiang Ting, so the two of us hit it off and cooperated.

Now, the heir of the Jiang family is me, I have already won, and the cooperation between the two of us should also end, both of us have achieved our own wishes, and everyone is happy, isn’t it just right? "

Song Qingyou's eyes turned dark.

I almost fainted. It turned out that they were all used!

The sweet talk these days is all rhetoric and all deception.

Hearing him say this with his own ears was another blow.

Song Qingyou wiped away her tears.

Counting others all day long, unexpectedly, there will be a day when others will count.

Song Qingyou glanced at Jiang Zhou hatefully.

One day, she will make Jiang Zhou pay!

(end of this chapter)