Chapter 2163: Koi carp (57)

Chapter 2163 Koi This Carp (57)

Koi carp 57

Song Qingyou didn't stay any longer and turned to leave.

When she was about to leave the villa, she met a person she hadn't seen for a long time - Song Qinghuan.

Song Qinghuan was also a little surprised to see Song Qingyou.

"Yo, this is to see your fiancé again?"

Song Qinghuan didn't know what just happened.

However, when this sentence fell in Song Qingyou's ears, it was full of irony. She slashed at Song Qinghuan like a knife in her eyes.

"none of your business?"

Song Qinghuan understood in seconds, "Oh, did you quarrel with Jiang Zhou?"

Song Qingyou snorted coldly and walked away, obviously not willing to continue discussing this matter with Song Qinghuan.

Song Qinghuan was too lazy to deal with Song Qingyou and continued to walk forward.

She is going to find Chacha!

In the past two days, she finally got some free time, and she has to chat with Chacha.

I don't know where Jiang Ting got the resources, but she asked her manager to fill her schedule!

Song Qingyou took two steps and suddenly stopped.

She looked back at Song Qinghuan's figure, feeling jealous for no reason.

At this moment, Song Qingyou realized that Song Qinghuan was very different from before.

is no longer the green leaf that only follows me.

Song Qinghuan, like a pearl, is exuding her own light.


of course jealous.

Especially now, after I broke up with Jiang Zhou.

She is such a proud person, but she was actually pitted by Jiang Zhou?

is both a calculation and a use, and even the entire Song family is played by Jiang Zhou in the palm of his hand!

This is a black spot that she cannot erase by herself.

However, it's too late, I can only blame myself for not being as good as others, not as ruthless as Jiang Zhou!

In contrast, Song Qinghuan.

Without Jiang Zhou and without the Song family, he is still so happy, and even has a good momentum of development...

Song Qingyou gritted her teeth with jealousy.


Song Qinghuan found Chacha, oh, and Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting raised his eyebrows and glanced at her.

It seems that the work arranged for Song Qinghuan is not enough.

Otherwise, how can they have time to disturb their two-person world?

Song Qing happily chatted with Chacha about her interesting things, and while chatting, she suddenly brought up Song Qingyou.

Song Qinghuan, "Hey, when I first came here, I saw Song Qingyou. She seemed to have quarreled with Jiang Zhou, her eyes were red, I said something, and she even scolded me!"

Jiang Ting stared at Song Qinghuan meaningfully, "Then you really know how to pick your time."

Song Qinghuan, "What do you mean?"

Why does    sound a little wrong?

Jiang Ting talked about the situation of the Song family in a leisurely manner.

Song Qinghuan was almost dumbfounded when he sat there.

"You mean, Song Qingyou was tricked by Jiang Zhou? The fiancé directly tricked the entire Song family?"

Is Jiang Zhou so cruel?

Isn't    the heir position that the Song family helped Jiang Zhou get?

turned his head, and put the Song family in the pit?

Or a lot of money?

This time the Song family is going to suffer a serious injury, will it not be able to recover in a few years? ? ?

Oh, Song Qinghuan's eyes lit up at that time.

"!!!" Jiang Zhou was ruthless, but...she was also really happy.

This is probably the retribution of the Song family?

Song Qinghuan was in a good mood. Suddenly, she thought of what she had just met Song Qingyou and said to Song Qingyou, hey, no wonder Song Qingyou had such a big reaction, maybe Song Qingyou thought she was mocking her!

Tsk tsk, Song Qinghuan really did not expect that the Song family would have such a day!

is simply heartwarming!

Looking at Song Qinghuan's happy appearance, Jiang Ting silently sent a text message.

Five minutes later.

Song Qinghuan suddenly received a call from his manager.


Her two-day vacation is gone again?

(end of this chapter)