Bah rabbit, reject him, and beat him!

“Strange, your kindergarten is unique. There are many unusual species that have been collected.”

Xu Qiu couldn’t fully understand what the strange visitor said.

The other party did not appear to have amnesia.

Of course, Yan Dong had no recollection of the past. He would undoubtedly know his cheap nephew if he remembered the past.

This nephew is said to resemble him only in the color of his coat. Yan Dong doesn’t care much about his family, and he finds him more and more disgusting because he looks like his biological father.

There is merely a tenuous blood link but no emotional foundation. Yan Dong’s basic impression of Bai Sa in this circumstance is possibly enmity for the same family.

But, for the time being, Yan Dong has forgotten the past.

The bang in the head caused by the stupid little robot caused congestion in Yan Dong’s brain, causing him to have a mild concussion and forget part of his memory.

However, Yan Dong is not a fool, nor has his temperament changed dramatically.

Amnesia is not a type of magic that can transform one person into another.

He still has a vast knowledge reserve. After looking at the different pieces of equipment in the underground research institute, he immediately took them apart in his mind and figured out what they were for.

In terms of personality, Yan Dong has been withdrawn since he was a child.

A genius’s existence is never the same as that of an ordinary person. In reality, Yan Dong’s temper has improved as he’s gotten older, and he’s more aware of society and knows how to act.

Adults live in a different universe than children. It is not a pair of black and white diodes.

He was able to blow people’s thoughts out of a heart attack when he was young.

As a result, the institute’s old researcher predicted Yan Dong would never find a partner.

Most girls are emotionally delicate; how can they bear Yan Dong’s temperament?

It is much more difficult for men. In Yan Dong’s test, he was as straight as a steel bar. Yan Dong would undoubtedly shatter the other’s dog head fairly easily and rudely if he knew someone was thinking about him.

Since he is now in a state of forgetfulness, the recollection presumably goes back to when he was young and did not enter the research center.

Being young and vigorous inevitably results in a bit of domineering.

Yan Dong did not look at Xu Qiu and the others this time.

The basement environment isn’t great, and an unusual but recognizable intergalactic thief had chased him.

He was forcibly stopped after doing something to a group of hamsters.

Who knows if this is a gentle trap set for him or a plot to let him fall into it?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but please keep your attitude straight.”

Xu Qiu’s tone was super fierce: “I’ve already called and alerted the Interstellar Police, and they’ll know who you are when they arrive. We do not anticipate them doing anything with someone like you. Before those people arrive, trade your labor for food.”

Originally, it was difficult for Xu Qiu to stir her heart to say something harsh when the other party was a large white rabbit. Cute and fluff had special rights in her heart.

But now, if the other party lacks gorgeous fur, who cares if he looks good? Jin Xingxing used to be a renowned star known for her beauty.

When he saw this human girl’s angry eyes and face, he had to force himself to swallow his next script.

He recognized that if he upset the person in front of him, he might face serious consequences that he could not handle.

His genes were telling him that he didn’t want to make her angry.

“I didn’t mean it but thank you for saving me. If you don’t mind, I can upgrade the equipment in the research institution,” he said, attempting to squeeze out a somewhat dry smile.

Xu Qiu looked at him for a moment before saying, “Of course.”

There is nothing wrong with having free technicians conduct laborious tasks.

At this time, the cubs can practice and drain this guy’s skills in front of her.

What did he do before? Yan Dong snatched the parts, his fingers fluttered nimbly, and he thought indifferently.

He was ready to take action as soon as he noticed these devices. He probably used to be a senior technician?

The author has something to say:

White Rabit: (Amnesia) Cheap workers, free senior technicians