“I’ve just called the cops.”

She looked enraged and dissatisfied.

Xu Qiu sensed Jin Xingxing was upset and took the big fox aside.

For the time being, the cubs do not need to be aware of the negative sides of the adult world.

“What do you say over there?”

“When I called the police, things were just starting to go smoothly, and they said they would come,” Jin Xing clenched her teeth, her lovely face somewhat twisted by anger: “After reporting the address, the other side did not speak and asked us to solve it ourselves.”

She called the police and informed the opposite party that the hapless Forty Thieves had arrived on their planet due to a spaceship crash. She requested that the law enforcement authorities remove these violent criminals as quickly as possible.

The other party then enquired attentively about the forty thieves’ conditions and whether there were treasures in the spacecraft’s debris.

Jin Xingxing replied honestly since she could send a video and film the Forty Thieves situation for those people.

The conversation is fairly normal here.

She provided her coordinates, and then there was a brief delay before the communication was abruptly terminated. When the call reconnected, the other party gently informed her that she could not go and ask them to solve it themselves.

“Regardless of the distance, the police must be alerted; don’t we have human rights in such a small place?”

“They don’t need to spend money on them to travel,” she said, taking a long breath. “The scum of the empire, only have money in their heads.”

This crowd would have rushed over if the treasures hadn’t been destroyed.

At that time, he will say with a straight face that it is to protect cultural relics.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became: “I suppose they’re doing it not only for this reason but also to avoid paying a huge reward!”

The reward money was deducted from the above account and must have been soiled by them.

“Speak slowly, don’t be in a hurry,” Xu Qiu said as she patted Jin Xingxing on the back.

Every industry has terrible people, and because the planet is so large, too many people would be harmed.

Their planet is too remote, and the nearby planets are also poor.

“There shouldn’t be just one place to call the police,” Xu Qiu said. “Is it useful to report to the Interstellar Court?”

“But I’m not sure about those people, and it would be far worse if they caused us any harm.”

“Those people are farther away, I’m worried they are much more hesitant to come here,” Jin Xingxing murmured.

She has some friendships with those people because she is a famous star. It can be seen that they suddenly broke off when she said her location.

“I suppose it has to do with our research institute.”

Jin Xingxing’s thoughts returned to the scene of her first visit to this location. People at the time spoke to her calmly and told her she could do whatever she wanted.

I was forced to sell my daughter as a mother. It was a sad thing, and she hadn’t given it much thought at the time, so she only wished for one thing, which she didn’t think was excessive and hoped to redeem her daughter.

Facts show that she has a very open route ahead of her. Anyone who comes out and hacks her will be pressed down immediately. The agent she works with is also a hard worker with a pleasant personality.

Her ability to achieve such accomplishments is, of course, due to her hard work and talent.

It would be unthinkable for Jin Xingxing to have come so far in such a short time if not for the forces of later generations.

Jin Xingxing’s face turned unnaturally pale as she thought about the rainy day, the dark night, the pouring rain, the downpour, the lightning and thunder outside the kindergarten, and the moment she held her daughter and felt helpless in her heart.


Although the newborn foxes looked mature, Jin Xingxing appeared to be approximately the same age as Xu Qiu. She refers to her as Teacher Jin at work but warmly calls her name in private.

“It’s okay, it’s just something that doesn’t look good; Now that the group of hamsters is left alone, what are we going to do?”

“And that guy over there isn’t going to be easy to serve at first glance; let’s go.”

Jin Xingxing had no feelings for this man, who emitted the aura of a high-ranking person, most likely because he had spent so much time in that circle.

Xu Qiu sighed: “Since no one wants them, let them stay as coolies first.”

Even if these hamsters wish to be kings, they must leave this place, but the only visitors are Donald and Jasper from Diamond Star.

These hamsters couldn’t steal Jasper and Donald’s spaceship with Xu Qiu present.

“But, our kindergarten is about finished with the construction, so what do we want them to do?”

Preparing meals for ten people was exhausting enough, and Jin Xingxing felt that feeding dozens of people were a waste of time.

Besides, she had eaten so many delicacies previously that she felt Xu Qiu’s craftsmanship was superior to the chefs.

They also grow very fresh and tender vegetables, so if these high-quality goods can be sent to other big planets and sold there, they will sell for a very high price.

“Don’t you think our kindergarten is overcrowded?”

“I don’t think so, I think it’s quite big.”

There is a library in the kindergarten, a freshmen dormitory in the house, a yard full of fruit trees, a kitchen, classrooms, farms, and a biochemistry laboratory.

The school clinic has now been added, making it an all-in-one facility. It’s nice to have various parties contribute to the icing on the cake, but there’s nothing to be sad about if you miss something.

“Was the kindergarten in the city where you stayed the last time similar to ours?”